Intermittent Fasting: DOESNT WORK FOR ME!

aly_mc Posts: 13 Member
"Intermittent fasting" can mean many things, but what I tried for about a week was where you consume all of your daily calories in an "eating window" ranging from 10-4 hours. So, for example I had it where I was eating from 12pm-8pm, then eating again at 12pm the next day.

It sounded fun, like I could be "allowed" to eat during those times, and it would go well. However, it only took a few days before I would eat less and less hours, and then I decided to do a "fruit only detox"

Long story short, I've learned my lesson, and have realized this behaviour is too addicting even if it is disguised as a "healthy" thing for most/non-ED people.


  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member
    I can't do any kind of fasting/cleanse/fruit only ~ whatever...just can't do it. Brings out ED and unhealthy (for me) thoughts about food and my relationship with it.

    Glad your learned that it just doesn't work for some of us? :flowerforyou: