Metformin Side Effects

kgibbz Posts: 102 Member
If you had the dreaded incessant, round the clock, explosive diarrhea, when did it end? will it ever end? Currently on 100mg at dinner time, soon will increase to 1500mg though.


  • kgibbz
    kgibbz Posts: 102 Member
    Posting on general boards too
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I only get it if I eat something really carby. And not all the time that I do that, just sometimes. It's always been that way for me, the dosage didn't matter.
  • LadybugLover09
    LadybugLover09 Posts: 4 Member
    oh I feel your pain. The doctor that originally put me on meds said "you have to take it around the same time with food and just gut it out". Obviously pun was intended. It did get better for me, it's not constant. Occasionally it will return but I haven't really figured out any reasoning behind it. May not be too helpful but know your not alone.
  • kbshannon
    kbshannon Posts: 31 Member
    It took me about a month, and still it was like taking antabuse for carbs. Every time I loaded on carbs, I was ill. Wine did it, too, by the way. Also, please make sure you are taking extra b-12 (methylcobalamin to be exact) because met will deplete b-12 in short order! I had pernicious anemia from this.
  • lustyfire
    lustyfire Posts: 1
    Since starting on it, it has made me lactose intolerant, which apparently is normal. I used to get the worst stomach pain and diarrhea, but since cutting out all dairy products I have been fine. Even large amounts of lactose free milk gives me the same effect, so i limit myself to a small glass occasionally, otherwise I avoid it at all costs. Might be worth noting what foods make it worse for you and eliminating different types of food to judge what effects it.
  • Raw_Bean
    Raw_Bean Posts: 293 Member
    I started out in April on 500 mg with breakfast and 500 mg again with dinner, I upped my dosage end of May, beginning of June gradually increasing to 850 mg both at breakfast and dinner.

    Initially, about 2 days in or so, my body got crazy sore, to the point where I was so fatigued I could barely climb the stairs to my bedroom. It went away by day 4.

    I don't have much tummy trouble, but like some of you I find I do get bit of it when I eat a large carby or junk meal.

    I don't know if it's just been an off few weeks but has anyone noticed mood swings? I feel like I have been a bit more moody or sensitive the last few weeks since upping my dosage.

    Any other symptoms aside from physical for anyone?
  • mayakiss
    mayakiss Posts: 13 Member
    I am on 1000 mg a day, 500 mg in AM and 500 mg in PM. When I started taking it I slowly increased. I started with 250mg in AM and 250mg in PM. That was week one. Week two I did 500mg in AM and 250mg in PM. Week three I did the full dose - 500 mg in AM and 500 mg in PM. That really helped a lot.
  • sandtisch
    sandtisch Posts: 32 Member
    Since I changed my diet (I took metformin before starting my weight loss on March 1st), there have rarely been any side effects. Occasionally, greasy or carb-y foods will trigger an "explosion" the next morning (I take 1500mg with dinner), but that's about it.
  • jenthompson1829
    jenthompson1829 Posts: 2 Member
    I started taking Metformin almost 5 years ago and for 5 years I've been sick. That is to say GI distress followed by diarrhea. It's awful. I started at 500mg a day and then progressed to 750mg twice a day for a total of 1500. I was getting so sick.

    The only function of the Metformin, truly as I understand it, is to keep our insulin in check. We, unlike diabetics, produced too much and in conjunction have normal to low blood sugar levels. In keeping our insulin in check the Metformin is keeping our Pancreas from burning out on us or early onset diabetes. At least this was how it was explained to me by my specialist.

    I finally decided to give myself, really my GI a break. I've been off metformin now for 4 weeks. My GI feels normal again. I also have been really consciously eating healthier. I've been sticking pretty close to the Autoimmune Protocol, cutting out carbs, sugars, most dairy, soy and so many others. I've joined a gym and started working out. And after 4 weeks I feel stronger, I know I've built muscle, built in 4 weeks I've gained 4 pounds. I can only assume that is because I am not taking anything to keep my insulin levels in check. So, experiment over, I am going back on daily doses of Metformin hoping that will help with the weight loss. I of course will titrate up to a dose, but my GI isn't looking forward to it. I feel your pain but I see no other choice. I have to get the weight off.
  • jenthompson1829
    jenthompson1829 Posts: 2 Member
    I see some advice about avoiding carbs and greasy foods. Hopefully this time around if I follow that I'll be better.
  • jenniferv38
    jenniferv38 Posts: 44 Member
    When I was on Metformin (off and on for about seven years), I avoided salad at all costs. If I ate salad, I would literally become a salad shooter within 45 minutes! I also had the same reaction to Chinese food. I also noticed that the intestinal issues were way worse in the summer. The heat made me really sick. The diarrhea was so bad, I called it "liquid fire." I eventually stopped taking it because the side effects were so terrible and urgent it was effecting me at work and my social life. For me, the negative outweighed the benefits and I will never take it again.
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    Metformin also comes in extended release (ER) that you take once a day. A lot of people I have heard, including me, it dramatically reduces the side effects. The doses are a bit different too. Here is an article I found in a quick google search.

    Hope that helps. I hated metformin, for all of the previously mentioned reasons. I have pcos with IR and also type 2 diabetes, (my husband also has low sperm counts) and we conceived two beautiful children on months when I was taking a break from clomid and only on metformin ER. Hope this helps.
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    i have been on 1000mg of metformin past 4 months(not so long), but my side effects where worse the first month but later they subsided but gradually occurred if i had carb rich food...
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    When I was on Metformin (off and on for about seven years), I avoided salad at all costs. If I ate salad, I would literally become a salad shooter within 45 minutes! I also had the same reaction to Chinese food. I also noticed that the intestinal issues were way worse in the summer. The heat made me really sick. The diarrhea was so bad, I called it "liquid fire." I eventually stopped taking it because the side effects were so terrible and urgent it was effecting me at work and my social life. For me, the negative outweighed the benefits and I will never take it again.

    I'm sorry for your distress but I am LMAO right now.
  • mloreman
    mloreman Posts: 11 Member
    I second the Metformin ER - it makes the side effects more tolerable!!!
  • ErinCoury
    ErinCoury Posts: 32 Member
    I have found with Metformin you need to take it with a milk base. I use to drink 8oz of milk with my metformin and it never bothered me after that.....without dairy i'd have all the issues everyone talked about. with a dairy/dairy like substance it doesn't touch anything.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Well if this is a side effect maybe that is what I've been experiencing and figured was fructose going right through me. I wanna get off of it. I am not diagnosed PCOS because no Dr. has ever done real testing. I'm on metformin because my A1C was a little elevated into pre-diabetic range. They didn't come down with 500mg at night so my NP increased it to twice a day but then when the pharmacy called to refill they sent it to my old pharmacy at the old dosage. Drama!!! I more believe it based on the occasional month of serve ovulation pains. Its not every month but alternates at times. Well that is when I have my period every month. lol ;) I don't mind not having it but the really bad one 3-4 months later gets on my nerves.

    I did notice when I ran out because of this pharmacy screw up and me not getting out to pick up on time that 2 days without I wasn't running to bathroom with intestinal cramping. Its not like diarrhea because its not that frequent but the intestinal cramping is horrid.
  • BassetsareAssets
    BassetsareAssets Posts: 5 Member
    Have you tried the extended release version? I had the same "issues" with the regular metformin. The extended release causes much less intestinal distress.
  • I'm on the extended release and I'm still having the explosions. I took 500 mg daily the first week, now I'm on 1000 mg daily, next week I go up to 1500 mg daily.

    Which foods trigger the explosions for everyone?
  • BassetsareAssets
    BassetsareAssets Posts: 5 Member
    Glad to hear you are on the extended release. My "trigger" foods for tummy problems are as follows: ice berg lettuce, rice, pasta, any kind of bread if not eaten with protein, baked potato, French fries, fried fish, really anything fried, cake, cookies, really any dessert with a crust. However, ice cream for some reason is ok :)

    Iceberg lettuce and fried foods are the WORST though!