I'm really glad i found this group

hi! im really new to this group. My name is Ashlee and im 17 years old. Ever since i first started getting my period 5 years ago, its always been extremely heavy and painful and irregular . i have suffered from acne for as long as i can remember. I finally found a good doctor and she noticed i had some facial hair and decided to have me get some blood work done, i wasn't exactly sure what she was looking for and when i came back for my results and i was told i had PCOS i had never even heard of it. All of sudden she started telling me i may never have kids and gave me a piece of paper for a new diet and telling me how i had to change my lifestyle, i was so overwhelmed i didn't even know what questions to ask. When i left her office i just cried and cried. I looked it up, and talked to my mom. Its just been hard, ive been put on spironolactone and it made me get my period but i feel like my facial hair has been getting worse and i have been in more pain than ever before and its really hard because i have no one to talk about it with because no one around me has any idea that PCOS ever existed. So, i just wanted to say thank you for having this group so i can learn more and meet people who may understand me a little bit more :)


  • archanajoyce
    archanajoyce Posts: 219 Member
    Hi Ashlee,

    I’m 29yrs old and the doctors picked up PCOS, Endometriosis, and Hyper Thyroidism (The perfect storm) last week. I was terrified, but have come to understand that lots of women with PCOS have children. There is a colleague of mine who suffered from it and is in her fourth healthy month of pregnancy. All the cramps, body hair, bleeding, pain, mood swings – I understand, really I do and here’s some big hugs.

    My body hair grows so thick and fast, you’d mistake me for the missing link if I didn’t drop by the parlour every 10 days. With medication and lifestyle change, I’m sure we can conquer this as many women on this forum have done.

    The biggest blessing though is that your diagnosis has come pretty early. So I’m sure you can overcome this by the time you are ready to start a family. Some suggestions from my side would be to find a doctor you are comfortable with (because you will need to see them regularly), Keep a log or diary where you can jot down your emotions, medication, weight, personal goals etc. so you feel in control of the situation.

    Please don’t feel that you are alone. There are plenty of people here on the same journey and I’m sure they will help us out with good advice and pats on the back and solid support. Stress is our enemy. So try and stay positive. Feel beautiful for you are and keep going.

    Much love and strength,

  • Thank you Archu i really appreciate the support. Im really sorry to hear about everything your doctors picked up, that sounds horrible! if you ever need to talk i am here if you want or need it :) And i plan to do nothing but try to conquer this one small little step at a time along with you and the rest of these ladies