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  • mamakeke22
    mamakeke22 Posts: 95 Member
    Current tv shows : to many, house md, supernatural, once upon a time, TVD, the originals, awkward, PLL, chasing life. Ok I have way more but I'll stop. Maybe that's my problem I watch to much tv.
    Games: gta5, mw3, sims , kingdom hearts 1,2
    Hobbies: swimming,
    About me: I'm a stay at home mom to 3 kids. My two daughters are 6,4 and my son is 1. My goal weight is 144 which would put me at the top of healthy weight for my height. I want to lose weight to be healthier for my kids. I'm very close to having high blood pressure . But I also want to be able to be proud of my

    Overseer Edit ☢ Welcome Kenzie! I also really didn't begin to lose weight until I had a couple of health scares. That motivation has kept me strong and I hope it will for you too :)
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Fav games: I'm an MMO addict, so WOW/LOTRO/GW2 (SWTOR was such a huuuuuge disappointment). Hearthstone is my current thing since my little studying laptop can run it.

    MMO addict here, too. I played all of the above - and agree, TOR was SO upsetting - we even preordered the collector's edition sets. blah.

    Wildstar is fun thus far, though. :)

    My husband still glares at his set that is still on the bookcase! I'll have to check out Wildstar if I can ever steal my gaming laptop back from him, haha. Any chance it doesn't require a monthly subscription?
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    I'll have to check out Wildstar if I can ever steal my gaming laptop back from him, haha. Any chance it doesn't require a monthly subscription?

    Unfortunately, no. :( However, if you're really interested and able, I can send you a guest pass!
  • addicted2cola
    addicted2cola Posts: 43 Member
    Name: Renee
    SW: 213
    Fav music artists: Queen, Our Lady Peace, Kelly Clarkson, Pink, a variety of others
    Fav TV shows: Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, Supernatural, Superfat VS Superskinny (<--- Guilty Pleasure!)
    Fav games: Elder Scrolls series, Dishonored, Final Fantasy VII through X, Fallout 3/new Vegas, Halflife 2, Portal
    Hobbies: photography, gaming, learning Japanese

    Overseer Edit ☢ whaaat no FF6 :( Haha actually FFX-2 had its moments too ^_^ Welcome and good luck Renee!
  • chism21
    chism21 Posts: 155 Member
    Name: Raymond

    Love comedy movies and dancing (just not in public if you catch my drift)
    SW is 293 and ready to lose it!
    Fav Tv shows: supernatural, grimm, and teen wolf

    Overseer Edit ☢ Welcome Raymond! Hope you we can help you lose so you can bust some moves for us in public!
  • Mindless_Games
    Mindless_Games Posts: 151 Member
    Name: Jess
    Favorite Games: SWTOR,Plants V Zombies,Fallout series, Dragon Age series, Bioshock series, Skyrim, Borderlands 1&2.
    I love tower defense games.
    Favorite Movies: Scifi,Action, Adventure
    Favorite TV shows: Chopped & Game Of Thrones
    Hobbies: gaming
    Favorite music: I can find something to like about all of it

    Overseer Edit ☢ Welcome Jess and thanks for joining! We have a lot in common. Absolutely love DA, BioShock, and especially Borderlands! I like to overdose on Chopped during the summer when they show reruns at night xD
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    My name is Meagen (but you can call me Sirens) ^__^
    Love retro/pin-up styles
    Addicted to GW2, LoL, ESO & a lover of Skyrim, silly games on Steam, Assassin's Creed, & other stuff, blah blah blah
    Currently obsessed with Mad Men (I know, it's over, but thank God for Netflix!)
    Married with 2 widdle girl puppies (Okay, not puppies.. And not little..)
    I hate country music

    And I'm ready to shed these poundages in a fun way!
    Also, any friend adds are welcome!

    Let's do it!
    (I hope I'm not too late! D:)

    Overseer Edit ☢ Hey there! Always Happy to have new players! Feel free to dive right into the quests :)
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Name: Shalaurise (aka Melissa)
    SW: 264
    Fav music artists: Outkast, Professor Green, Nirvana... well a lot of 90's alternative really, used to love me some Metalica...
    Fav TV shows: Doctor Who, Psych, Bones, Buffy, CSI anything, Law & Order anything
    Fav games: Fallout 2, FFVII, Civilization (3?), played Ultima Online and WoW forever... looking for a new game now. Waiting for my Wasteland 2 to arrive.
    Hobbies: video games... who has time for more than that? Only have one other real interest and it isn't exactly MFP friendly *looks innocent*

    Married/divorced/married and two kids somewhere in that mix. Got one with autism and one that is mixed race and just wants to look like mom (scary stuff) and all kinds of stupid crazy going on all the time. I am a great example of "talking to a mother is like talking to someone with Tourettes." Love me some push to talk.... till I press it when I am yelping at the kids too. :D

    Overseer Edit: Ha! You seem like quite the firebrand there Melissa :D Yeah I know, who has times for hobbies except for that....other thing ^_-
  • Odwaroftorn
    Odwaroftorn Posts: 110 Member
    Name: Jeff / Odwar of Torn
    SW: 182
    GW: 140
    Fav music artists: Classical (rock & orchestral), Folk, Hymns, Instrumental/New Age (ie: Enya) Jazz
    Fav TV shows: I don't watch TV
    Fav games: Galactic Brawl, Lost Pets, D&D, Smallworld, Sleeping Queens, Dominion, Survive (not the TV show), Mesopotamia and other board/deck building games
    Fav sports: Fencing, soccer (the real futball), football (the fake American version), others
    Hobbies: Fencing coach, Anything with my wife and children, Scouting, reading, writing fiction, designing games, etc.
    Fav authors: E.R. Burroughs, R.E. Howard, J.E. Talmage, S. Brust, T. Brooks, A. Dumas, L. Alexander

    I'm hoping I'm not to late to join the quest. If so I'll just play as an npc.
  • Hi everyone =) Nice to meet ya.

    I'm Sunny and I'm also the Overseer's younger sister. I'm a PC gamer mainly and coincidentally was the one who turned my brother onto the wonderful world of Fallout!
  • untuvainen
    untuvainen Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone! Big Fallout and RPG fan here so had to give this a shot.

    Name: Jo/untuvainen
    Age: 24
    SW: 156
    Fav music artists: Tom Waits, Frank Sinatra, Lana Del Ray, Tori Amos...
    Fav TV shows: Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Archer, American Horror Story..
    Fav games: Fallout, Mass Effect, The Eldes Scrolls, Silent Hill, Dragon Age..
    Hobbies: Movies, TV shows, gaming, hiking..
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Welcome Jo! Feel free to dive in to the quests. Let me know if you have any questions :)
  • Odwaroftorn
    Odwaroftorn Posts: 110 Member
    Jo, Sunny and jess I can,

    welcome to Wasteland Warriors. I've been having a ball on this site and especially enjoy the challenges, challenges I don't have to come up with on my own and they push me beyond what I want. That's good. I also want to accomplish completing the quests so I'm pushing beyond what I would normally do. Take on side quests and Quests.

    I'm in the middle of a side quest and 2 quests and piling all the exercise challenges (8 miles for one quest and 1 mile for a side, I have to do 9 miles within a week to complete them both, talk about a stretch.) It's great. Koin in and have some fun with the challenges. Sunny, as a brother to three sisters, thanks for your influence on the overseer, we brothers accomplish more because of our sisters than we'll ever admit.

    (I can say that, because my sisters aren't on this forum, I think.)
  • Welcome new warriors! I'm second in charge here. Mostly do adminstrative work but feel free to message me as well if you need any assistance.
  • Thanks Jeff =) Been pretty busy with work but I'll try to do some stuff this week!
  • jbonomo25
    jbonomo25 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys! What a great idea, I'm very excited to get started.

    Name: Jessica

    Nickname: Scarlet

    SW: 200

    Hobbies/work: I'm a bartender by day and an aerialist and fire performer by night. (I'm looking to get back to my hardcore training weight), I also DJ on weekends.

    Fallout was on of my favorite video games and I love the idea of integrating it into my training. Look forward to working with you guys :)
  • Odwaroftorn
    Odwaroftorn Posts: 110 Member
    Scarlet - welcome to WW. This is a great idea and I'm looking forward to having another Warrior with us. The great thing, as I enter a quest or a side quest, I'm given a challenge to burn callories in specific ways and I don't want to start a quest I'm not going to finish, so I have a "push" to workout." Sometimes I need that.

    Well, off to do a mile so I can obtain Ebony's locket (Quest 2).

    Do the three basic training's to get your feet wet and begin Quest 1. That will get you started right and all can be done at the same time without being burdensome.


    Jeff - Odwar of Torn
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Name: Laura/Penthesilea
    Age: 27
    SW: 260

    Favorite video games: Rift, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, GW2, WoW
    Favorite tabletop game: Warmahordes
    Favorite TV Show: MST3k

    This is a really cool idea and am excited to try it out.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Big welcome to Laura and Scarlet. Glad to have ya and hope to see you in the Wastelands :)
  • DemonicWombat
    DemonicWombat Posts: 48 Member

    Age: 37
    sw: 290

    Favorite Music: Varied. All depends on mood.
    Favorite Tabletop game: Magic: The Gathering
    Favorite TV: Dr Who, Walking Dead, Cosmos, Sherlock, Battlestar Galactica

    Back in the saddle again.