Week one starts today

mykizmom Posts: 191 Member
Today is the first day of the week so, No wine beer or any other alcoholic beverages. :-) remember the reson for avoiding alcoholic beverages during the week, it's to get that scale to move.

What I plan to do to relax this week is to work out and take a nice bath and read. We have to replace the way we relax with something else. Have a great week. Check in the morning to record your success from the night before and don't feel bad if you slip just know that you loss the glass that weekend.

We can and will do this and we will feel good about it.


  • Becre8tive
    Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
    I am with you! No wine today until the weekend. I want to lose weight and eat the right thing without blowing it in the evening over and over.

    I will have a hectic and stressful week, so it's going to be tough. I bought lots of Sparkling Ice (love that stuff), although some Grapefruit juice mixed with water is on my list...everything just no alcohol.

    I like your rule "if I slip than I lose it at the weekend". Ok internet handshake :-) I am with you!