6am Crossfit. Do you eat breakfast before?



  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    5:30 class. I don't eat after 7om and usually have a banana and some water on the way. Foe a while I was doing bp coffee w maple syrup before class but the caffeine made me feel crazy.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I drink my spark on my way to class (on the drive) at 6am (3 days a week) and eat after. If I ate before I would throw up on my WOD mates!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Working out first thing in the morning is not something I would ever want to do. Working out at night gives me something to look forward to while I am plugging away at the office.

    I prefer working out later in my "day" when possible too (since I'm not on normal time, that varies). :smile:
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Not a cross fitter but when I do workout in the morning, I don't eat anything. That includes working out for an hour. I might chug a coffee to garner some energy at 6am though. I don't have the best workouts in the morning but I think it's because I'm not fully awake yet.

    I'm damn hungry after though
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Working out first thing in the morning is not something I would ever want to do. Working out at night gives me something to look forward to while I am plugging away at the office.

    I'm the opposite, I work out before I have a chance to wake up/ realize how brutal the WOD is.
    At work, I look forward to dinner, fun things, and TV.

    Same. Feel sluggish all day if I don't get any morning exercise. I am usually too mentally drained from my job to do much in the evenings.
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    Hey guys. I am doing a 6am crossfit class tomorrow morning and I don't know if I should my oatmeal at 5am and have a protein smoothie afterwards or only have something light before it and eat breakfast after? I just want to get an idea of what you guys like to do before I spew all over the box tomorrow haha

    I work out at 7am, M,W,F and Saturdays. I do not eat anything before my workouts. After my workout I do drink a protein shake that usually keeps me full for a while before I get hungry for breakfast.
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    Working out first thing in the morning is not something I would ever want to do. Working out at night gives me something to look forward to while I am plugging away at the office.

    I'm the opposite, I work out before I have a chance to wake up/ realize how brutal the WOD is.
    At work, I look forward to dinner, fun things, and TV.

    I'm the same way, I can come up with to many excuses not to get to the gym in the evenings, with work being my #1 excuse. Even though I am not a morning person. I have to get up and get it out to way. Plus it gives me less time to analyze the WOD and talk myself out of it.
  • FWMagicMike
    FWMagicMike Posts: 113 Member
    I have to eat. I always eat. I am way to intense when I give my all that I NEED the energy. I used to hate eating so early, but then I became accustomed to it. I'm also looking to increase in size and to not fatigue so fast. This is how a personal dietician told me to go about it and her advice was worth it. :)
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm a morning CrossFitter. It's the only way I can ensure I get to the box no matter what.

    I go to a 6:15 class. I don't eat beforehand. I think it would make me sick. As soon as I'm done though, I drink a protein shake.

    It's really all about personal preference. Just do what works for you!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I have to eat. I always eat. I am way to intense when I give my all that I NEED the energy. I used to hate eating so early, but then I became accustomed to it. I'm also looking to increase in size and to not fatigue so fast. This is how a personal dietician told me to go about it and her advice was worth it. :)

    My issue is the puking. I need at least two hours after eating before I work out, if not I just feel like crap the entire workout. I proved this to myself this past week just in case I'd forgotten it.
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    I have to eat. I always eat. I am way to intense when I give my all that I NEED the energy. I used to hate eating so early, but then I became accustomed to it. I'm also looking to increase in size and to not fatigue so fast. This is how a personal dietician told me to go about it and her advice was worth it. :)

    My issue is the puking. I need at least two hours after eating before I work out, if not I just feel like crap the entire workout. I proved this to myself this past week just in case I'd forgotten it.

    Finally went back to a morning session today after not having done one in years. (Yes, years) Normally I am in the same boat where if I eat ANYTHING prior to a workout, it threatens to come back up and leaves me kind of half-assing it in an attempt to keep it down. But I was starving this morning and scarfed down a clif protein bar prior to the workout and didn't feel like it was going to come back up at all. Not sure what the difference was this morning than the norm, but I was glad for it!
  • FWMagicMike
    FWMagicMike Posts: 113 Member
    I have to eat. I always eat. I am way to intense when I give my all that I NEED the energy. I used to hate eating so early, but then I became accustomed to it. I'm also looking to increase in size and to not fatigue so fast. This is how a personal dietician told me to go about it and her advice was worth it. :)

    My issue is the puking. I need at least two hours after eating before I work out, if not I just feel like crap the entire workout. I proved this to myself this past week just in case I'd forgotten it.

    Finally went back to a morning session today after not having done one in years. (Yes, years) Normally I am in the same boat where if I eat ANYTHING prior to a workout, it threatens to come back up and leaves me kind of half-assing it in an attempt to keep it down. But I was starving this morning and scarfed down a clif protein bar prior to the workout and didn't feel like it was going to come back up at all. Not sure what the difference was this morning than the norm, but I was glad for it!

    I HATED to eat in the morning for the same feeling, not hungry and puking. I want to be the BEST I can be and was recommended for my needs that eating before will give me the extra energy. So I weaned into it. I went from NOT being able to eat anything in the morning, now able to eat over 600 plus calories before a workout. Hey, her input gave me enough energy to win my race last year...
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    I have to eat. I always eat. I am way to intense when I give my all that I NEED the energy. I used to hate eating so early, but then I became accustomed to it. I'm also looking to increase in size and to not fatigue so fast. This is how a personal dietician told me to go about it and her advice was worth it. :)

    My issue is the puking. I need at least two hours after eating before I work out, if not I just feel like crap the entire workout. I proved this to myself this past week just in case I'd forgotten it.

    Finally went back to a morning session today after not having done one in years. (Yes, years) Normally I am in the same boat where if I eat ANYTHING prior to a workout, it threatens to come back up and leaves me kind of half-assing it in an attempt to keep it down. But I was starving this morning and scarfed down a clif protein bar prior to the workout and didn't feel like it was going to come back up at all. Not sure what the difference was this morning than the norm, but I was glad for it!

    Not to get too far off topic but throwing up used to be a concern for me as well but I have found that now I am in better shape I don't have to wait as long after eating to work out. Maybe you are just in better shape now.
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    Got to do Crossfit in the morning if I am going to make it through the day.. Love Crossfit
  • thatjeffsmith
    thatjeffsmith Posts: 110 Member
    I personally do not. I just try to drink a big glass of water when I wake up a little bit after 5 in case I'm dehydrated from the night before.