Hindering Weightloss?

mommy_gigi Posts: 16 Member
I feel like my weight loss isn't going as quickly as I thought/hoped it would. I am doing insanity according to the nutrition plan and according to the workouts. I am only on day 9 so I know to not expect miracles but I just want to make sure I am heading on the right path and whether I need to make adjustments (I would rather do them sooner than later) The plan says that I should be eating 1900 calories but I feel like that is WAY too much. Here is my breakdown for yesterday as an example.

Calories- 1,647 (Goal 1,636) Over by 11
Carbs- 213 (Goal 205) Over by 8 Grams
Fat- 50 (Goal 55) Under by 5 grams
Protein- 124 (Goal 82) Over by 42 grams
Sugar- 67 (Goal 61) Over by 6 grams
Fiber- 41 (Goal 34) Over by 7 grams

Any Knowledgeable input would be greatly appreciated. I would like to make sure I am not hindering my weight loss.


  • jldahlen21
    jldahlen21 Posts: 18
    Hi.... I do know that if you aren't eating enough calories your body can go into "starvation" mode causing a stall in your efforts/journey. I would consider adjusting your intake.
  • BoxingLifestyle
    BoxingLifestyle Posts: 35 Member
    It all depends on your daily as well as physical workout activity..
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    Are you wearing a HRM? Are you eating exercise calories back or doing TDEE? HOw much do you want/need to lose? How tall are you?

    1900 does seem like a lot but it depends on the answers to the questions above. Starvation mode is basically a myth and if you're eating 1600+ calories you are no where near "starvation mode"!!

    Your macros seems right on. Are you drinking enough water? Insanity is well..... Insane and may cause a slight increase in weight the first week b/c your muscles are getting a very intense workout. Make sure to drink plenty of water (coconut water is great) to help the muscles repair and heal and also aid in water retention. Make sure to eat (or drink) protein after yoru workout - a muscle recovery shake is great. Be patient!!!