eating more for weight loss?

shelbz123 Posts: 48 Member
hi ladies! I really hope someone can give me some advice. I am currently breastfeeding my first child who is 6 months old. I am really trying to rid of this weight. someone suggested that I start consuming more calories because I was only getting around 1200 a day I am just really worried that me consuming more calories will turn to more weight gain..... help


  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey there! Congratulations on BFing for six months!

    Per, you should be eating a lot more. I believe the minimum suggested is 1700 calories/day in order to maintain an adequate supply. If you're only eating 1200 calories, let's just say that you're still "burning" 400/day due to BFing, then your net calories for the day is only 800 calories. It's not good for you or your supply.

    Upping your calories should lead to a supply boost, and it may lead to weight loss. However for many of us who are BFing, weight loss is mega-slow/non-existent, or we can lose weight except for those last 10-20 lbs. You just have to be super patient about it. It supposedly gets a lot easier when you wean.

    Some moms are able to find a "sweet spot" for calorie intake/exercise where they can lose weight and have a good supply. It's a lot of trial and error.

    Many of us in this group are also members of a BFing group, if you want to poke around there for additional info (though there's nothing wrong with continuing to post here - the BFing group is just an added resource):
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ok, I just looked. To diet while BFing, kellymom suggests 1500-1800/day, though they recommend staying on the higher end of that. Details within:
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Oh my God, I almost had a heart attack when I read you are BFing and only eating 1200. How have you survived 6 months? (I'm only partially joking.) I can't see all your stats, but I'll tell you that when my son was 6 months, I'm sure I ate at least 2500 calories. I didn't lose a pound. I didn't gain a pound either. In fact, it was pretty much maintenance mode for the first 12 months after giving birth. Unfortunately, I had 25 pounds to lose.

    Now my son is 16 months. I'm still BFing, but not very much. I'm obviously not his primary source of food, and I'd say he's weaning himself--more of a comfort thing now. Anyway, I eat at least 2000 calories a day and I am losing weight as of the past 3 months. (I've lost 15 pounds and have 10 more to go!) I'm sure the small calorie reduction helped and I have also cut out most processed foods, which I believe has helped hugely.

    Please do consider eating more. In my opinion 1200 is too low for anyone, and really too low for someone who is BFing.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Well, according to this the avg woman uses 670 calories/day for breastfeeding, and you use between 400-500 just to run your brain.... and then of course there's the whole rest of your body so breastfeeding moms need to eat a lot more than 1200 calories!

    Additionally, the toxins released from fat loss do accumulate in your milk, so you do not want to lose too many pounds of fat per week - around 1/2lb to 1lb is reasonable.

    At 6 mos, your baby is on solids or starting, and over the next few months will probably replace some nursing time with food (not that you HAVE to do it that way) and you can bump the calories down a little, like to the 1600 range.
  • shelbz123
    shelbz123 Posts: 48 Member
    thank you for all your comments! I wasn't eating that low of calories trying to get rid of the weight it was just all I was hungry for and my supply has always been good. this last week I hav upped my calories to 2200 and I really do feel muvh better. I cant believe I was eating so little before!
  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    So glad to read that you are doing better. One more bit of advice is for the difference (the portion you increase), to consume more protein than carbs and get a good amount of good fats.

    The last few days I've been dealing with Aunt Flo, so I have to eat ALL.THE.THINGS. I got above my normal 2500 cals yesterday and on track to do the same today. I am suffering some headaches I hope to eat my way through.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    thank you for all your comments! I wasn't eating that low of calories trying to get rid of the weight it was just all I was hungry for and my supply has always been good. this last week I hav upped my calories to 2200 and I really do feel muvh better. I cant believe I was eating so little before!

    So glad to hear that! I eat around 2100 and even then I feel hungry sometimes.