slight discomfort after jogging walking interval

SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
I have a slight discomfort/cramping sorta feeling after doing a jogging walking interval. I think it's just ligaments stretching. I'm just over 17weeks. Does anyone else get this?


  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Where is your discomfort exactly? I am 10 weeks; I just walked and did very light jogging and felt slight pinges of abdominal pain but I feel like it may have just been gas?
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    It's right where bub sits and into my hip joints. I had a doc appointment today and mentioned it he just said that's its more then likely everything stretching under the extra pressure of jogging but I'm fine to continue as long as it doesn't become painful and I be careful not to overstretch.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I'm 5 weeks with baby #2 and am experiencing this way sooner than with #1. I'm feeling slight discomfort during some of my workouts, so I'm reducing the intensity. Starting to do more Pilates & prenatal yoga. It's helpful til I get my energy back!
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    I experienced that really bad right around 25 weeks. My left hip/groin/pelvis/inner thigh tendon was in tremendous pain after a 5 mile run! Had to take about 3 weeks off of running. Now I'm at 28w/3d and gave it a go on the TM, got in 3.1 miles, but still having hip/pelvis pain. I talked to my doctor too and she said it's just part of being pregnant. Hips and pelvis soften and stretch to help make room for the baby when it's time for birth. She said it should feel back like normal after delivery. :( It's no fun! I was hoping to keep up my mileage as much as possible for as long as possible, but that got cut short. Just take it day by day and don't over do it!
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I think the recommendation to stretch is actually extremely important and easy to forget about. I am planning on starting a yoga DVD to help with that. Also I think I need new sneakers, supporting the extra weight will start to be important as the pregnancy goes on. (these are things I read about this morning about exercise in pregnancy when I couldn't sleep!)