Getting started...again

sonnig_tag Posts: 82 Member
hi --
Picked this group because it's new and small.

A bit about me:

Mom of two (16 & 20), part time massage therapist, part time grad student (have the summer off).
My name is Susan. I'm 48 and live in Vermont.
I'm a gardener, dog owner, and have been doing basically nothing for three years but eat, sleep and do school work, LOL.

I recently bought a gym membership, my first in 3 years. Shortly after shelling out $800 for the year (April), I threw my back out. NOT FUN. That certainly put a wrnch in the works.

My focusses (to be worked in because when I try to do too much at once I fail): get more water in; eat more fruits and veggies; get moving.

Anyhoo, 20lbs over the next 3 months sounds good. I'll really have to push myself and will need the occassional kick in the tush. I'm also happy to dish it out where needed. :-)



  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your back. Isn't that just the way it goes, fork over for a gym membership then something happens that leaves you unable to go to the gym at all. Was the gym willing to put your membership on "hold" or something to that effect?

    I have to slowly work myself up to be able to exercise, I have rheumatoid arthritis so it somewhat limits what I can do exercise wise. I've been using weights because I really need to tone up my arms but it wreaks havoc on my hands so I can only do it a few times a week. My goal for this summer is to get more in shape than I've been since my teens!
  • sonnig_tag
    sonnig_tag Posts: 82 Member
    I should have put my membership on hold, but, alas, didnt think of it.

    My back is fine now, thank goodness!
  • sonnig_tag
    sonnig_tag Posts: 82 Member
    wow...I just realized that if you enter your exercise it "earns you" extra calories to eat during that day! NOOOOO! That's not how we lose weight, that's how we maintain weight!

    I'm going to delete the exercise now and re-enter it at the end of the day after I'm done eating.

  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I typically don't eat my exercise calories, I try to stay under 1500 no matter how much (or little) I've exercised.
  • sonnig_tag
    sonnig_tag Posts: 82 Member
    I am SORE from that little trip to the gym!
    I had this fantasy that I would go back yesterday (SHYA!) and felt under the weather as well. Slept a LOT.
    Feeling better (i think) today.

    Where are the other folks who signed up??
  • sonnig_tag
    sonnig_tag Posts: 82 Member
    Good morning!

    Busy day ahead of me.

    Yesterday I did well on calories and water, but no exercise. I also know Im going to the movies tonight so I will need to be causious (popcorn) with food the rest of the day.

    It would be great if everyone could report in once a day!
    Helllloooooooo out there! LOL
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I'm heading to the doctor today, been waiting two and a half months for this appointment. I was hoping my diet could fix my stomach issues 100% but I'm still experiencing random pains on a daily basis. :( Hoping he has some answers for me but not very hopeful as he is kind of a quack.

    Then we're running errands in town all night (we live way in the country so do a lot when we go into the city) so I'll be bringing a meal with me.

    We're also dropping off wedding invites to our family :>

    Have a good day everyone! Happy Friday!!
  • sonnig_tag
    sonnig_tag Posts: 82 Member
    Are you getting married, Patsy?

    Good for you for planning ahead tonight!

    RE: doctor's... I had a blood test done a few months ago because my stomach was always bothering me. Turns out I have foos sensitvities. Once I identified what those were and avoided them, everyting improved. Dairy is a REAL trouble-maker for me.

    Down 1 pound this morning. I drank 2 quarts of water yesterday which helped. Finally no longer sore from Tuesday's trip to the gym.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Are you getting married, Patsy?

    Good for you for planning ahead tonight!

    RE: doctor's... I had a blood test done a few months ago because my stomach was always bothering me. Turns out I have foos sensitvities. Once I identified what those were and avoided them, everyting improved. Dairy is a REAL trouble-maker for me.

    Down 1 pound this morning. I drank 2 quarts of water yesterday which helped. Finally no longer sore from Tuesday's trip to the gym.
    Woo, grats on your loss!! Water definitely helps at least in my opinion.

    Yes, August 23rd this year! I'm very excited :) It's coming up quick though wow time flies.

    I also have trouble with dairy. Especially milk. Can't touch the stuff or I'll be soooooooo sick. I used to drink it all the time my whole life. Haven't drank it in probably close to four years now. Avocados, sweet potatoes, apples are bad too. Avocadoes send me into so much pain I feel I might pass out. I talked to my doctor about it yesterday and he is referring me to a food allergist which is great news. I'm glad to meet with a specialist, I hope he takes me seriously, the last allergist didn't.
  • sonnig_tag
    sonnig_tag Posts: 82 Member
    I hope the specialist treats you respect - that's "what" they allergies! It's amazing to me how many of us have them. So many genetic changes to food over time that we are eating fewer nutrients and are allergic to so many staples!

    Didn't do so well with fluids yesterday so I am making more of an effort today.

    Had a delicious veggie omelette this morning, and it's so hot here (80F+) I simply do not have much of an apetite. Too bad you can't eat avocados -- I'm making a new recipe tonight with avocados, cherry tomatoes, hearts of palm, olive oil, and truffle salt. I also picked asparagus from my garden all week and have enough to either grill or oven-roast. There was a deal on lobster, so also having that. Not sure what I will *do* with it yet.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    oh I know I'm so very sad about the avocado thing... I absolutely adore avocadoes. For awhile I was eating guacamole as my "mayo" and dips and such. My IBS was terrible then but I never made the connection. I'll miss guacamole for the rest of my life. Bit melodramatic but its true LOL!

    Itt's hot here too, I have to mow the lawn today but that is not happening until later in the day. I meant to do it this morning but had a lazy Sunday morning.

    Fiance made some stew yesterday, can't wait til I'm hungry to try some. MMM!
  • sonnig_tag
    sonnig_tag Posts: 82 Member
    The stew sounds good.
    I love to cook. I even have a foodie FaceBook page. Today I slow roasted some chicken I brined. Tasty.

    Went outside to do a little gardening today. SOOO hot. Stayed inside mostly staying hydrated.

    Off to update my food/water etc
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    oooh I should start brinning my chickens before I roast them. I eat a LOT of chicken. Just roasted one up last night. Brining does make a difference, I always forget to do it though.

    I'm on the lookout for an exercise bike, I want to buy one when I go into town this week. Been looking for a used one as brand new they are pricey and I need to watch my spending this summer as the wedding is quickly coming up!!

    It's hot agian here today... it's good because I have a lot of chicks that are under heat lamps and when it's hot like this I end up being able to turn off the heat lamps and save some money not having them on. We have a bunch of meat chicks as well as laying chicks. The size difference in them is very noticeable! I'll share a pic once they're bigger. I have some chicks that were born at the same time as the meat chicks and the meat chicks are already double their size.
  • sonnig_tag
    sonnig_tag Posts: 82 Member
    Very cool! I tried my hand at raising meat birds a few years in a row, both chickens and turkeys. Turkey's are MEAN! LOL!

    Brining is so easy; it just takes a little planning. It's so worth it!

    I'm scheduling exercise this week with a goal of going to the gym twice. Last week I only made it one time. :-(
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    We almost got turkeys this year but decided against them because they sound like really stupid birds that die very easily. Everyone I've talked to said they were much more difficult than chickens to raise. Maybe next year I'll give them a try!

    Hey, at least you went once! Two times is a good goal. I'm working on my arms right now, trying to replace fat with muscle.There are no gyms anywhere near me, the closest one is 30 minutes away.

    Thanks to my IBS I am very very constipated right now and have put on 5lbs since my last weigh in. This happens with me every month pretty much, it must be related to my cycles. My doctor prescribed me something, called Motilum or something like that, I may give it a try.
  • sonnig_tag
    sonnig_tag Posts: 82 Member
    oof...IBS must be rough.

    hey I found another really active group that is brand new. Want to check it out?
    I think we both need more support!
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Yeah, I'm still dealing with problems since I ate some red meat. What a bummer. I really really love red meat :( I'll miss it. With IBS my diet has drastically been reduced, it's quite limiting.