painful overhead movments

spitzboop Posts: 15 Member
Hi everyone !!
I am relatively new to cross fit- finished on ramp three weeks ago, and have been averaging 3 X per week classes question to you all is did you struggle with any shoulder issues in the beginning ? I've noted the last week that my over heard movements have a tendency to induce a sharp pain on the R when I go above 90 degrees quickly- once I'm up ( for example in a handstand - or during a pulling type motion) I seem to be fine....does anyone have any similar experiences - is it simply musclular in the sense that I need to develop it and work on strength, more of a tendonitis type reaction, due to limited shoulder mobilitiy/flexibity, or heaven forbid a possible tear ??

Thanks all !!


  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    sharp pain is generally not a good thing. I'd walk through it with one of your coaches before you tried any other movement that would induce that pain.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    I had shoulder issues lowering the bar back down, strangely enough. I trained to be a physiotherapist (completely out of the loop now though) so I can generally tell the difference between muscular tightness and something more, and for me it is mostly deltoid/pectoral tightness and rotator cuff impingement which is quite common around the shoulder structure. It was particularly uncomfortable lowering in a snatch grip. It's actually improved now that I've become stronger. In fact, most of my shoulder and upper back problems have improved since starting CrossFit.

    HOWEVER, there is no way anyone could diagnose your situation from a forum post and my experience is not your experience, so if you are concerned about pain then do talk to a sports therapist, physio or knowledgeable coach. If something isn't moving right you can make it worse if you try to power through. I had my shoulder mobility checked by my physio and kept up with stretching. I still see him about my knees every now and then but even that is getting much better the stronger I get.
  • spitzboop
    spitzboop Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you !! I was thinking impingment as I know I am extremely tight through the pectorals. I will certainly get it checked :)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Easy stretch for that: Put your arms straight out in a doorway and lean forward until it is mildly uncomfortable. Rest. Repeat.