What's Your BIG Goal?

So what's your BIG Goal?

Mine is to lose 125lbs, but in small steps. Ten pounds at a time. I've been overweight most of my life and just need it to end. With two kiddos now, I want to ensure I'm here for a long time and weight is my only health issue.

I am definitely looking forward to this!


  • tenpinma
    tenpinma Posts: 17 Member
    I have another 30-40 lbs to go, I've lost almost 30 now. Didn't start with MFP until I'd hit 230. To see me you wouldn't think I weigh 208-210 now, but I do.

    And I want it gone.

    I have osteo arthritis in my r knee and lower back, pre-diabetic (now on the meal plan yay), overweight. On the plus? I have great supportive kids (supportive gown, however, isn't anymore), family and friends. My charge tries to undermine me everyday, and thanks, but I can do that well enough AAAALLLL by myself TYVM. hehehe.

    So. Now I have more reasons. 6 of 'em, all cuties.
  • libertystanavage
    My goal is to drop 27 lbs or so to my fighting weight of 165. I'm trying to get cardio and muscle tone up, but also need the weight off.
  • cuteevilbunny1018
    My goal is to lose 100lb or get down to 160lb...but 200 is fine. I plan on staying a little more muscular/bulky cause that is the way I am built. Plus I just started tae kwon do at age 39 and need to be a little tougher for my training. I had open heart surgery in november and need to get myself changed around. I don't want to do that again. Though the surgery was for scare tissue build up...I don't need it to become something else.
  • tinamhrain
    tinamhrain Posts: 4 Member
    I currently weigh 150. On a 5-foot frame that's considered "overweight", so 10-20 lbs would be great for 40 years old. My mom takes thyroid and high blood pressure medicine and I noticed at last check that mine's creeping. I can stave it off mebbe 5-10 more years if I move now.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I'd like to drop ~30lbs ==OR== to be able to fit back into a particular pair of jeans that I was able to wear before I got married.* If I can fit into THOSE jeans, then I will officially be able to fit into everything else in my closet, including a bunch of really cute dresses and things I should be wearing to work.

    *The scale lies. I'm also not a huge fan of online BMI calculators, since a lb of muscle is considerably more dense than a lb of fat. BMI calcs just do a height to weight ratio, so going solely by an online calculator, a 5'7" athlete with really muscular legs is going to get pegged as having the same BMI as a 5'7" couch potato of the same weight. This is why I say that I'd like to get back into that one pair of jeans. Oh, and I'd like my garb to fit.
  • PamMilewski
    Half. Probably impossible but I dream big.