May 2014 Sleevers



  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Way to go Ujj7. Sounds like you are doing great. It's nice for you to have two weeks of recovery behind you. :flowerforyou:
  • priceless97
    priceless97 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello all,

    I live in Houston and had my sleeve procedure on May 22, 2014. I am currently on my second week of soft foods and feel like I am doing well. I experienced a little bit of stall in weight loss once I started the soft foods. It was probably just my body adjusting, I lost 18 lbs. in the first 2 weeks. I went about 4 days with no weight loss at all, even with the minimal food that I am eating. I am doing great otherwise, still a little soreness but seems to be getting better everyday. Nice to meet everyone and looking forward to all the great advice and ideas this group has to share.


    I'm in Houston as well. I'm still at a stall and I'm on regular foods. I'm still at 20lb lost but hoping it will get kicked in the butt with a little more walking.
  • priceless97
    priceless97 Posts: 27 Member
    I had my sleeve may 29th. I am now on full liquids, mostly doing shakes and soups with unflavored protein powder. I have tried trader joe's tomato and roasted peper, corn and roasted pepper, and my fav latin black bean. I can get in about 1/2 to 3/4 cup and mix in the organic Source whey protein powder 20 gm (2 scoops). My shakes are the source organic and the fit frappe 1/2 and 1/2. I haven't had any weight loss in week two :(. but my clothes size 16 are fitting looser. My knee hasn't been hurting after walking too.
    I started work monday and am sooo tired in the afternoons. I also had my first post op visit and labs, and everything looked ok.

    I went back to work Tuesday and I am EXHAUSTED as well. I mean I go home, take my evening vitamins, eat something, sit around a little to drink a cup of water and then I crash! I have my post op next Thursday, the 19th.
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi all! I'm Trinity and I'm from Seaside, OR.

    I had my sleeve done on the 14th of May and I have lost 20 lbs even since that day. I had hoped for more but I also know my body and it's not gonna go down without a fight lol so I will take what I can get.

    I am also down 9 inches since surgery and I can actually see it in my face now.

    I have been on a full diet since this past Wednesday and I am so relieved. I am still drinking shakes for breakfast; doing that just seems to make my day go better. I don't get as hungry or weak feeling as I do if I skip it. I am also keeping my carbs around 20 grams a day, I just feel better that way.

    I have tried to exercise but I find that when I do that, all weight loss stops. For days. So I'm trying to just keep moving without doing a full fledged workout session, which is hard, because I like to workout lol.

    It's nice to meet everyone here. I'm friends with some of you already I think but if I'm not your friend, feel free to send me a request!
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    Oh Trinity if you can exercise, do so. It won't stall you. You're young and so fortunate because you can take such good advantage of this surgery. Everything I read indictes that those who can exercise early and often have the best long-term success. you have strong young muscles and bones. This is your chance to make them even stronger and you'll feel so much better in the meantime. All my best to you.
  • ad1203
    ad1203 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there: My name is Ann Marie and I was sleeved on May 6, 2014. I'm doing well using myfitnesspal, but I could use a little more variety. I am meeting my protein goals, but very low on the caloric intake. I'd love to follow you all and see what everyone is doing as far as food is concerned. I can't believe I just realized to look in the message boards for help! Thanks.
  • Hi all, May 1 sleeve here, recovery has been really good and eating regular foods with protien being the mainstay of the diet. My NUT chewed me out today for not eating more...she said my losses will improve if I get to 1000 calories a day...Im about 750 cal a day now...that seems far off but Ill get there. Glad to see you all doing so well.
    Adrenaline Dad
  • Ujj7
    Ujj7 Posts: 51
    i'm 2 wks and 5 days out now from sleeve on 5/29, my weight is moving slowly, but steadily, I think as i advance the consistency of the food, it stalls for a day or two then drops. I am walking and started back at pilates yesterday.
    I'm getting lots of complements at work! Is anyone using the fitbit and want to connect?
    So great to connect with all of you, I sent a few friend requests out.
  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    I was sleeved May 5th and have lost 50 pounds since surgery, I have been exercising 4 days a week doing about 4 miles of fast walking. I am still having a shake for breakfast and another mid day but am able to tolerate solid proteins as well. I think fish is easiest to digest and I've been finding stuff that I can and cannot tolerate. My diet is pretty much all protein at this point and I've been avoiding carbs like the plague :). I think that as long as you are getting in as much exercise as possible the weight will continue to come off. I am extremely happy with my progress at this point and am starting to fully understand the saying that the sleeve is only a tool and not the magic cure. We can not expect that the sleeve alone will make the weight fall off, it definitely helps but it takes a lot of work and determination. I wish everyone nothing but the best and much success with your weight loss!!
  • lucyw70
    lucyw70 Posts: 37 Member
    Hang in there Priceless. I am still on soft foods, start regular food on Friday. I have lost 6 more pounds since I stalled. It seems to have gotten a little slower coming off around 2 lbs at a time every few days or so. Increasing the exercise has helped me. I am back in the gym now, riding the bike and doing light weights.
  • paul87920
    paul87920 Posts: 165 Member
    Hey y'all! May 13th, 2014 was my day of rebirth! New person coming through! HONK HONK!
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Hey Paul, WELCOME BACK!!! It's great to see you back in the forum. Glad to hear things are going much better. :smile:
  • I am in the mushy food stage now for another 3 weeks.
  • nkac1980
    nkac1980 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello all, I had my sleeve done on June 2 2014. I am feeling pretty good. From reading others post our diets seem to really vary. My first week was clear liquids-of which I could not stomach so I lived off of pitcher of water with fresh strawberries, cucumbers and mint floating in it. 2nd week I transitioned to full liquids and that was the best thing in the world. Yesterday was the start of soft foods which will last for 2 weeks and finally week 5, I move on the whole foods that are fully cooked (i.e streamed vegetables, not raw).
    I still have trouble sleeping on my side the old tummy was removed from. I am really bruised from the sugery, my family says my belly looks like a granite countertop. I returned to work today and was surprised to make it all day without needing a nap, so thats encouraging. My doctors have advised against protein shakes, stating it slows the weight loss-but I am so concerned I am losing muscle mass so I will be addresing that at my next appointment July 1st. I weighed myself 7 days after sugery and was down 17lbs, and decided I would stay off the scale for a while. I have been logging my intake on here and am averaging 400-490 calories a day. Just doesn't seem adaquate. I don't know, I think I am going through the "WTH did I do to myself phase" Hopefully it passes soon.
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    I was just at my zero to four months support group and many of us expressed a time period when we really regretted having done this. For some, it last a day or two and others a little longer. What I took away from those comments was, the emotions pass because not one of us regretted getting sleeved.

    You've been through a major procedure. It will have far reaching effects for the rest of your life. Your feelings and emotions are all normal. Big changes are ahead and this time will fade into the background as you make your adjustments and the rest of your life opens up to you in ways that simply weren't an option just a month or two ago.

    Be kind to yourself.
  • priceless97
    priceless97 Posts: 27 Member
    1 month post op visit today--- down 23lbs--blood pressure is great and blood sugar levels are great. I have to follow up with my PCP to see if I can stop taking the blood pressure meds and the insulin (even though I've already stopped and I had great numbers today.)

    The naseau and vomiting may be coming from the actigall my surgeon had me taking to ward against gallstones, but he told me to stop taking it as it may be why I have been vomiting daily since Sunday. He said the vomiting can cause some inflamation in the sleeve, taking it back to the size it was right after surgery--so I have to build back up to how it was before the vomiting. So I'm on clear liquids again for a few days, then a few on full, then soft, and back up to regular foods.
  • priceless97
    priceless97 Posts: 27 Member
    I am happy to report that after a full week of feeling "ughh" in the tummy and with it turning and turning, causing me to sip broths all day just so I didn't make it feel any worse... I mixed 2 tbls of honey and a few splashes of vanilla into 1 cup of fage greek yogurt..put a few tablespoons on top of my pineapple tidbits and MY STOMACH STOPPED THE CHURNING..and it's been over an hour and I've kept it down..and my tummy has relaxed a bit. I'm too excited!
  • sharflo
    sharflo Posts: 1
    Hi, I just found out that this forum existed, and am so happy. I had my lap band removed and was sleeved on June 3 2014. I had it done in mexico and it went well. I am starting soft foods diet and so far, so good. I have lost 19 pounds so far, which is what I lost total on the lap band. I had it removed because I was choking and vomiting often, but still not losing anymore weight. I am so glad to be on this forum, as there is no follow up visits and nutritionists to help me. I appreciate all your advice and tips.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Welcome to the site Sharflo, it's a great place to be. I've been here now for about 3 months and I'll be sleeved this fall. There is a lot of information and support on the site. I read all of the new posts everyday and have learned a lot and made wonderful friend. :smile:
  • I was sleeved on May 29th. I had lost 15 pounds prior to surgery and then 15 after. However, recently I showed a slight gain. I gained 2lbs then a couple days later, 2 more pounds. Is this normal? I am on regular foods now, but the gain scares me to death.