How fast do you loose?

mlomago19 Posts: 16 Member
Hello all, I am getting my sleeve in about 4 weeks and haven't been able to get decent info from my surgeon on typical weight loss rates. I recognize everyone will be a bit different, but if anyone is willing to share, I would be very interested in hearing how quickly the weight comes off and what I can expect. Is the loss pretty steady or is in jumps and plateaus?


  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    My weight loss has been jumps and stalls, When I lose it is about a half pound per day! It all depends on how much you have to lose and your age! But also, the exercise! There have been a few weeks I lost nothing, but them the next week it seems to melt off. There will be NSV too, I wasn't losing and felt bad, them I put on my jacket and noticed that it was so loose on me! One of my friends on this site was sleeved at the same time as I was, she has lost much more than me. Everyone is different! When I was younger I could go on a diet and lose 4 to 5 pounds a week, at 61 I take what I can get!
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Like everyone said, there are so many variable and everyone is different. Honestly no one at the clinic will give you a straight answer for the simple fact they do not want to deter you. I have just had my 3rd anniversary since my vsg and the dietician finally told me that they expect you to loose 1/3 of your body weight. Again every one is different and remember its just a number. You are having this surgery to get healthy not to fit in a size zero. LOL Hope this helps. Good luck with your new lifestyle change.
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    Hi It can be confusing before surgery because no surgeon wants to commit to a number. They give you averages of course.
    I have no intention of accepting the average however because that means I have pretty much lost the average and it will stop. But as my surgeon pointed out, the average includes those who do not follow the rules and lose very little or even gain.
    On here you will have support and can ask questions whenever you feel the need. For some it will be straight forward not so for others.
    My weight. I had surgery on March 6 this year. I have lost 64 pounds since then. However I have noticed some that have lost more in that period and some that have lost less. So I figure my body is doing what is right for it. We hit stalls that are a bit frustrating. Mine last about a week but then my body gets going again. So that is why your surgeon can't give you the figures,,he doesn't know really.
    I have a holiday coming up in November so I have just changed my weight loss goal to the amount I feel is reasonable for that date (100lb down). My main goal however is about 145 down. But I have to be reasonable and take nte of what my body seems to cope with. I am really happy with my progress. Just stick to your surgeons plan as close as is humanly possible. My surgeon gave different guidelines from most on here so that is why I say YOUR surgeon.
    Good luck. Your life is going to change.
  • reisu
    reisu Posts: 16
    There are ups and downs as everyone has said. Too many variables.

    I've lost ~80lb since January. A lot of big drops, a lot of stalls, and a lot of 'it comes off as it comes off'.
  • lucyw70
    lucyw70 Posts: 37 Member
    I am two weeks out and have lost 18 pounds so far. I am a little frustrated though because have stalled for the last three days and haven't lost anything. Has anyone else faced a stall so early after surgery. I am in the soft food stage and am trying to be very careful in what I am eating. I am stepping up my exercise, but have a pinched nerve in my leg so it is a little uncomfortable. Anyone have any suggestions, comments, words of wisdom?
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I am two weeks out and have lost 18 pounds so far. I am a little frustrated though because have stalled for the last three days and haven't lost anything. Has anyone else faced a stall so early after surgery. I am in the soft food stage and am trying to be very careful in what I am eating. I am stepping up my exercise, but have a pinched nerve in my leg so it is a little uncomfortable. Anyone have any suggestions, comments, words of wisdom?
    2-3 weeks is an extremely common time for the 1st stall. Make sure you aren't constipated. You could completely have 5 lbs of poo in you. Weigh and measure your food and log religiously. Get in your protein and water. 18 lbs is excellent loss for 2 weeks and probably why your body is resetting now. Whatever you do stick to the plan and your body will cave in and start losing again. We are in starvation mode at this point which is why you have to hit water and protein goals. Some people make the mistake of dropping their protein seeking to cut calories but this only prolongs the stall. For me revving up the protein breaks the stall faster. My 1st stall took about a week to break then I lost 3 lbs rapidly. You usually never lose as fast as the 1st 20 lbs-sorry, that is just the way it goes. The more you lose the longer it takes. I am 16 lbs from goal and it took all of May to lose 3 lbs!!! I hope to be 150 by my surgiversary in Nov. but it will probably take 'till Dec. later when you look at your MFP reports you can compute an average. Wt loss is so not linear. Your body fights to keep every lb at every reset and plateau. If I get anxious I just remind myself that I have averaged a lb lost every 3 days. And that is Awesome!!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I think the average is 50-70%excess body wt for VSG and 70-90% excess body wt for RNY. Your wt minus normal body wt=excess body wt. my surgeons goal for me was to weigh 180 lbs by 6 months from surgery. I weighed 169. I would like to be a minimum of 150 before going into maintenance mode. I have a bad hip and need to be as close to normal BMI as I can manage. The speed of your loss is just not something they can predict and they don't want to set you up with preconceived notions. Some people religiously weigh, measure and log their food and follow all the rules, some do not. I have to stay under 950 calories a majority of the time at 6 months out or my scale won't budge. I lose best at 800 cals a day but I exercise more now and I just need more food Others can eat 1200 cals and lose incredibly quickly. I suggest you ignore the speed. Most of us put on the weight slowly over the years any way. And besides, the work really begins when you get to maintenance. It's not like when you reach goal you are "Cured" of obesity. Everybody has seen the surgery pts on " Biggest Loser". They gained all their wt back + more.
  • tabithascatena
    tabithascatena Posts: 21 Member
    I am 6 weeks out and have lost 30lbs. I hit a one week stall at week #2. This group was SUPER helpful in helping me understand they are a natural part of the process. I am currently experiencing a 2-3 week stall. I met with my nutritionalist earlier this week. She said you cannot compare yourself to others when looking at the pounds lost. Everyone is different. She said percentage lost is more accurate for comparison, if you must. She said that I am on track, but will be one of those that hits plateaus more than others based on my first 6 weeks. She explained our bodies go into a negotiation period to give up the extra fat. That negotiation period is different for everyone. She explained some loose a pound or less each week and others drop larger amounts every few weeks. She also explained it takes time for our bodies to learn to pull from the stored fat. I am one of those at the lower end of the range for weight loss. Immediately my thought was, what am i doing wrong? She explained I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm logging every day, staying within my protein, water, calorie goals and exercising. This is how my body is going to loose the weight. Be careful comparing yourself to others. If you are following the program and your bariatric team is satisfied with your process, then you are on the right path. Best of luck!!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    This is one of the best things about this group. Seeing the wide spread of experiences will hopefully help those of us who are pre-surgery stay calm when things don't go quite as expected.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    This is an area where I really struggle. Pre surgery, like many others, I had gained and lost weight over and over and over again. Rate of loss was something that was a focal point. Always about the numbers. Many times, it bordered on obsession. I decided that this time, it would be different-- I was having surgery to lost weight, obviously-- but I wanted the focus to be on health-- of my body and my mind. NO obsession. No body hatred. No "I am only good enough if I weigh X". I can't say I have always adhered to this ideal, but I am trying. I have lost over 70 pounds in 4 months, but the loss has slowed dramatically of late. I am working- daily- not to panic, to settle in, and trust my body is not my enemy. I am continuing the process of being focused on good food choices and on getting about the business of living instead of deciding how good/bad my day is based on a number on the scale. I hope i continue to lose-- but even if I stopped losing right now, I would be SO much healthier than I was before. Progress, not perfection. Gentleness and self compassion. Peace with myself and loving my body at any weight/size. These are the things I want to focus on.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Well said Thaeda. :smile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    Well said Thaeda. :smile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :smile:

    Why thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    If you could get a poll of 60 people on here, you would get probably 55 different answers. We each lose at our own rate. Someone told me early on that some people lose faster and some slower, I didn't believe it. We all had the same surgery, shouldn't our rate of loss be the same? No for a variety of reasons. I am 3 years out and still haven't hit goal. Now before you get the wrong idea,

    #1 - I started at 386, goal is 160, so I needed to lose 226. That's more than most people on here.
    #2 - I lose slowly because I do and I also think because
    #3 - I don't exercise as often or as hard as most people on here due to repeated injuries and the fact that I hate exercise
    #4 - I stall often and for long periods of time (partially because of #3)

    My point is that this journey is unique to each person, we all have different doctors so our requirements aren't even the same, and we all lose at different rates. The surgery is a tool, a great tool! Without it I would still weight 386. Use the tool and you will lose the weight. Continue to use the tool and you will keep that weight off. You really can't compare yourself too closely to anyone else walking this journey or you will get discouraged. I am just 66 pounds from goal and determined to get there. I may be losing slowly, but I'm still losing (between stalls :smile:) so I will get there eventually. And you know what? I am successfull because I am healthier and much more mobile than I was 3 years ago.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    WELL SAID PAWOODHULL. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Does anyone know or have any anecdotal evidence if the amount one needs to lose in the beginning impacts the initial rate of loss? Meaning do people who have 200, 100 and 50 lbs all lose at relatively the same rates for the first few weeks/months or do those with more to lose do so more quickly? Just curious....
  • amychantel
    amychantel Posts: 52 Member
    I lost 30 pounds in the first month - 15 pounds during the 2 week pre-op diet and 15 pounds the first 2 weeks post-op. Then, nothing for 4 weeks. Then, I lost another 50 pounds in the next 7 1/2 months. 80 pounds in 9 1/2 months total, including the 2 week pre-op diet. So, after the first two months, I lost of an average of 6 or 7 pounds per month. My staring weight was 212, surgery weight was 197, goal weight was 130 and current weight is 135.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Way to go AmyChantel.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: