Do you run at work during lunch?

Shannonscott10 Posts: 11 Member
Do any of you run at lunch during your lunch break? I have a nice (but hilly) area that would be good to run. Some of my co-workers are starting to run on their lunch break. I like the idea of it. As a busy mom, it would be a great way for me to save some time and still get my workout in. But I'm a little nearvous. What will people think? Will I smell when I come back to work? Will my hair be stuck to my head with sweat, when I need to look professional? There is a locker/shower area, but I'm not sure I'll have the time for a full shower. Any tips if you run on your lunch break?


  • markarthurs1969
    markarthurs1969 Posts: 13 Member
    Used to cycle to work and the shower was always broke but you can get a good body wash in the disabled toilets, good privacy !!:laugh:
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    No shower at my office so I wouldn't feel comfortable myself. I run before everyone else wakes up in the morning and take a nice walk at lunch.
  • Shannonscott10
    Shannonscott10 Posts: 11 Member
    Well I did it! I ran on my lunch break. Just 2 miles. But managed to get changed, run, shower off, and back in time. I don't know that I will do it every day and there are a few things I need to do to be more prepared, but at least now I have the option when life after work gets to busy to run.

    I'd love to get up and run before work, but I know my limits... I just don't see that really happening! LOL!!!
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    Hard to run at lunch because usually I will need some time to cool down before the shower anyway; otherwise, my body temp is still too warm and I can cool down that quickly in the shower.
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    I work from home in front of a computer for 9+ hours a day, and I'd been doing C25K on my lunch breaks until last week (well, really, today). It fit with my ~45 minute lunch: time to go, come back, shower, plant butt in chair. Now lunch is potentially the worst time I could go since it's become hot and stuffy during the day, so I need to change to morning or evening.

    I knew a few people at my last office job who would do lunch walks, possibly runs or jogs, on cooler days... but never in the summer. There wasn't enough time to get cleaned up, and we didn't even have showers there. (Honestly made me wonder what they did on those cool days: change quickly in the bathroom and throw on some perfume? lol) The one exception was someone who lived literally two minutes away and could jog home, shower, and slowly walk back.