WOD Only?

GuitarJerry Posts: 6,102 Member
I can't afford Crossfit. In my area, it's $180/mo. That's just ridiculous. I pay $34/mo for a full gym with 24 hour access, pool, classes, and all the gym equipment anyone would need. I've been power-lifting for about a year, and prior to that lifted more body building style for a few years. I am fairly experienced. So, I was wondering if anyone just looks up the WOD, and does it on their own everyday? The only thing I probably couldn't do us muscle-ups because there are no rings at my gym. Also, no rope climbing, but other than that, I think everything else I can do.

So, does anyone here do that? Just curious if it's a legit way to workout.


  • mattcath1
    mattcath1 Posts: 2 Member
    I used to do that at my gym. I got very bored working out by myself. Also, I did not push myself to work harder. Now that I am working out at a cross fit gym, i work harder than I have ever before. The camaraderie and motivation is incredible! I think it is truly worth the money. I pay $149 a month 6 days a week. Another plus is the coaches. They are always right there checking your form and offering tips for improvement.
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    If you reckon you can push yourself to do the work with the same intensity as you would at a box, and with correct form and technique, then I don't see why you couldn't WOD on your own at a normal gym. I pay $200 per month for my box and even though it's expensive, to me it's so worth it. It's not just somewhere to work out - I get specific and focussed programming written up every day, amazing coaches who help me with form and push me to work harder, people with invaluable knowledge and experience to answer any questions I ever have, and a giant adult playground to play in every day!! I hate normal gyms. They suck. The atmosphere sucks, the people have **** form, the equipment is often not ideal for crossfit type training... But each to their own!! If you can do crossfit without paying for a crossfit box, then all power to you.