June 20th mini challenge

carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
I forgot to pack my mix ins for work today..... so I am putting this out there to see if I can do this and if anyone else wants to participate.

I am challenging myself and anyone else who wishes to partake to drink four 8 oz glasses of plain water today. I have a 32 oz bottle, so it is one of them. That's going to be very hard for me to do. BUT, I'm going to give it the good ole college try.

Cari from DE


  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    I will join you, it is quite ridiculous that I am so lazy about refilling my water regularly.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Good luck, ladies! I am a water *kitten* (other than morning coffee, it's really all I drink), so no challenge for me, but I know how difficult it is for others! You can do it!
  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    I'm definetly up for the water challenge and I'll check back in later to let you know how I'm doing!
  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    So, I've been absent for a day or two. Amazing how time flies when you're having fun, or (eating compulsively) and being too busy to take care of myself.

    My dad is in hospice care at home, my mom will be 82 next week. I'm he oldest of six kids, the only one who doesn't work outside the home, so a lot falls on me. It's quite convenient to forget to take care of myself and eat healthy when I'm focused on other peoples problems. Little sarcasm here

    I've thrown out all sugar, my husbands off to Scotland for 10 days, and I'm focusing on self care and getting grounded. Taking care of Maryellen, that's the plan anyhow.

    Hope you all have a great day! I'll be checking in later.
    Maryellen in florida
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Good for you! Sounds like a plan! I'm in and done! lol. I am like Karen, I love water. I have had quite the morning already with my 75 miles driven, I have gotten in 64oz of water and 48oz of coffee.

    I am somewhere between the verge of emotionally spilling everything out or just holding off and letting things pass as they always do. I think I need to just do the later. It's just been a rough week with a lot going on. Good and bad. Health wise things are just messed up right now with the eye infection feeling like it is spreading across my face/body. I feel like a parasite.

    I hope everyone is doing good. I have been reading just haven't had time to comment on everyone. Yesterday I tried posting comments several times while getting my hair done but when I went to hit reply, something always came up.

    Ok, coughing fit. Gotta go. I will check in later. Must actually do some work since I missed so much of it this week.
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Hello everyone. I think I finally got caught up on all the posts I've missed. It has been quite crazy around here so I haven't been around much lately. I have been logging my food religiously even though I forgot to hit the end of the day button a few times. I've spent most of the week running here, there and every where. I've been taking Cody to the doctor every single day. Sunday we met the doctor down at Cardinal Glennon hospital and he cut the infected area open to drain it. Every day since (through yesterday) we've gone back to see him to get the packing changed. Thankfully we are done with that unless the infection comes back. The next step isn't until the beginning of August when we meet to plan on getting the actual cyst removed. On top of all that running, I went twice this week to give plasma to make the money to be able to pay for the bus rides to and from the doctor's. It's hell to be poor. Thankfully, I did see the bread challenge post when it started so I am on board with that. I don't eat a great deal of bread because of my pouch but I do partake occasionally. I'm also in on today's challenge of drinking plain water. I rely heavily on add-ins (LOVE the strawberry watermelon too Cari) so it will be a challenge to drink it plain but I'm in.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    No problem their. I've already had 40oz and i've only been awake for two hours. Love my Klean Kanteen.
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    I'm in for water. 12 oz to go!

  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    Thanks for theater challenge! :-) I'm officially water logged.
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Got 34 ounces of plain water in today. Yeah!!
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I got in 30 oz, 2 oz short of goal but better then I do normally.