Overweight? Yes!

Hi everyone! My name is Kelsey and I am 20 years old. I am 5'11" and 206 lbs. I am a junior in college and would love to lose about 50 lbs. I don't look my weight, but summer is the perfect time to do it, as I will be working at the Y.

So I'm going to start a challenge for myself. Starting now, I will have no sweets/junk food until the 4th of July. I have a sweet tooth so this will be hard. I also am going to work out 5 days per week. I would love someone to want to do this with me and stay in continual contact. I've never felt pretty, and so this is a self esteem thing too. Just support and accountability. I am starting now (I didn't decide this until I already had syrup with breakfast, but oh well) I am also allowing my skim 1/2 vanilla lattes and sparkling teas from caribou. I do not go everyday, maybe twice a week max. I do make lattes at home as well. I am a caffeine addict, so coffee is needed ???? anyway, would anyone want to join me?


  • ChippleMunk
    ChippleMunk Posts: 13
    Hey, I am 5'10 and 210 lbs. I started Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 and am in week 3 currently. It is a challenging (less intense than Insanity and P90X though) workout that only lasts about 30 minutes. I have already dropped 8 lbs, 4 inches off my hips and 1-1.5" off everything else! I definitely recommend it. I am starting to feel so much better. You can find the videos on YouTube or buy at WalMart for like $10. If Ripped seems too intense, she has the 30 Day Shred that seems to be the conditioning workout routine.
  • kelseypat323
    Hey! I'm actually doing the 30 day shred one! Good to know you recommend the other one. I may have to buy it! Thanks!
  • curlyq86
    curlyq86 Posts: 14 Member
    HI Ladies- I'm 5'10" and 206. I have T-25 and Zumba. I haven't worked out in a while so I am going to do 3 weeks of Zumba to prepare my body for the T-25 program (I need to build strength and stamina). I know it sounds corny, but Zumba is just so much fun. I am doing the DVDs at home so I don't feel like a total idiot :P.

    Good luck! I set my first goal at 170... So far I've lost 37 lbs and I have about that much to go. (My BMI is FINALLY in the "overweight" category instead of "obese"- mini/huge victories....)

    Lets keep it going :)
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I am going to be the shorty in this group, I think. LOL
    I'm 5'9" about 212 lbs currently. Started at 225, my goal is 160 or less.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • ChippleMunk
    Yeah, Jillian is great! I mean she is. Crazy B.... But she can get a lot of work done in a short amount of time. I've heard a lot of people say Shred helped prepare them for Ripped so you should be good jumping into it. I went right into Ripped after not exercising for years and struggled. I finally couldn't keep up with week 4 so I restarted week 1 yesterday. I hope this will allow me to gather more strength to pound out week 4 this second time around. It definitely is an amazing workout! I lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks, so I'll stick With it :-)
  • teachermc2686
    Hi ladies. I am 5'9 and 184. I was at 250 two years ago and got down to 166. A year ago I met a wonderful guy, feel in love, and got engaged. I got a little too comfy and started to let my eating slip and went out to eat way too much. I found myself back at 193 and refused to go over 200 again. I am at 184, but can't seem to get back into the 170's no matter what I do. I find that during the week I do very well with my eating and then struggle on the weekends. I need some help staying on track! I plan on wedding dress shopping at the end of July/beginning of August and would love to be back to the low 170's by then. You ladies seem to be doing really well with the exercise. I should check out one of those videos and join in!
  • presley5678
    Hey guys! I'm 5-11' I'd love to become friends with you guys on here! I'm new on the site and would love some people in the same situation as I am! I am a junior in college and 20 years old! I would love the support when it comes to losing weight!