Anyone doing any big sponsored walks this year?

TinyCake81 Posts: 31 Member
I've just signed up for the CLASP 25 mile walk out of darkness challenge.

Really looking forward to it but a bit nervous about the 25 mile bit.

I am also doing a couple of local 5 mile walks for charity too so counting those as training.

Have you signed up for anything? Want to chat and share tips for training?


  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    I've signed up for two Race for Life 5K runs: a week apart, in July, and am following the C25K plan so that I can run them properly. I was coerced into doing it by a friend, yet am grudgingly enjoying it :smile:
    25 miles is a great target to aim for. Good luck!
  • TinyCake81
    TinyCake81 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm doing race for life but will be walking it. No matter how hard I try I am just not a runner!

    Good luck on your runs though. They are always great fun with a lovely community feel on the day :)
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    I'd never even tried before, but the C25K is magically converting me :-)
    I went running out in the drizzle last weekend before breakfast and realised I'd morphed into one of those people I used to silently pigeon hole as "nutters". Looking forward to the big event now!
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    I decided to apply for the Great North Run, I thought it is so oversubscribed I would never get a place but I have. Now I have to get going. I have signed up for race for life as a starter. I know I will not be able to run it all but it will give me a bench mark of how unfit I am.
    Half of me thinks I am mad and the other half knows how good I feel about half an hour after a run. It is not a race I am only competing with myself. I will be fitter and raise money for charity a win - win situation.
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    Well done, freya33. I've been there as a taxi-driver/supporter several times for my hubby. The atmosphere is fantastic, and it is mega busy!
    Have you run at all before? I can recommend the NHS C25K plan f you haven't, to get you to the 5K. I did my first ever 5K yesterday and it feels great. Look at me, sounding like an expert!! I'd never ran at all until a few months back.
    I still can't imagine doing a half marathon, and kudos for signing up for it.
    <edit: the NHS site has a 10K plan as well, I think>
  • Hey!
    I'm doing the speed of light 5k in the Bournemouth marathon festival weekend.
    I am using the C210K app as I gradually want to run a 10k. I have never enjoyed running as much as I do now
    Good luck :)
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    I'm doing the Soton Race for Life as my first ever group 5K, in July. Just over 4 weeks to go.