Polar Loop Update

Rlnieman Posts: 26 Member
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to post that an update was released. At least there was for me when I went to charge my loop this morning.


  • Rlnieman
    Rlnieman Posts: 26 Member
    Yikes. Make sure you sync before you update it though. It erased all my data from last night.
  • wadea7
    wadea7 Posts: 6 Member
    So far my Loop seems to be pretty accurate. I also have a WIthings Pulse, and they are within 65 steps of each other. I will see how it goes, but so far have enjoyed the Loop. Looking forward to getting the H7 HR Monitor.

  • spg71
    spg71 Posts: 179 Member
    Been using the loop for 6 months or so now, works really well couple of things though.

    Using whilst riding a motorcycle sends it out of kilter easy to 50k steps in 2 hrs :)

    The heart rate monitor is difficult to use whilst in training.
  • Rlnieman
    Rlnieman Posts: 26 Member
    It made a HUGE difference once I got my H7. Just walking I have to hit about 17,000 steps. But when I work out with the HR monitor I have to take significantly less steps.
  • Rlnieman
    Rlnieman Posts: 26 Member

    Using whilst riding a motorcycle sends it out of kilter easy to 50k steps in 2 hrs :)

    The heart rate monitor is difficult to use whilst in training.

    Really? That's interesting, you're arm isn't moving so I wonder how it's detecting steps. I've never been on a bike, does a vibrate a lot or something?

    Can I ask why you feel the monitor is difficult to use while training? Does it drop the connection a lot?
  • spg71
    spg71 Posts: 179 Member
    Its the quick acceleration & relatively quick changes of direction.