Introducing Myself

sherambler Posts: 303 Member
Hi All!! 'm 26 and was super excited to see a group for 20-somethings, and then I joined and it seems like there's not a ton of activity going on here, so I thought I'd introduce myself. To tell a little about myself....I've be overweight my whole life. I grew up in a chaotic household and that chaos led me to muffle my emotions and turn to food for comfort. I tried losing weight along the way, but I just didn't have the tools. I'd lose a few pounds, get discouraged, and then give up.

Finally, I reached 290 and I just thought, I cannot let myself get up to 300 pounds. I was reminded of all the times I told myself that I wouldn't get to 150, then 180, then 200, and so on, but each time I watched those numbers spin by on the scale. So I needed to do something different this time...I enlisted the help of a therapist last July. Now that I've got my mind straightened out (at least a little bit), I'm finally ready to take on this weight loss thing once and for all.

I don't know how anyone else feels, but I feel like I've missed out on so much of what the 20s has to offer. I felt too fat to go to parties. Too fat to go after internships or apply for jobs I really wanted. Too little self-esteem to stay in touch with friends. But my 20s aren't over, and I'm prepared to make the second-half 1,000 times better than the first.

When I was 18, my mother had weight loss surgery and a couple years ago my father was due to have it, but on his last pre-surgery appointment, they found a hernia that made surgery too risky. I don't want weight loss surgery, it just doesn't appeal to me. So the only other way to get this weight off is to watch what I eat and exercise.


  • Savas15
    Savas15 Posts: 15 Member
    You got this...good luck!!!
  • beccaco94
    beccaco94 Posts: 4
    Hi! I think it's great that you're not giving up! I know exactly what you meant when you said you didn't think you'd let yourself get to 150, 180, 200, etc. I did the same thing my whole life. For some reason, I thought I wasn't gaining so much weight. I knew I wasn't losing any, but I was in denial of all the pounds creeping up on me. I just turned 20, but I also get what you said about missing out on all the "fun" of being young. I spent my summers reading or working instead of BBQ/Pool parties.
    Most of my friends and family are crazy skinny and don't understand how hard it is. It's nice to know there's people out there that do. Thanks for sharing and good luck! :)