I've been at a stall for 2 weeks now

platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
I am not losing and it is bothering me. I have picked up my walking and have increased water intake and protein. Is this normal to stall for so long. Someone told me that once my doctor take me off my blood pressure pill (water pill) that I was going to cease to lose.

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? I still have 82 more pounds to lose.

Please help,




  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Oh boy Karen! When they took my off my blood pressure meds I not only didn't lose, I gained like 8 pounds! It was all water weight because my BP meds had a water pill component. It took my body a couple of months to get used to not having that "water pill" every day and let go of the water. I know it's frustrating, but go really low sodium, drink lots of water and be patient. Your body will adjust, it just takes time.

    PS - Even now, if I have too much salt, I will retain water badly. Some of us are just more sensitive to sodium than others.

  • Liongoddess
    Liongoddess Posts: 107 Member
    Karen, I had the same thing happen when I was able to get off my blood pressure medication. It took a few weeks for my body to release the extra water but then I lost several pounds all at once. When I go through a period that the scale isn't moving I remind myself that my body is reshaping during that time. If you are following your program, getting in plenty of protein and fluid the weight will come off! I know it's hard to be patient with the process.

  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks so much ladies, I have truly been watching my sodium intake as well as carb intake. I try not to have more than 25 grams of carb a day. I am always drinking water and Power zero because I swear I am thirsty all the freaking time, I get about 60-70 grams of protein in a day.

    That freaking scale just isn't moving, I go back to Dr. on 5/14/14 and will ask the Doctor if there is any other suggestions he can give. I love all the attention and compliments I've been getting from the 38 pounds I lost so far, and I just don't want it to stop.

    I will keep you guys posted on Doctor's advice on Wednesday.


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Just make sure you are measuring and logging your food so your calories don't slip too high. I accidently stalled myself around a month out because I was grazing all day long on yogurt. Otherwise you are just resetting to a person who weighs 38 lbs less. keep on the plan an your body will give in soon. any 20 min walks you can fit in will help. I am in another stall now. since I have lost 84 lbs it takes more than 10 days to drop a lb
  • Pearlsbabygirl
    Thanks for your post Karen, and everyone that replied. I just went off my BP medication last week. Since I don't weigh myself at home, I don't know what the scale is saying, but I do feel kind of 'fat' again. It must me the water that everyone is talking about.

    My surgery was on April 23rd and I am still on liquids. My doc recommends 4 weeks post-op of liquids, then a week of pureed, 2 weeks soft and FINALLY regular food, so my sodium intake is pretty low. I have not been good in the exercise department at all. Reading everyone's posts encourages me to get moving.

    Congrats on your 38 lb. loss, Karen! I lost so much before my surgery that post has been slow. I think I have to schedule time each day to come on this site just as a reminder of what I should be doing.

    Take care...
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    Whenever I hit a period of no or slow weight loss, I remind myself I had surgery to get off my BP meds and avoid diabetes. I am consistently eating healthy food, and taking good care of myself. I have already lost a good bit of weight (as have you!) and I am getting healthier every day. These are the things I think about, and it helps me to not get super frustrated while the scale is being uncooperative. Keep doing the next right thing-- it WILL pay off!!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hey folks, watch for the hidden sodium in flavored waters and anything you add to water to flavor it as well. We all get so focused on what the calories and protein numbers are that we forget to look at things like sodium. I am continually amazed at how much sodium there are in things you would never think would have it.

    My faorite flavored water is Sparkling Ice. No calories, no sodium! It is however, carbonated, and we are not supposed to drink carbonated anything and frankly my tummy does not like carbonation. So I sip just enough that I have some room to cap it, shake, release and repeat until all the carbonation is gone. Just a tip.