What's 100% for you?

Hi all - to start, let's post what we consider 100%! For me, it's staying within my calorie goal, which allows me to lose 2 pounds per week :-)


  • NaturalAlyse
    For me, a true 100% would be both sticking to my calorie goal and my exercise goals. For this group, and since I am at the very beginning stages of my (third or fourth) weight loss journey, I am aiming to exercise 100% - every day for 100 days. Definitely going to be a challenge!
  • LauraBell120
    Nice goal Alyce! Did you get any exercise today? What do you like to do for exercise? I like to go for long walks with lots of hills and stairs.

    ~ Laura
  • LauraBell120
    1 day in a row! Knowing I put myself out there that I'm doing 100 in a row kept me from saying "I'll start tomorrow . . ." I'm hungry because I didn't have enough protein today, so I'm going to try to eat more tomorrow. I'm vegetarian and trying to eat less processed food so it will take me a bit of time to figure this out. Protein shake for breakfast tomorrow! Sort of processed I guess, but less so than the veggie sausage I often eat.
  • brittdani5
    brittdani5 Posts: 25 Member
    My 100% will definitely be staying within my calorie range. I don't have problems getting exercise in, but for the last several months I cannot seem to stop overeating. Everyday. It has become very disheartening that I made it this far in my journey only to fall back into the same horrible pattern that I started in. No more! I'm hoping that with the support and accountability of everyone else, I'll be able to get back on track and stay there, even beyond the 100 days.
  • LauraBell120
    Brittdani - that's so great how much you've lost already! Your ticker is amazing. I also struggle with overeating, which is pretty much how I got so heavy. I don't have a lot of advice since I struggle too - but I think in the end it's just a decision we make, so thinking about why we're doing it might be helpful? Good luck - you've come so far!!!
  • NaturalAlyse
    I did not get the exercise in today! It was a pretty rough day for me, and I ended up going so far over my calorie goal (it is my 'free day') that I have felt too bloated and sluggish to do ANYTHING.

    100% for 100 days in a row. I can do this. I will make sure I am back at it tomorrow!
  • clutterqueen
    clutterqueen Posts: 1,652 Member
    For me, 100% means logging all my food 100% of the time! That doesn't mean I have to be under in calories 100% of the time! I just need total accountability with logging. We can do this!
  • LauraBell120
    Nice goal clutterqueen - accountability is very important. I'm day "2 in a row" - I did a lot of cleaning and shopping which burned calories, which let me eat more. I've been doing low-carb/eat way too much cycles for so long, so it's nice to eat healthy on my new plan and not feel so out of whack. I had lots of blueberries today, yum.

    ~ Laura
  • Act2130
    Act2130 Posts: 18 Member
    My goal is to stop binging! It's getting a bit ridiculous. hoping if I log what I eat it will keep me accountable.
  • avril2626
    avril2626 Posts: 699 Member
    hey! - started today on this! I want to avg under my daily goal, and start doing cardio 3 hrs/wk. Love the 100 days, cause I'll see progress in that time. It will help me to think about this challenge for myself. great individual goals here! - judie
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    100% for me is to stay under my calorie range, and to be eating at a deficit. I have problems with binging, so I'm trying to just make sure my food's on track.

  • Nimco4930
    Nimco4930 Posts: 58 Member
    100% for me is to stay within the 1200 calories but
    Also to not be tempted and having a clean consumption with litrle to no sugar.
  • Nimco4930
    Nimco4930 Posts: 58 Member
    Also yeah for me did a 20min run so heading to work now. :)
    Feels amaaaaazing. Only thing is a colleague at work its her bday and im sure they will try & make me have some treats.

    Any ideas how to turn her down ? :(

    I want to be good :)
  • Shockakahn
    Shockakahn Posts: 11 Member
    Day 3 for me and it's really helping me to stay on track. 100% for me is staying under my daily caloric allowance, exercising 6 days a week, walking 10,000 steps per day, and eating healthier foods.
  • avril2626
    avril2626 Posts: 699 Member
    Nice @shockakahn!! My 2nd day today...staying under and did some cardio. Over 10000 today, and I'm looking forward to building up to daily for that. That's great!
  • Aradia_Silvermoon
    Aradia_Silvermoon Posts: 375 Member
    My goal would be to log my food intake in and try to make it to 1200 calories....I know the last part sounds silly but I am struggling to eat enough. I also want to do a minimum of exercising 4 days a week and challenging myself in my workouts. No more easy ones nope I gotta kick this up a notch lol