Week three goals

df1982 Posts: 147 Member
Congratulations to everyone for getting this far!

If you're like me, the last two weeks have had good days and bad. Don't get discouraged! Each and every day (each and every hour, for that matter) is a chance to recommit to the challenge. We still have a long way to go! For me, it's the weekends that kill me - drinks with friends, hanging out on the couch at home - it all adds up to extra snacks and less physical activity. For this week, my most important goal will be approaching the weekend with a solid plan to stay on track (while still having fun, of course).

Fitness goals: Do the 30 Day Shred video three times + go the gym three times

Eating goal: Stick to my calorie goal on Friday and Saturday

Wellness goals: Pick up my knitting at least once + read at least three chapters of my novel

*Reward: New shampoo and conditioner


  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Sorry I missed last week goals. As for week one I didn't reach no where near 20000 steps with my fitbit. I didn't do yoga everyday but I did do it a few times.

    Week 3 goals.

    Be over 12000 steps every day this week.
    Clean eating for the rest of the week, especially next Friday and Saturday ( beginning go longweekend)
    Read 10 mins or more in the evening

    Reward if break under 140 lbs buy something at lululemon.
  • jlm0710
    jlm0710 Posts: 11 Member
    I didn't post last week either. The first week I did very well with sticking to my goals. Last week I stuck with the C25K routine, but I didn't track my food. Which would probably be the reason for my very slow weight loss.

    Week 3 goals:

    Fitness goals: C25K 3 days with 2 other days of some sort of exercise

    Nutritional goals: track food everyday

    Wellness goals: sit on my deck alone and listen to the birds

    Reward: Hopefully more weight loss this week!
  • JoyfulToday
    JoyfulToday Posts: 22 Member
    I am on week 4 of couch 2 5k and let me say it's killer!! My knees really started hurting last week so my fitness goal is just to be able to complete week 4 this week.

    My nutrition goal is to only have one cheat of my dairy sugar gluten free plan.

    My wellness goal is to actually finish moving in to my new place. I still have boxes around and it's stressing me out!
  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    I did good with everything except my reading. So I need to step it up this time!

    Week 3 Goals:

    Fitness goal: Do 6W6P but with weights this time around

    Nutritional goal: Eat under calorie goal

    Wellness goal: Try to read at least 3-4 times a week

    Reward: Hoping for some more weight loss and save some money for my swimsuit for Yosemite