New to Virgin diet

akdetweiler Posts: 38 Member
Hello, I am just starting to look into trying this diet. I have been using MFP for the last several months and eating very well and very active, but the weight just isn't coming off like i feel it should and I constantly feel bloated around my midsection. I definitely don't want the lose weight fast results, as the changes I feel I am making now are for life, so thats not it, but i am now wondering if I have some sensitivities to foods, making me retain water.

I would love to just get some feedback from some of you who have been on the diet, successful or no, and what results you saw. I hope to start cycle 1 next week. I already saw some great recipes on here so look forward to participating!

TIA :smile:


  • mkgirl425
    mkgirl425 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I have been using the Virgin Diet way of eating for almost a year, on and off. I say "on and off" because as you know, the way of eating can be quite restrictive at times. I found myself straying from the progam around the Holidays and through the winter months, I realized how much better I felt when on the program and am back. I still take the occasional plunge off the side...eating fresh, homemade rye bread for example...but I'm fully aware of how eating that will affect my body before I do it.

    I'd encourage you to give this a try and feel free to friend me. Good luck in your journey!