Blister Therapy - Tips?

Hi Guys! I'm just getting back into running after a very long hiatus. Need some extra tips.

I think I over did it and with my new shoes & accidental loose socks, I managed to get the worst blister on my heel I've ever experienced. After lancing it, putting various bandages (blister band-aids, regular band-aids, 3M Waterproof Strips), airing it out, neosporin-ing it, this thing won't "heel". I'm going on close to two weeks and right now I have New-Skin on it and added a flexible bandage on top of it. It helped but the blister still managed to bleed through my sock on a light run yesterday.

Does anyone have any additional tips on blisters or should I just wait this thing out till its fully healed?


  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    I JUST went through this. (following post somewhat gross) I ended up with a blister with three separate blood pockets on my heel. I am finally healed to the point where I can wear my running shoes and not have it all taped up and its 1.5 weeks since using a sterile needle to release the blood and pus.

    THe first thing was that, when I originally used the needle, I missed that there was more to this blister than I had thought. I didn't realize that it had gotten so outta hand and there were more than one pockets in there and just did the middle area. So, make sure you don't have that issue. Make the hole horizontal so that you poke two holes, which allows for better flow out and kept it from refilling and dried it out faster.

    I got my main relief from finally releasing all the liquids from in there but leaving the outer skin (just made small holes); i let that skin dry for a couple days and then removed it and the skin under it then dried as well.

    I left it open as often as possible when not in a shoe to dry out. I did get residual blood and whatnot for a couple days. Whenever I wore shoes or had on my karate pants (long pants that touched the area), I covered it with a simple bandaid.

    When running, I put a bandaid on it and then taped it with duct tape. I started at the heel and tapes towards the toes and then I went from the bottom of the foot up like a stirrup.

    I now use engo patches in my shoes.
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    I like the 3M Nexcare blister bandages and waterproof dressings. They don't move and allow my ouchies to heal nicely.
  • Kristina2k
    Kristina2k Posts: 14
    Thanks Carrieendar! Your post makes me think I didn't get all the bad stuff out when I lanced it. All the other tips were very helpful as well.