What do you do in addition to SL?

charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
First of all, I should introduce myself. My name is Charleigh and I am new to SL. I was working my way through NROL4W. I loved it until I got to Stage 3 :/ The moves were just so complex and time consuming. I love lifting, but I am not loving NROL4W...if that makes sense? So here I am, trying SL. I started today with workout A. It seems too easy! With NROL4W I was in the gym for 1.5 hours and today I was done in an hour even though I hopped on the treadmill for 15-20 minutes. Do ya'll add anything to this program? More lifting or accessory moves? Cardio? Just curious :)


  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Welcome to the group. I've dropped the main lifts to just 3x5 and added in a couple of accessories (straight leg deadlifts and glute bridges to work out b and front barbell raises, one arm rows and flies to work out a) . I've also added in some mobility work before and after. Generally it takes me just under an hour to get through it, but it can take 45 if I rush or almost 75 minutes if I dawdle.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    On lifting days I often do 10 minutes warm up (rowing or bike or elliptical), then I often add some glute exercises, assisted pullup or dips, and maybe one or two ab exercises and occasionally a few minutes with a kettleball to get my heart rate up :). I am finding that it takes me from 30 to 40 minutes to do my lifts, and sometimes during the rests I'll add a minute of one of the above excercises because I feel weird standing around and dont want to waste any minute of my gym time :). On non-lifting days I am working up to running a 10K, or do sprint/jog/walk intervals. So far, this routine has me feeling awesome and strong 90% of the time :wink:
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Well you guys are making me feel lazy lol.....

    On lifting day I just warm up like the program says ... do my lift... then if I have the energy I will do the elliptical for 20 minutes.

    On non lifting days I either do the elliptical or jog for 30 minutes.