Check in May 19, 2014



  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I just keep checking in and in and in. Making up for lost time last week. I am still finishing up late contracts but I am SO tired of hounding people, I am giving myself a break from it. I started off in a greeeeeeat mood today, now I am just boo. I went to the store at lunch because I didn't pack. NOTHING sounded good. I decided to get a pack of mixed fruit. It was good but way too much sweet all at once. Ate half and I will save half for later or tomorrow. I haven't even glanced at the sugar content. I don't even want to know. I usually do pretty well on sugar. It's the sodium that kills me. Kills I say!! Hoping the husband is in a good mood, but considering his back is hurting and he had to stay home alone with the 3 year old, I am not counting on it. I think that is why my mood has already gone sour. Should I just stop and pick up the liquor and prepare myself now? Only half joking here. *sigh*

    Ok, just rambling out loud now.. trying to kill the 10 mins until it is time to pack up and GO!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm also on constant check in via my phone. It helps me remember why I'm doing this and reminds me that I'm not alone in my efforts.

    I hope you're on your way home Heather and hubby and baby are in great moods.

    I was good on food today but light on exercise. No swimming tonight--board meeting instead. Did a bit of very clumsy yoga!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Julie....UGH Im trying here girl...Im trying. I keep checking in and reading but forgetting to post. I get up so freakin early, like 1--130a, almost every day and the days I get to sleep late Im up about 2--230 :drinker: I'll work harder at checking in..honest :sad:

    BBC...we are always so hard on ourselves. I sometimes dont get it...but we'd never treat others the way we treat ourselves. Im glad you're well as everyone else. I told Rat last night or early this morning that he along with the rest of you are such powerful incentives for me.

    Blond....yayayaya on the loss...5lbs is long as its gone right?

    Norah...Im with you on the logging issue. I was doing really good til ...I dont even know when, I just kinda gave up. I got tired of keeping track or paying attention or something. That's NEVER a good thing right?

    Tish...I hate night cravings the worst. I was craving something last night and just couldnt figure it out so I gave in and went to bed. Good avoidance huh? I hope your son feels better soon.

    FP...sounds like you have a busy busy busy week coming up with your class. Sounds fun though. I hope you have a super time.

    Cari...Im glad you're feeling better. It sucks to be so sick for so long. Glad you're back

    Ej..if you aint just the cutest Lil thang:drinker: Please be careful with that fasting...

    Karen...glad you're here. That whole having to deal with things instead of eating kinda bytes sometimes huh??

    Kali....Happy Anniversary. Sometimes going over just a lil is worth it when you're celebrating....especially an anniversary as long as you can hold it to that.

    Rat...Ive been giving some serious thought to trying Yoga. I love the whole concept and think it'd be really good for me. Thanks for the idea.

    Illumi... that hadda be pretty scary. Im glad you and the baby are ok. Sheeeeeeeesh.

    Deb...I envy you canning the corn. When my kids were little I canned everything I got my hands on in the fall and we lived off it all winter. Then I began to freeze stuff. I still freeze corn, beans, peas, squash, tomatoes and everything else I can get. Nothing finer than fresh frozen home done vegies.

    ....I had a wonderful Monday after a super weekend. I did splurge a little Friday night and then for Noon on Sunday....I did NOT go over my calorie "limit" though. I still ate relatively healthy and kept away from junk. I almost caved and had a fresh homebaked yeasty cinnamon roll this morning. My Fiance' made me fresh coffee and brought me the cinny roll....I took a bite, maybe two and handed it back. It seemed sickeningly sweet and sticky. ICK. Work was crazy as usual.

    Ive been keeping a journal and tracking food and supplements for just over 2 weeks now and I like to look back over it and see what I did, what Im doing and what I need / should change.

    Anyway..y'all have a super night. Stand Strong
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    My energy for the day totally crashed after lunch. Had a nice morning meeting with a new client and then came home and had lunch. I couldn't do yoga as their was just to much to get done and now my energy is out the door. Don't know what happened, I haven't felt this way in a while, i'll just have to try and get done as much as I can before calling it a night.
  • loriarty
    loriarty Posts: 33 Member
    Sorry I haven't really been updating. I tend to use my app for this, and it doesn't have the community at all. And so I really need to try and remember to get on here to actually check in.
    Today was great. I have been house siting all weekend, and I basically lived off lean pockets, special K bars, and coffee... probably not the best diet, but I wasn't able to go anywhere, because it was raining and their drive way washes out. So yeah...
    But today I slept in... and then woke up in time for lunch and dinner where I actually had some legit food.
    I logged my weight today and I finally hit a mark where my calories got lowered. Which is exciting for me. So far I've lost 25 lbs, and that is a big big big BIG step for me. 6 more lbs, and I'll be out of the 300s... I might actually cry. lol. But anyway, I was under today again which was really nice and I was proud of myself.
    I'm really thinking about trying to go get a gym member ship tomorrow. Though I should probably wait until next week, or next month when I have more money to do it.

    Oh oh and I forgot to add. On Mother's Day I went to get some Chinese for for my mom. And we normally go their the booth (it's all they have) is a really tight fit. However, this time, I was able to slid into it with no problems at all and I could sit quite comfortably. It was that moment I realized that I really was having progress.
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone!
    Welcome to all the newbies!! We're so glad to have more active members in the group. This was the first chance I had to check in today, I got called in to work!! 20 hrs overtime -WooHoo!!
    :mad: Fighting with the hubby must be in the air!! Lol, mine left me at the Walmart yesterday!! I waited for 45min before he came back and got me. He had no phone so I couldn't call and say "Hay, what the hell!?!" he doesn't understand why I'm mad! :noway:
    IlluminatedMa, I'm so glad your baby wasn't hurt. That had to be scary!
    Loriarty, great NSV's!!
    Blondageh, congrats on getting below 300!!!
    To the rest of us that's not been kicking *kitten* - put the gloves on!!! Its time to fight!!! :glasses:
    Blessings! :drinker:
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Karen, just popping in.. my husband has advice for you.. find yourself a nice buff male workout partner :bigsmile:
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Smart man, that husband of yours!