Your best healthy habit

Share a healthy habit you have and how you keep up the great work. Mine is drinking my protein shakes (Shakeology)!


  • mw1213
    mw1213 Posts: 3 Member
    My new healthy habit is not drinking pop. Every time I want one, I grab up a big glass of water! 6 days with no pop!!!!
  • ChelseaWelseyKins
    ChelseaWelseyKins Posts: 272 Member
    One of mine is eating a protein bar every morning after I work out :)
    I also don't drink soda anymore, though it's hard when my fiance drinks it (not his fault though, he doesn't rub it in my face.)
    WINEYINVA Posts: 75 Member
    clean eating!!
  • aloyacan
    aloyacan Posts: 1
    reducing my sodium intake
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I have 3 off the top of my head that are like second nature now...

    1. Workout first thing in the morning. (4x/week)
    2. Adding a handful of spinach to my protein shake every morning.
    3. Wearing my fitbit and getting 10,000 steps a day minimum.

    PS. 6 months diet pop free!
  • nicki_lynne
    nicki_lynne Posts: 55 Member
    Meal Prep!

    I've been prepping most of my meals ahead of time for the last few months. This has helped prevented me from eating crap food so many times. When I have some free time in the evening, I cook 10-12 chicken breasts or fish fillets at once, several sweet potatoes, a pot of rice and steal cuts oats. I have frozen green veggies and edamame in my freezer at all times for an easy veggie side when I'm rushed. I make a few trips a week to pick up fresh veggies and greens and then cut em up at night before bed so that I have salad ready. I build my meals from most of these stables and I always bring an additional healthy meals and snacks with me to put in the fridge at work in case I take overtime or don't have time to come home. I keep a few scoops of whey protein powder in a tiny container in my purse too. I try to have Almonds, rice cakes and peanut butter, cottage cheese or hard boiled eggs around for healthy snacks.
  • I try to decide what I'm going to choose to eat at a restaurant BEFORE I get there, so I can make an informed, healthy choice ahead of time. I can also plan how much to set aside in a to-go box below I even begin to eat. We don't eat out often, but at least I have a game plan for when we do. Most restaurants have menus online, and then I can look up the dish on MFP. :)
  • karbhat
    karbhat Posts: 50 Member
    I've been eating a lot more veggies and less processed foods!
  • Fairdria
    Fairdria Posts: 7
    That's a good one! I rarely drink soda and try to drink lots of water.
  • Fairdria
    Fairdria Posts: 7
    Good ones - I'm actually going to start adding spinach from time to time in my Shakeology bc I don't eat enough veggies! :smile:
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Fairdra - such an easy way to get a serving of veggies in right away! And you can't even taste the spinach!