Check In June 4, 2014



  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Today is my 34th birthday!!

    However, My stress is full blast today as well.

    Yesterday my husband and I borrowed my inlays credit card (which I hated doing but it was necessary) to pay for $2685 in repairs to his car. We are already down to one car because my car crapped out back in March and I am still paying payments until October. His car crapped out in May and we've been borrowing a car while this one has been in the shop.

    So, we picked it up yesterday and today it overheated again!!! After paying all that money!!!!!

    I am so at my wits end. Happy friggin' birthday to me!!!! Ugh.

    I'm assuming it will all be covered since they just "repaired" it. But it still doesn't make the situation any less stressful.

  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Becky, night eaters are awake and aware of their night eating. There's another condition that. Involves eating in your sleep. Here's a good explanation:

    Lipedema is more complex to explain. Here's a wiki article with some photos:
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Hi all.

    Angie happy birthday! hope it gets better for you hun x

    I totally agree with the above about not waiting. And it doesn't mean everything has to be perfect, but you could make sure as said you drink your water, or you have a better choice of snack or something. Let's face it there is always going to be something that stresses us out, makes us sad, changes we have to adapt to, jobs that have to get done, deadlines, illness, death... you get the picture. We have to find a way through it otherwise we will always be saying 'when I get through this then I will do it'. Even if you have made less than optional lunch choices, does not mean dinner can be whatever. Make one choice today that is back on track. Just one if that is all you can manage. Tomorrow make two. Maybe the next day you go back to one, that is okay, but push forward and keep trying :)

    I am so home sick I want to cry today. I miss my mum, (died 2 years ago when I was 35). I miss my brother, I miss close streets, public transport, being able to talk to people, my friends, being able to get around without a car. When I get homesick if we have a little cash I do a food order online sometimes of foods from home. But it is usually junk food as they do not deliver fresh stuff and obviously I cannot order a bunch of junk. So I am going to go do my workout and hopefully that will get me by for a bit.

  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Oh Angie, hugs honey. Your stress makes me feel silly for even being in a bad mood. How horrible that they take your money and it still doesn't work. :( Two summers my air went out and rather than pay 1000 to fix it, We just traded it in. Texas heat with a baby and no air, I panicked.

    I can't wait to catch up with the rest, just posting on my phone for now on break. About to start the Art thread if it hasn't been already.
  • BodyByChipsAhoy
    BodyByChipsAhoy Posts: 60 Member
    Angie, happy birthday and thanks for the comments. I definitely am the Queen of "I will start over (fill-in-the-blank)". As Natasha says, there will always be something going on that tests our emotional eating. If I wait, I just might be waiting forever.

    Karen, thanks for the explanations. Going to check out those websites.

    ~Becky in Florida
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I posted this in yesterday's thread, but it was the end of the day and probably got missed.

    Do any of you know anything about Lipedema? I'm wondering if I have this. I mean, I'm pretty sure I have regular fat fat, but I think I have lipedema fat too. When I Google images of lipedema legs, the pictures of phase two lipedema all look like my legs, my mother's legs too. My mother's legs have always been disproportionately large; mine too. Even though I swim hard for hours, my legs don't get thinner; in fact, they just keep getting bigger.

    Wow! My family always calls them the "Mother's Maiden German Name" Legs because all us girls seem to get them. Even when I was thin, I had thick legs. Never hippy, just big fat calves/ankles. Man, that sounds like a terrible thing to have. I can accept strong, German legs, I cannot accept painful, swollen, put on 40lbs in each leg type of legs. :noway:
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I posted this in yesterday's thread, but it was the end of the day and probably got missed.

    Do any of you know anything about Lipedema? I'm wondering if I have this. I mean, I'm pretty sure I have regular fat fat, but I think I have lipedema fat too. When I Google images of lipedema legs, the pictures of phase two lipedema all look like my legs, my mother's legs too. My mother's legs have always been disproportionately large; mine too. Even though I swim hard for hours, my legs don't get thinner; in fact, they just keep getting bigger.

    Wow! My family always calls them the "Mother's Maiden German Name" Legs because all us girls seem to get them. Even when I was thin, I had thick legs. Never hippy, just big fat calves/ankles. Man, that sounds like a terrible thing to have. I can accept strong, German legs, I cannot accept painful, swollen, put on 40lbs in each leg type of legs. :noway:

    In my family, we call them the Swedish "Plow the fields without oxen" legs. My mom and I have them; my sister has nice slender calves and ankles (b#tch!!!). Even when I lived in Alaska and went on 10 hour hikes in the mountains, my legs were still big.

    You might do some reading on this, Heather. If you have stage one lipedema (big legs but not rippling fat deposits or lymphedema), then you can prevent stage two and three where they get painful and surgery and special lipo is the only way to get rid of the fat deposits. So what do you do to prevent more lipedema? Oh, EASY!!! Eat a low carb, low fat diet, of course! The less fat and quick glucose-producing carbs you ingest, the less your body can store as lipedema. Apparently, unlike regular fat, lipedema fat will NOT go away with diet and exercise. Dante, have we just entered a new level of hell???
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member

    Way too many of us in here are struggling with money issues! I am hereby dedicating my entire Friday to researching and sending out reality tv proposals for us! The stories we are sharing, the solutions, the honest discussions, these are definitely worth sharing with a broader audience, and hopefully we can be paid something for for our time. Enough to get Natalie and Julie a trip home to England. Enough for Angie's new car. Enough for my boob lift and apparently now leg lipo. Enough to send Rat to graduate school in studio art. Enough to get our cat lady another cat. Enough to get Heather a refrigerator that locks itself at night. I know there are others who have a wish list--feel Free to add. I am PROMISING you all my Friday. We can make this happen! Get out your smart phones and webcams and start practicing talking to the camera!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Oh, one more post, this one for Carly!

    Carly, do you ever melt those chips and dip the strawberries? On South Beach Diet (an awesome awesome healthy fat and low carb diet), one of the allowable desserts is strawberries dipped in dark chocolate . Or pistachios in dark chocolate.

    Hey, thanks for making me think of South Beach. I have the cookbooks somewhere and should dig them out. Just before I got Still's Disease and my life flipped upside down, I was on SB for six months and lost 60 pounds quite painlessly. Very healthy diet--really a new lifestyle--developed by a cardiologist.
    Karen in rainy Maine
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Blond, your post really hit home with me. This whole eating in the middle of the night thing. I do well, measure, weigh and record my food. I am on track and them BOOM I am eating in the middle of the night. I have to say it is not hunger. It is junk food that I don't eat in the daytime. I try to keep this stuff out of the house, but sometimes it sneaks in with other people. I find that I am very vulnerable (and anxious) when I awake in the middle of the night. My usual defenses against a binge are down. Short of Ambien, what can I do to stop a binge at 2 AM? I am tired of logging in my calories before breakfast. Any suggestions?

    Oh yeah honey, that is almost exactly how I described it. Def check out that thread. I will say the same as Karen did about the ambien, tried it. Ate microwave popcorn of all things will absolutely no recollection of getting up to make it. Scary ****. I could've set the timer for like 60 minutes and burned the whole house down!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member

    You might do some reading on this, Heather. If you have stage one lipedema (big legs but not rippling fat deposits or lymphedema), then you can prevent stage two and three where they get painful and surgery and special lipo is the only way to get rid of the fat deposits. So what do you do to prevent more lipedema? Oh, EASY!!! Eat a low carb, low fat diet, of course! The less fat and quick glucose-producing carbs you ingest, the less your body can store as lipedema. Apparently, unlike regular fat, lipedema fat will NOT go away with diet and exercise. Dante, have we just entered a new level of hell???

    I did some quick reading. It was a thin girl who said the trigger was pain in her legs when she walked. Ack. I had that since I was 20 and thin, but it has gone away with movement and exercise. Oh I have ripples. I figured I was just fat. Fat Fat ans more fat. What gets me is the enormous area right below my knees. I was just looking at them yesterday because I was taking a picture of my mosquito bites (if you haven't noticed yet I pretty much document my whole life in pictures) and I was trying not to get my fat legs in there. I'm gonna go ahead and say nope don't have it, not gonna get it. Pray to baby Jeebus, Allah, Buda. Whomever I have to, that I'm just fat fat fat.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member

    Way too many of us in here are struggling with money issues! I am hereby dedicating my entire Friday to researching and sending out reality tv proposals for us! The stories we are sharing, the solutions, the honest discussions, these are definitely worth sharing with a broader audience, and hopefully we can be paid something for for our time. Enough to get Natalie and Julie a trip home to England. Enough for Angie's new car. Enough for my boob lift and apparently now leg lipo. Enough to send Rat to graduate school in studio art. Enough to get our cat lady another cat. Enough to get Heather a refrigerator that locks itself at night. I know there are others who have a wish list--feel Free to add. I am PROMISING you all my Friday. We can make this happen! Get out your smart phones and webcams and start practicing talking to the camera!

    Well if we are making requests....hahaha. I have something written up but it was very quick and just for my friends who know documentary people. Its not funny or catchy but I can send it over. I still have to send it to the documentary guy.
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    Angie - Happy birthday! Sorry you're having such a stressful day. :(

    Becky - I was having a lot of similar problems last week. For 5 days in a row, I was 545-1700 calories over where I was supposed to be. What got me out of my funk was a cleanse (sort of). It got me eating healtheir food that is naturally lower in calories, and it's all food that I find delicious, so I don't feel like I'm punishing myself. And then I have enough calories left over that I can have something not cleanse-y and still not feel bad about it. I don't know if you're more of a "slowly wade into the water" type of person or a "jump right in" type of person, so I'm not sure if you're better off making one change at a time or trying to change everything, but I know changing (almost) everything is what worked for me.

    Natasha - I'm sorry you're feeling so home sick today. I hope the workout helped!

    Today I an interview for a teaching job. Drove 45 minutes there, interviewed for 15 minutes, and then drove 45 minutes back. Since it was such a short interview, I'm not all that hopeful, which is sad because the people seemed really nice, and I could really see myself working at that school. I seriously need to get better at interviews. The good news is that I have another one Tuesday at another school in the same county, so maybe I'll do better then.

    ~Kali in Georgia
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Having a hard time staying motivated for yoga. I'm thinking I may just be done with it. My walking is fine and burns a lot more calories for the same amount of time. I think I just prefer to be moving, out and about. Standing on a matt while I am trying to rearrange myself is a bit boring... I'm not backing off anything I said about how helpful it is and I am going to try and do it a few times a week but I just need to get out and move. I also think its doing it by myself thats a bit boring. But I can't afford classes.

    Anyway I've signed up for a bike safety class this weekend so I can learn the current laws, plus I get a free reflective vest. So I'm making moves in that direction.