What's your exercise of choice?

I thought we could use a fresh topic. I'm curious, what's your exercise of choice? I take an Aqua Fit class twice a week and Zumba twice a week. I've also spent time on a treadmill, walking only, I'm not ready to jog. Hands down, my choice is Zumba! I have always loved dancing and although my Zumba class reminds me a little of the Oliva Newton-John aerobics of the 80's, it's still a mix of dancing and Oliva's "Let's get physical" routine. Love it! Maybe I'll go find a cool head band for my next Zumba class. :blushing:


  • TansieEye
    TansieEye Posts: 25
    I am a roller dancer. It's like ballroom but on skates. I skate 5 days a week, usually 2-3 hours.
  • Veronikkka
    Veronikkka Posts: 19 Member
    I am not doing much at the moment, as I feel weak. Iam new and my body still adjusting to less food I used to eat.
    I swim 2- 3 times a week, increasing my laps slowly, and I do back / core stretching, strengthening excessive every 2, 3rd day. Walking slowly before bed as well if I was not too busy at work, some days I ran at work as a heedless chicken, then I do just stretching.
  • Jin_m
    Jin_m Posts: 4
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Try walking 4 dogs at once- THAT'LL get your hear rate up! :laugh:
    I love to walk and can do so for hours at a time, happily.
    I also enjoy yoga and have started adding weight training back into my routine as well.

    I find that I get bored with most videos pretty quickly, so I tend to not buy them as they become paper weights within a few months.

    Variety and mixing it up seems to work best for me.
  • Tracydpips
    Tracydpips Posts: 13 Member
    I do a real mix...Zumba, step, yoga, body balance, LBT, gym cardio and weights, body pump...I work shifts so have to work it around that, I enjoy them all when I am there but sometimes have to drag myself!
  • Stacyschim
    Stacyschim Posts: 24 Member
    Jazzercise, softball, volleyball, walking and hiking, anything fun
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I weight train with heavy weights 3x per week, cardio 3x per week, 20-30 min of yoga to stretch after each workout. Sometimes I toss in a yoga class on a cardio day. I lovelovelove the gym!. :)
  • schonsdragon
    schonsdragon Posts: 102 Member
    I love to hike trails.

    I really like the ones that are a bit off the beaten path but also like urban trails as well. I love the feeling of exploring my world under my own power at my own pace.
  • Mandi5Dogs
    Mandi5Dogs Posts: 17 Member
    I love my elliptical, but have just started going to Spin classes also. I like anything that gets my endorphins pumping! :)
  • If I could do only one exercise ever, it would be walking. I can walk for miles and miles. I also love to ride my bike, it reminds me of when I was a kid and the freedom a bike provided. Then there is swimming, which has a meditative effect on me. If only I had a pool in my backyard I would swim everyday. The past year I've been learning to become a runner. I love a challenge. I would like to run a 1/2 marathon this year, but first things first. Aside from walking, biking, swimming and running, I enjoy zumba and belly dancing. It is fun and doesn't feel like exercise.
  • midwestdawn
    midwestdawn Posts: 60 Member
    Walking. I love to walk, and have walked two 20Ks and two half marathons. I'd like to add some jogging intervals once I lose about 20 pounds, but for now I'm happy walking. I recently started strength training and enjoy that, too.
  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    During Spring to Late fall I enjoy walking at our local trail almost daily, round trip its close to 4 miles and at times I'll jog a bit of it. I like incorporating weight lifting I just don't keep a good schedule with that though.

    I also enjoy Zumba but don't attend regularly, haven't used the treadmill or stationary bike in months.
  • scispence
    scispence Posts: 117 Member
    Walking is my go to, but I also do Tae Bo (the old school kind with Billy Blanks in Spandex) in my basement sometimes and I go to group training twice a week. The group training really kicks my butt so if I just do a brisk walk the rest of the week I'm happy, And yoga on Sunday.
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Walking is my main exercise but lately I have started putting on the "music Choice" channel on TV to the reagae channel & dancing (ok maybe not real dancing but moving to the reagae beat) Find a style of music that really gets you wanting to get up & move. And I am going to find where I stored my old pilate DVD's & restart doing them.
  • kerrihmiller
    kerrihmiller Posts: 5 Member
    I love to do Yoga in the evenings to unwind, but I also jog for cardio.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Korean Martial arts, my favorite sport of all time, and weight lifting with the DH. I'm a blue belt in MA (intermediate). I keep telling myself the weight lifting is important to for sparring just to get myself to do it! I do MA 3xs a week 1-1/2 hours and weight lifting/abs 2xs a week for 1 hr. I never workout on Sundays and rarely on Wednesday.
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    I walk every day. I just started doing Zumba and I love it. It's fun. I also love to dance to music (random music and dance for about 40 minutes). Now it's warm, I'm back on track with my dancing!
  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    lol the treadmill got some action recently!!
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I strength train 3 days a week and on the other days I mix up the cardio (Adaptive Motion Trainer, Climber, Elliptical, treadmill and bike)
  • sdps720
    sdps720 Posts: 80 Member
    treadmill daily but I also get bored with a routine so I have several videos saved on YouTube that help me with my workouts. You can find anything on there!
  • ceemaw
    ceemaw Posts: 306 Member
    i was doing small group circuit training for a few months (just ended last week), with usually either the elliptical or treadmill for cardio on non-group days. now i'm trying out different classes (just went to my first zumba class this week with hilarious results) for cardio, strength training, and toning. i'm trying to keep challenging myself hoping to see results! i'm also 2/3 of the way through neila rey's 30 days of change program, which has been awesome and requires no equipment: http://neilarey.com/programs/30-days-of-change.html
  • Roxie2b
    Roxie2b Posts: 6 Member
    I love my zumba class and the people in it. It really helps to have an environment of others that push you just when you need it. My boot camp class is awesome. I think my teacher dreams of ways to torture our bodies but it works. So, kudos to both.
  • I do a 40 minute walk every day with my beautiful Amstaff. She needs an aggressive walk so I really motor. Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tai chi! I just started it about 3 months ago and I am just blown away by it.

    I see a lot of people doing Zumba---there's a class here in town, I've been thinking that I might throw that into the mix a couple times a week. Looks like fun, and I am a dance nut!
  • Catwoman1037
    Catwoman1037 Posts: 102 Member
    I definitely have to do something different every time I exercise. I like Zumba, kickboxing, circuit training, walking, weight lifting, pilates, yoga and dancing.
  • Sivangj
    Sivangj Posts: 182 Member
    Walk or hike with my dog. Walks can be betwin 30 min til hours.
    I just love dance, all kind more or less, try to get some oriental done once a week, then now and then go swingdance, salsa or linedance. Zumba might go into that dance term.... + Do a little yoga each day.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Running is my exercise of choice. All you need is a good pair of running shoes, comfortable clothes and good music to run to.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    This year it has been helping my daughters practice their high school sports, dance and softball.

    Otherwise, I walk and do free weights, bodyweight exercises and low impact cardio.
  • ItsRobyn66
    ItsRobyn66 Posts: 20 Member
    Lifting my glass of wine. Seriously (really it is wine but that's not considered exercise so...), (1) elliptical--lots of good stuff going on and not a lot of hurting. At 47, that's important and a close second is (2) weight machines. My gym has these funky machines that move with you to reduce strain. Love em!

    ~ Robyn
  • hollynono
    hollynono Posts: 80 Member
    I just bought the T25 program - it´s really challenging (though doable) and only 25 minutes long. I also recently had a swim Coach as personal Trainer in the pool, For two week we went over good techniques of the different swim strokes so that I can swim as a workout.
  • SO and I ride our bikes daily taking the dog with us so he can get into shape as well. Well one fine sunday morning, we went a bit too far for the dog and our usual 1hr ride took close to 2hrs having to stop many times tto let the dog rest. I let dog rest a few days and then started walking him instead...we do a mile walk every morning and then SO and I resume our evening bike ride. Can tell you this, I would rather bike ride than walk anyday!! LOL