June 15th Weigh-In

Start - 280
Current - 278
Goal - 265

...and only another pound! lol Really need to focus if I want to hit my goal now!!!

Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there!!! :)

Good luck all on the new week!


  • xprincesspunkyxx
    xprincesspunkyxx Posts: 18 Member
    Starting - 227
    Current - 221
    Goal - 211 Down another 3lbs this week! :wink:

    I'm a bit surprised because, I hit a plateau earlier in the week but, switched things up a bit and it seems to have worked. Happy Father's Day to all you Father's out there and to the Mom's who play both roles!

    See ya next week :smile:
  • manders0523
    manders0523 Posts: 15 Member
    Current- 221.9
    Goal- 210 Up.1

    I have been having trouble with food. The working out part is easy. I have been eating when I get home from work when I know I shouldn't be. Two weeks and I have still not lost anything. Today is a new day. I need to kick myself in the *kitten* and work harder. I want to get as close as I can to my goal weight before the 4th. I think I also have been dealing with a lot of emotions. ugh!
  • xprincesspunkyxx
    xprincesspunkyxx Posts: 18 Member
    Current- 221.9
    Goal- 210 Up.1

    I have been having trouble with food. The working out part is easy. I have been eating when I get home from work when I know I shouldn't be. Two weeks and I have still not lost anything. Today is a new day. I need to kick myself in the *kitten* and work harder. I want to get as close as I can to my goal weight before the 4th. I think I also have been dealing with a lot of emotions. ugh!

    I get like this also because, I eat lunch and have so much time between then and dinner time before I eat again. I keep some unsalted crackers here at the house for these moments and I eat like 6 of them and then I'm good. You can always have fruit also which is a great filler. Hang in there Manders, you'll get there! I'm here too if you need to talk. :smile:
  • Hozman121
    Hozman121 Posts: 76 Member
    Start: 266.5
    Current: 263.5
    Goal 255

    Down a couple this week but still not feeling like I will hit goal. Had a bad day yesterday. Wife made cupcakes. My one weakness is cake/cup cakes. Any other sweet I can ignore with ease (if I choose to). Well needless to say there a lot less cupcakes today:-(
  • Debmorrissette3
    Debmorrissette3 Posts: 8 Member
    Start 137
    Current 136
    Goal 128

    Haven't been to focused the past week. Long hours at work and tech week for a youth musical theatre I am involved with. Time to work a plan. Hopeful that next weigh in will be better.
  • Jmcbryan570
    Jmcbryan570 Posts: 32 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday yesterday

    SW: 145
    CW: 143

    Down 2lbs.

    GW: 140