BMI is 40.5

Hi all,
My nutritionist told me my BMI is right on the cusp. If it goes below 40 I will not be eligible for the surgery as I have no co-morbidties. This is a bit frustrating for me as I have to work at maintaining my weight which has OBVIOUSLY always been a problem for me. I've lost 6 pounds since I started this journey which is wonderful BUT I'm intent in getting this surgery as I ALWAYS re-gain the weight, which essentially is why I need this surgery. I have had trouble losing the weight AND keeping it off.
Anyone in a similar situation? Ideas on maintaining my weight? Because it is certainly not an easy feat.


  • Ujj7
    Ujj7 Posts: 51
    I have diabetes and have bmi 37 and have lost 5 lb so far, my surgeon also said don't go below 35 before I get the surgery. I'm working on building muscle with pilates and kettle bells, and laying off the cardio, just walking, and sticking to a 1400 calories high protein diet, so I am aiming to be just over 35 at my surgery.
  • KCSF
    KCSF Posts: 49 Member
    I started at 40.7 at my first doctor's visit. When I did a phone consult to even get the appointment the nurse said to make sure my weight was lower then what I stated on the phone. The weeks before my appointment I made sure not to diet and the morning of my I drank water because I was nervous that their scale would be different than mine.

    After my first official weigh in, they gave me a list of pre-qualifiers. One of them for insurance was that I lose 10% of my body weight. I asked "won't that put me under the 40 BMI requirement?" My doctor explained that the weight and BMI at my first consult visit is the one they will use to submit to the insurance company.

    I understand your frustration! I couldn't do it on my own and even though I'm only 2 months out, I'm glad I went through the work!
  • goodlife1206
    goodlife1206 Posts: 42 Member
    I went for my first WLS overview and nutrition meeting at my bariatric center today. My BMI was calculated at 39.9, which the RN said was actually reported as 40. I was happy as I too do not have any comorbidies now. I have been o n BP meds in the past which the RN said would be considered. I act eve believe I was hoping my weight was high enough!

    My insurance requires. 6 mo diet and losing 5% of my weight. I likely will have surgery in December. That is not the best month, but I would start over in January with my out of pocket.

    We are in much the same place and it would be great to have someone to compare with. Good luck!
  • EdmiraRiv85
    Thanks for the responses!! So, I'm guessing drinking tons of water and just weight training should help me maintain my weight. Fingers crossed my next appointment is this Friday.
    Also, any recommendations for scales? I have digital one and it seems sooooooo inaccurate at times. Like, literally fluctuates ounces within minutes.