looking for someone to join me in 100 lbs weight lose

mzrubyredz Posts: 3 Member
im looking for someone to start this week with me, we can motivate each other... check in in our progress, challenge each other.... im hoping to lose at least30 lbs by my birthday in dec.... looking forward to talking to you soon :smile: :smile:


  • chuku1981
    chuku1981 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey hey. 30lbs seems like good goal. :) I got faith ya can do it. I'd definitely be down for that type of motivational push again. Lost about 120 lbs a few years ago. Gained a good bit back but lookin to start workin' my way back down. :)

    P.s. sorry to hear about the receiving less birthday presents due to being a December baby. :p
  • thyldburg
    thyldburg Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in.... I set a goal for me to lose 150 lbs and have dropped 52 so far, so I still have 100 more to go. This is not easy and I have no problem with somebody telling me to stop eating crappy food or to push my self by hitting the gym every day.
  • steverup
    steverup Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! I've been on for about 3 weeks and have 101.2 to go.. We can be losers together!
  • mzrubyredz
    mzrubyredz Posts: 3 Member
    lol thanks guys for the support and for joining me in this journey.... hey chucku.. about my 100lb goal, its a goal for next summer lol.... but for that 30lb goal it sounds good for my 30th birthday... would be nice to lose at least 30 before my 30 jaja... but seriously though... lets do this 100 lbs by next summer!!!!! i know its going to be tough for me because im a nervous eater... idk why , and i also get a bit lazy when im about to do my t25 workout... but i remind myself i need to stay healthy! lets be losers!!!! xoxo
  • CoolDad67
    CoolDad67 Posts: 324 Member
    I'll join in with you guys too. Please send me a friend request if you're interested.

    100 lbs by next summer sounds like my goal. 52 weeks at 2 lbs per week is doable!
  • CoolDad67
    CoolDad67 Posts: 324 Member

    Here's a picture of me and my Sweetie, Stephanie, taken at Summit Lake on Mt. Evans (Colorado). It was taken just a couple years ago when we were out there for a work event for me and we took it as a little vacation too.

    As you can see, I'm a bit on the chubby side to say the least. I am now on a journey to loose that weight and get back down to where I was when she and I got married 19 years ago today.

    By next year (our 20th anniversary) I want to loose the 100 lbs and get healthier. That's only 2 lbs per week which is certainly doable.

    I hope for our next anniversary to be able to post a follow-up picture (maybe in the same place) of us where we don't take up so much of the picture.

    Join me (send a FR) and watch this happen. Feel free to push me to stay focused.
  • steverup
    steverup Posts: 13 Member
    Happy anniversary!
  • hendrixlongacre
    hendrixlongacre Posts: 12 Member
    I just got started so if its not to late I would love to join in!
  • Kikilarue59
    Kikilarue59 Posts: 81 Member
    HI I would love to join you also... going to lose 50 lb this summer. And rewarding myself with a tape I want.
    Lets definitely do this together....
  • simplyBLUtiful
    simplyBLUtiful Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so excited to come across this group and discussion. You can definitely count me in. I have been looking for supporters with the same goal. :smile: :happy: :love:
  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    I'm in , looking to give and get daily accountability, support, and encouragement. I've lost 50 over the last year and a half. Have 90 more to go, minimum.

    This is for me a lifestyle change. I want to keep the weight off and practice healthy eating. I am just starting to exercise, I haven't moved my body in years. I know I'll feel better adding this to my routine as I'm really tired and feeling very out of shape all the time.

    Maryellen in Florida
  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    You still up for this challenge? Doesn't look like you're posting her but I see you've gotten some responses. I'm just getting to know myself around here so not sure, maybe I missed your post?
  • simplyBLUtiful
    simplyBLUtiful Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone! What are you doing to lose weight? How often do you exercise? What kind of cardio or strength are you doing? Is anyone meal prepping?

    Currently, I'm working out 4-5 times a week for about 45-60 minutes. I meet with a trainer twice a week, The other days, I either attend zumba, abs or more, or boot camp classes. In addition, I have decided to run a 5K as a birthday present for myself. I will begin preparing for that next week. Likewise, I meal prep 5 meals. I usually spend one day of meal prepping, but I'm noticing that I get tired around the fourth or fifth day of eating the same thing; therefore, I may start prepping for four days at a time or prepare different lunches and dinners for the entire week.

    Also, feel free to add me a friend. :smile:
  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    Wow, to simplyBLUtifu...you are VERY ambitious! How much do you have to lose, and how much have you lost? If you don't mind me asking! :-) I'm just starting to move my body, (exercise) and it seems difficult to be on my feet for too long. Can't imagine being able to do all you do, but I can work up to it. :-) keep up the great job.
  • simplyBLUtiful
    simplyBLUtiful Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you!!! I've reached the point where I am tired of the way I look. I'm ready to embrace the inner girl that I see when I look in the mirror. Initially I want to lose 100 lbs, however, I will stop wherever I'm comfortable about the way I look. I have lost and gained weight. My highest was in 2006; in which, I weighed 300 lbs. I lost 70 lbs. In 2008, I picked up 30 lbs. In 2012, I reached 274. Since May 2013, my weight has fluctuated from 235- 260.

    Currently, I weigh 246. To date, I have lost 27 lbs. My goal is to weigh 200 lbs by the end of the year. For the past 6 weeks, I have diligently meal prepping. I do allow myself a weekly cheat meal. I slacked off from the gym about 2 weeks ago. Boy oh boy has it shown. This week's workouts were tough!!!! I finally realized that this will not be an overnight process. It is so easy to gain weight, yet so hard to get it off!

    I will start training for the 5k next week. I plan to incorporate it with my regular exercise times so I won't get overwhelmed. To be honest, I am very scared doing the 5K. It will be my first time ever jogging longer than half a mile. I weigh the fear of failure heavily, but I'm determined to complete this goal.

    Also, I totally agree with you. When you start working out, it can be very difficult and giving up can be very easy. You just have to take your time and work your way up. We got this!!!
  • JennyBilyeu
    JennyBilyeu Posts: 51 Member
    I am totally on board!!! I know this is an older post, but I figured I would respond anyways. I am a "100 pounder" myself. Let's kick butt!!! I am doing this alone. I am married with 4 boys (18, 15,12 and 2) and they eat what they want. My husband, sadly, is a meat n tater eater, so no veggies and no diet for him. If I could get him off the sodas...he would drop what weight he needs to lose. So...that leaves me as the only one on the diet...who actually eats veggie-tables. I am so sick of going at this alone...which is why I am here. This place is amazing, and the folks make it even better. If ya'll need a friend...please add me. I love the support, and love TO support!!
  • I'm late to the party but I am so in! I am 275 and my current goal is to lose 50lbs by my birthday in April. I had to split it up into 2 chunks because 100lbs seems so overwhelming! Can't wait to get through this first week and see how we all do!