Anyone still involved in this group?

Hi guys, just wondering if anyone is still involved in this group. I love Zombies Run! I am on Season 2. :tongue:


  • cottonz
    cottonz Posts: 33 Member
    I did a Zombie run for the first time this year last night - forgot how enjoyable they were. I'm using it as a type of 'Fartlek' for 1/2 training
  • Bob_Sutton
    Bob_Sutton Posts: 27 Member
    I think most of the people here moved over to the Facebook group that was created over at
  • Vaugirard15
    Vaugirard15 Posts: 111 Member
    The group comes and goes. As stated below, a lot of activity has moved to Facebook-- very supportive atmosphere, some fun games/polls, and great pics of runs. I don't always remember to check in but I try.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    yes, still here. The FB group is good, but a lot gets lost in the shuffle.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    We will Zombies, Run! also, starting season 2 after we do enough supply runs my daughter is happy with the level of my base. We do it every evening we get to walk out here in the middle of no where.

    Its sad that everyone moved to facebook, there are a lot of us not on facebook and I'm sure we missing a lot of good stories and info.
  • Megs427
    Megs427 Posts: 1 Member
    I just learned about Zombies, Run! tonight and I downloaded it right away. I completed the introduction...seems like it will be fun! I didn't see that I had to stop the time (I don't know why I didn't think of it, I stopped the time in my other app I had on) so it looks like it took twice the time it actually did. Oh, well. I guess that doesn't really matter. Looking forward to trying this, it seems more interesting than the couch to 5K app I was using.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    I've been watching for a month, not much activity.
  • KurtK1970
    KurtK1970 Posts: 50 Member
    Most of us have moved to a Facebook "Zombies, Run!" group to discuss stuff.
    Please feel free to join! We have an *amazing* group of people there. :D
  • HauntedWebbys
    HauntedWebbys Posts: 13 Member
    I have the same shirt that KurtK1970 is wearing. It's funny to hear people chuckle when they read the back :D

    I have all three seasons and the Race Missions.

    Please be more active here, FB sucks the life out of me!!
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    That link doesn't seem to lead to a group... Does it have a new link? Or does anyone have the name? Thanks!
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    That link doesn't seem to lead to a group... Does it have a new link? Or does anyone have the name? Thanks!