Scale finely moved again!!

tabithascatena Posts: 21 Member
I'm 3 weeks post-op and hit my first stall just as I finished week 2. I visited the discussion board and read all the great information you all posted about stalls, including your first one.

The scale finally moved again today after a week. It dropped 4lbs!

I want to say a BIG Thank You!! Your words kept me from being discouraged and I stayed focused.


  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    Me too! I hit a stall for like two weeks and the scale finally moved again! I had my surgery on 4/7/14. Glad to hear it's moving for you again too.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Awesome ladies! Congratulations!!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Topics like this are extremely valuable for those of us who are approaching surgery. I now know to expect stalls and hopefully they won't be nearly as stressful as they would be without this forum.


  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    Well done. I have just hit my second stall. Been floating for about 5 days now so clearly a stall. But I have faith after the last one that things will move again. I do think that my stalls may be linked a little to hormone cycles too. :-) I found this even before my sleeve. Certain times of the month my body would go into preservation mode. But when it moves again it feels great!!
  • Pearlsbabygirl
    Thanks for the heads up! I have been feeling 'puffy' for 2 days now. I see the dietitian on Thursday and have a feeling I won't be dropping any lbs. At least now I am prepared. I didn't think a stall would happen so soon after surgery. I'm almost 3 weeks out.
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    Pearlsbabygir, it is very common to stall at about 3-4 weeks out. I have read many stories on here about the dreaded 3 week stall. Mine was around 4 weeks and lasted for 2 :-(. But eventually it starts moving,,sometimes rapidly, sometimes slowly. I had stall for the last 5 days but in reality as of today (things moved today) , I have still lost 3 pound in 7 days. It is just that for 5 days not a drop. In fact I saw it go up a tiny bit.
    Have faith. Once you get through your first stall you will trust your body to do the right thing for itself at the time. Sometimes it just needs a rest. But if you do the right thing, your body will too. :-)
    I would love to be 100lb down by now but I am only 10 weeks out. Some people lose quickly, others moderately and others slowly.
    I have managed to get my head around that now. I hope things move for you soon.