What's Everyone Doing Food-wise In Prep For The Big Day?

msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
Hi All,

just a fun get-to-know-you as well as see what everyone is doing as far as eating to prep for the big day! (Who knows, maybe someone will be inspired to try something new:smile: )

I'll start: A few years ago I was diagnosed with a gluten intolerance (which didn't surprise me as I had family members who were Celiacs) so I've been working towards avoiding gluten/grains in general as they don't agree with me. But to be honest I LOVE a good cheeseburger, or sandwich from the local Italian Deli and of course, Pasta. I usually avoid grains since I don't enjoy getting sick and feeling like garbage but a few times a week I allow for indulgence.

But now that I have 10 weeks to the big day I'm staying away from all that stuff not only to feel well but also because I find the more grain I eat the more I break out (mild acne and rashes depending on how overboard I go)

I'm also trying to incorporate more leafy greens (except Kale- I hate that stuff and would rather eat every other leafy green 10x over before I take another bite of a kale "chip), good fats from seafood/olives/avocados/etc and keep junk to a minimum to keep my skin glowing, my weight in check and my guts happy.

What are you doing?

Happy Saturday!!


  • madammariposa
    madammariposa Posts: 19 Member
    I'm doing pretty much the same. My friend was in town for my birthday this weekend and too much gluten has me sore, bloated and uggy feeling. So for the next bit I'm off most grains, trying desperately to reduce sugars and trying to load as much nutrition into my body as possible (smoothies, salads, etc help with this).

    msnucerity, have you ever had kale in a smoothie? I can't taste it at all when I have strawberries, raspberries and a bit of vanilla greek yogurt in there. It's so high in vitamins it's hard to pass up.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    Luckily I have a little more time- about 30 weeks- but I've been slowly prepping since Feb.

    Breakfast has gone from breakfast sandwiches or last night's leftovers to oatmeal. I also use the non-instant oatmeal because I find it has too much sugar. I actually really like just plain oatmeal with cinnamon sprinkled on top.
    Lunch has transitioned from sandwiches to salad and veggies.
    Dinner- not as much grilled cheese. I love grilled cheese sandwiches, and my fiance makes them SO delicious so that's hard to resist. We don't cook dinner that often, so a good to-go food from the supermarket is either rotisserie chicken or sushi. Yum!

    I've also cut back on the alcohol too. I honestly don't really care about bread that much, but whiskey and cheese are my two vices...

    In general, just trying to cut back on portion sizes too. I used to be able to eat 4 slices of pizza at once, but I now cut myself off at 2. At restaurants, I always ask for to-go boxes with my meal because I find the portions are just too much for me.
  • Luvs_Rage_Phish
    Luvs_Rage_Phish Posts: 87 Member
    I've been trying to eat less starches and less dairy though sometimes I fail at both :)

    I think what will be key for me is to cut out alcohol. Not only will it cut out those calories but it also would prevent me from snacking on crap when my inhibitions are down or when I'm hungover and just want to eat a burrito or fries... I'm going to another wedding on Friday 6/13 and am going to try to not drink at all between now and then. Also I plan on taking a break from all alcohol the month before the wedding.
  • blushingbride2bee
    blushingbride2bee Posts: 39 Member
    I started following a ketogenic diet to prepare for my wedding, which is in 16 weeks from tomorrow. I have lost 7 lbs in 5 weeks on keto! You should read up on it
  • Hi Everyone! I am getting married in 12 short weeks EEEK!!!! I am not where I wanted to be for my big day, but am getting there! From now until the wedding I will be eating clean. Clean eating for me is easy, bc it makes so much sense. The only real drawback about eating clean is that it can be time consuming to make everything from scratch which is why I started doing meal prep on Sundays. I will be limiting soda to only weekends and only at restaurants. I am going to try not to drink any alcohol, but may have the occasional beer or two if a craving comes a long. I will also be limiting myself to 1 serving of complex carbs (whole grains, quinoa, couscous, flax, steel cut oats..) and none after 7pm. This combined with weight training (I do Les Mills Body Pump) and cardio (running and Zumba) has worked well for me in the past, I just really need to stick to it this time!

    Best of luck ladies and congrats!
  • I am getting married in 8 weeks so definitely getting serious about foods! I have cut out most bread products, sweets and reduced alcohol intake. For right now I am eating a variation of the following each day:

    Egg White + Avo for breakfast

    Turkey Jerky for snack

    Lean Protein + Salad for lunch

    Almonds for snack

    Lean Protein & Veggies for Dinner

    Protein shake on days when I strength train