How long did pain last

I got my surgery yesterday morning I am able to walk around but getting up and sitting back down is terrible! I find it hard to stomach the pain meds and protein doing ok with just water. How were some of your first days after long did the pain last? Also turns out I had a hernia that they repaired


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I stopped pain meds when I got home, which was the day after surgery. I was sore and a little uncomfortable for a few days, but I can't say I had any real pain. I wonder if you do have more pain because of the hernia repair?
  • I didnt have hernia repair with my surgery and kicked the drugs to side the second day, but from what you have said I agree that I think it is your hernia causing the pain because that sounds like when I had mine repaired(umbilical). Sitting down and getting up hurt the worse. Try changing drinks or even maybe a protein shot(drink kind) get more for less. Good job on keeping up with the water...that is soooo important. Hope you feel better soon.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I havent had vsg yet but i read another poster say thanholding a pillow against your chest or abdomen when you sit or stand helpsmwith the pain?
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    I am a week out and I am still using my pain meds at night. Getting up and sitting down is the hardest, I had to have help until about three days ago. My incisions are still majorly sore. Besides that, I feel pretty good. It'll get better. The third and fourth day were the worst for me. You'll get through this! The pillow over the incisions is a big help too.
  • CJ138
    CJ138 Posts: 5
    Great I'll try the pillow thing ! I used one on the way home covering my stomach and the seat belt over the pillow.
  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    I did not have a hernia. I took my pain medication at night for the first two weeks. I would get really uncomfortable at night. That first week though I was really sore when I was up and moving around but it passed by the second week. The more I moved around the better I felt.
  • paul87920
    paul87920 Posts: 165 Member
    My first two days were awful. However, every day after that I've felt a little better. I'm 9 days out myself. I can't wait to get back in the pool. 5 more days.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I didn't have either of my hernias repaired when sleeved. The doctor said they weren't a problem and having them repaired once I'm done losing causes an automatic tummy tuck paid for by insurance. That said, I was done with pain meds less than 48 hours after surgery. I too had issues with the too sweet and too thick protein shakes. I used a lot of unflavored protein powder in fat free chicken and beef broth and Isopure Zero flavored water with 56 grams of protein per bottle.

    I will tell you that when I had my gall bladder removed 26 years ago, back before they could do it laproscopically, the pain lasted a long time and sitting down or getting up was really hard. The pillow trick Mike mentioned was my lifesaver. Good luck.
  • shoerack45
    shoerack45 Posts: 30
    This makes me feel normal. I started wondering how everyone was spectacular two days out - my stomach hurts. It's not pain, but it's a serious ache. Like others said, getting up and down is a mess and standing up straight. I go for my walks, which helps.
  • N8Look79
    N8Look79 Posts: 3
    I thought I was dying three days post-op! The stomach pain from the surgery went away, the incisions were soar and trying to sit up felt like I had done 1000 sit ups the day before. But NOTHInG prepared me for the incredible gas pains days 3 and 4 for me. Yikes!
    I learned that walking, no matter how uncomfortable, helped pass the gas and ease the pain.
    Day 5 I felt like a new person!
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Glad to hear that by day 5 you felt like a new person. Hopefully the worst of the pain and discomfort post-op is over. Nothing but great things ahead. Good luck on your VSG journey. I wish you much success. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • oStephhanie
    oStephhanie Posts: 35 Member
    I didn't have either of my hernias repaired when sleeved. The doctor said they weren't a problem and having them repaired once I'm done losing causes an automatic tummy tuck paid for by insurance. That said, I was done with pain meds less than 48 hours after surgery. I too had issues with the too sweet and too thick protein shakes. I used a lot of unflavored protein powder in fat free chicken and beef broth and Isopure Zero flavored water with 56 grams of protein per bottle.

    What type of unflavored protein powder did you use? I have been looking for one to go with my chicken broth, but haven't had any luck.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I was sent home with my medicine ball still hooked up and working. I removed it the following evening and never took any of the pain meds I was given. I hurt but more from the gas pains (in back and shoulders more so than my stomach). I didn't have any hernias repaired though and I thought the surgery was a breeze as far as pain, but then I have also had a C-section so it wasn't bad at all compared to the pain after that.
    I had a friend who went back to work the following Monday after having had her surgery on Wednesday. There is no way I could have done that. I was off for a week and a half. It was probably about 7 days before I could have even stayed up the entire 8 hours to work without laying down for a nap.
    I wasn't in pain after the first couple days, just drained and wiped out.
    You should feel better by the one week point for sure. Just keep sipping your fluids, getting some protein, walking as tolerated and resting. :smile:
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I took pain meds for about 6 days total, in the hospital and at home. Keep in mind that the pain meds can cause constipation, so if you have stool softeners take them. Roll on your side and push up with your arms to get up and do the same lying down only backwards, I learned that after my last abdominal surgeries. That makes it easier to get up and down. I have had open gall bladder surgery with a 12 inch scar, (my gall bladder was imbedded in my liver) and a full hysterectomy with an 18 inch scar. I had ovarian cancer and no laproscopy for me... So yes, I do know what you are going through. Take it easy, use a pillow when having a bowel movement too, it helps. Take your pain meds as long as you need them, don't try to be strong, if you need them it will help so much.

    Good luck to you, it will get better, it just takes time.
  • GraceByMySide
    GraceByMySide Posts: 77 Member
    I DID have a hernia repair and don't think it added any extra pain to the procedure for me. I used the button 2-3 times before it gave me a raging headache and I just used the IV ibuprofen after that while I was in the hospital. What was worse for me was the awful pain of the CO2 gas they pump us full on to enlarge the cavity where they are doing the work. By day 2 at home, I was off the ibuprofen.

    Using a pillow for riding in the car was a must for the first couple of days, especially with our famous New York State potholes!!! This felt *tight*, but not really painful. If you are feeling an extreme amount of pain, call your dr....
  • lucyw70
    lucyw70 Posts: 37 Member
    I had pain for the first two weeks, I think a lot of my was because at night I would turn over onto my stomach and would wake up really sore. I also went back to work 4 days after surgery so moving around a lot during the day made it hurt more. I took pain meds for a week, then changed to liquid Tylenol. It will definitely get better, hang in there.
  • claresta23
    claresta23 Posts: 64 Member
    I am six days out. I take a pain pill at night only. I go all day without one. I only take it to help me sleep at night because I still have a lot of gas. I am still processing loose BM's and a lot of gas. I took some Pepto this morning so we will see how I fare tonight.