Introductions and Whatnot



  • copadoc
    copadoc Posts: 1 Member
    I am 44 from Brooklyn NY. It has been increasingly difficult to maintain my bodyweight after I turned 40 and change from an active job (used to work as a physician in a hospital) to a more sedentary administrative role. Over the last 4 years my weight has slowly started to creep and now enough is enough. I started a support group with my salsera girlfriends since last month where we had a goal to reach our target weight by June 21st. So far have lost 5 lbs but not sure will be able to lose the last 10 before then. Can use extra inspiration and push.
  • dcamberg
    dcamberg Posts: 3
    Hi everyone! I'll be 57 (this August) and I'm from NW Oregon. In December of 2007, my first grandchild was born and I was having a hard time getting up off the floor to play with him because I was 225 pounds. A year later (2008) I had my first hip replacement surgery, and I had already lost about 40 pounds. Three years later (2011) I was at my goal weight of 153-155 pounds, just in time for my daughter's wedding in May. I had my second hip replacement that November, 11days after surgery I sprained my right ankle and I started gaining some of the weight back. Around the time my ankle healed, I had developed vertigo, and I kept gaining!! My hip healed in only 6 weeks, the ankle healed in 6 months and the vertigo lasted another 6 months! This time I got up to 202.8 pounds by December 31, 2013. As of today (5/18/14) I am now down to 181.6 and almost to my goal to be under 180 by June. I'd love to lose another 15 pounds by August 15. I'd love to weigh 166 by my birthday (August 18) :)
  • dorie577
    dorie577 Posts: 25 Member
    I am Dorie and I just joined this site today. I began losing weight January of 2013, but things have really stalled this last month -- well they slowed tremendously, actually, after 6 months. I started at 212.6 lbs and I am down to 153. Normal bmi is 149.9, but I really want to be 120.

    This goal dealio, is not very encouraging, only giving me 1200 calories a day and saying I can only lose .8 of a lb per week, even with 1 hour a day of exercise. I am low carb, and I think I pretty much eat more than 1200 cals a day so maybe that is my problem.

    Anyway I guess I need some structure and a re-boot so here I am.
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm Dawn. I will be 38 next week and I have two small children. I have struggled with my weight forever, thanks to pcos!! Before having kids, I was very diligent and was able to lose quite a bit of weight. I just need to get back into those habits that led to success. I am a teacher, and my goal is to lose a noticeable amount of weight by the time I go back to work in august, so this challenge is perfect for me. I look forward to working with all of you!
  • Ilove2dance77
    Ilove2dance77 Posts: 527 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Looking forward to losing weight with you all! I'm 37 and I've just started back using MFP - would love to gets some friends to encourage each other, so please add me. My starting weight today is 181.3 - I'm doing a number of challenges - really pushing myself to stick with it this time and not myself and others down!

    I used to be quite fit, but had a difficult year where I hibernated and ate and the weight has steadily crept on. :sad:

    I'm in the UK if there are any others out there *wave*
  • ashleighrose13
    ashleighrose13 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm Ashleigh. 153 lbs, 34 years old, happily married and living in Brooklyn, NY. I'm currently sticking to low carb dieting but haven't been too good lately. I too have struggled most of my life to keep my weight down since obesity is a common thread in my family. Also living in an area with so much great food certainly doesn't make this easy. I'm hoping by having a great support group and a specific goal in mind I will be well on my way to losing the 40 lbs I need to drop.
    Good luck everyone!
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    Hi Friends!

    I'm Amber. I'm currently about 15 pounds from where I want to be, I'm a full time student, and I also work full time. I'm lCHF'n it at the moment, I have great Keto friends! I'm from Savannah, GA. I enjoy Crossfit, cooking, sleeping, and unicorns. I'm 25. I have a awful sweet tooth and a education in the pastry arts, which can be a recipe (pun intended) for disaster. I also have been diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder, as of this year. A sad side effect from years of depriving myself with low calorie dieting. I'm currently working on myself from the inside out. I'm pretty freaking awesome.
    If you would like to friend me, feel free!
  • nitrospop
    nitrospop Posts: 122 Member
    Howdy! I'm Eric, I'm 38, and I live in Bryan/College Station, Tx. I have a beautiful wife and one very active and funny 15 year old stepson. I just started my low-carb lifestyle two weeks ago, but am excited about the progress so far! Looking forward to dropping an additional 60-70 pounds. Maybe then I can beat my son at tennis!
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Sam, a 29 year old wife, step-mom of 3 and mom of 2 furry kids. I have been trying to lose weight for good for several years now but recommitted on April 7, 2014 after a friend posted a picture of me on FB and I didn't recognize myself. I am an ex-athelete and want to get back the strength and endurance back. I am not sure of my highest weight, but I believe it's somewhere around 287. I am currently at 260(ish).

    I am currently following a low-carb lifestyle simple because carbs are my weakness and I can't seem to be able to control my portions. My family and I are currently "homless" in that we were kicked out of our rental home at the end of March and are waiting for a house to close. We are currently staying with family however that often results in many meals out in order to get time to ourselves. That is my current obstacle.
  • raychilg
    raychilg Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Rachael. I am 24 years old and live in Norfolk in the UK.

    I have a long way to go with weight loss but am feeling more confident already. I love the sound of this challenge. Good luck everyone!!! :)
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member

    My name is Cody and I'm a mother of 3 kids 7, 3, and 20 months. I've had good weight loss over the last yr now I'm a little more into inches lost specifically my stomach but since you can't spot reduce I know that as the weight comes off so will my tummy (eventually). This gives me a realistic goal to work on over the summer since I've been loosing an average of 1 lb/week
  • startingover72
    startingover72 Posts: 151 Member
    Hello eveyone! I'm Shona, 41 years young, a SAHM to 5 children ages 20, 8, 6, 5 and 3 and from the UK. I was a member of MFP until a few months ago, under a different username, where I successfully lost 20lbs. Unfortunately I'm now back after gaining back most of that weight and would love more friends to help me in achieving my goals. :smile:
  • jillebee44
    jillebee44 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Jill. I am 31 years old, live in central/western Massachusetts. I have a husband (married 4 yrs together 11) and a wonderful daughter who is 7. I am a 911/police dispatcher and sadly I sit most of the day. I am looking for a fun way to stay on track and to achieve my goal of being 16-20 lbs lighter by the end of August, so this group fits perfectly!!
  • julia9002
    julia9002 Posts: 2
    Hey :) I'm Julia. I'm still in my teen-ish years, but I want to slim down to feel happy and comfortable with my body. I have around 20 pounds to go. I'm trying to "eat clean", but I don't care about it as much. For me, I'm just thinking calories in and calories out. I'll try to eat healthier, too... but I just want a calorie deficit.
    Thanks and good luck to everyone!!
  • rosarum
    rosarum Posts: 11
    Hello from Finland!

    I'm Rosa and I'm 26 years old. I got married a year ago and since then I've gained 10 kg (22 lbs). It really was a wake up call when I first noticed that my BMI was overweight instead of normal. I have lost a couple of kg this spring but now I really want to get things going. I'll be having my summer vacation on August, and I'll bet you all now that I'll spend the whole vacation on the beach in bikini - whether I succeed or not, so you all really need to push me in this, lol!

    My motto with eating is that food needs to taste good, but it can also be healthy. With smoothies I've finally learned how to eat breakfast, and otherwise I'm just trying to keep my proteins up and unnecessary sugars low. I'm using some exercise apps from Runtastic for workout (sit-ups, push-ups and squats) and then some walking and riding a bike with that. I'd would like learn how to run, but maybe that'll come a bit later.

    At the moment my only friend in mfp is my wife, which is a bit sad, so maybe I'll make some new friends in here.
  • karryann2008
    karryann2008 Posts: 140
    Hi, I'm Karen, almost 49,mom to eight, and granny to eight.I live in England. I have about 10lbs to get to goal hopefully by mid August. Due to issues with the scales I am no longer knowing how much I weigh, time to trust the process and learn to recognise my progress from how i look and feel( my pt will weigh me but not tell me the numbers until I get to goal) I love lifting heavy weights and long walks along the beach. I eat a CKD , keto diet with carb refeeds.
  • jvahle0110
    jvahle0110 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there. I'm late to join but hope to catch up. I'm a 36-year old teacher (working mom of 2) who is ready to reset this summer. Every school year I put on 10-15 pounds and then have to take it off in the summer. As I get older, this goal is harder and harder to achieve. I'd like to lose the 15 pounds and adopt some healthy habits to maintain over the next school year.