Check In June 23, 2014

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Hello lovelies and happy Monday!

I am still sick--sinus thing dumped into my chest and is trying to work itself into pneumonia. At least my GP is open today. I need a good antibiotic at this point. I should have known I would pick up some nasties while running around the hospital last week. I really need to hose down with purell whenever I'm in public. Or, as my rheumatologist has suggested, get in a big plastic bubble and stay there, LOL.

Here's today's conversation starter... what favorite food have you remade in a healthier way? The b other night, I made spaghetti, which the hubs loves, and realized how different it is now.. v I use a lean, grass fed beef, dreamfields high fiber pasta, a no sugar sauce, and sneak in some summer squash and zucchini, which he normally won't eat but will in spaghetti. It's no gourmet extravaganza; just small changes. My sister is coming tonight, and I'm making a poke cake, her favorite. This time, I'm using a b sugar free cake mix, sf. Jello, and sf coolwhip. Oh and organic strawberries, yum. I don't usually eat so many sugar substitutes, but this is worth trying.

So what do you do to remake your favs? Or what could or you do?

Karen in Maine


  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Goooood morning, folks!

    I'm dragging a bit but hoping this iced coffee will give a much needed kick.

    When I made garlic scape pesto, I doubled the amount of broccoli and halved the amount of pasta. We also used more garlic scapes and less cheese in the actual pesto. We really should try to find a different type of pasta, but so far we've had bad luck with whole wheat types. Any suggestions?

    If I'm making stirfry from frozen vegetables, I don't add extra oil -- there's already a bit in the black bean chili paste that we use, and the frozen veggies cook fine in the nonstick pan without it. We also use brown rice, and less of it than we used to.

    I haven't changed too much because generally, my home cooking hasn't been the problem. It's everything else :\ I should get better about making more food at home, but after work + walking home + gym, there just isn't much time. Maybe I'll make it a goal this week to cook a bunch on Sunday so I have leftovers for the week.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Cauliflower rice. It tastes just like fried rice to me so freaking good. When I get back to desk I will post my recipe.

    I am going to have a cleanse day today. I'm so bloated from the wine and other crap this weekend my face is swollen my eyelids are so heavy and this time it has nothing to do with infection. Just good old fashion salt poisoning.

    Karen get better soon hun. ????
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Okay.... I gotta know... what is a garlic scape?
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Garlic scapes are part of the garlic that grows out of the bulb and above ground. It curls up into a cute little curly-q and it's soft and ripe for eating early in the summer. It's usually only available for a few weeks. It tastes like a mild garlic, but fresh and green, if that makes sense? It's absolutely my favorite super-seasonal treat. Here's a bit more information about it along with several recipes:

    I was so sad earlier this year because I thought I had missed it, but it just came later than I expected. I literally jumped with joy when we saw it a week ago!
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    Had an awful food weekend!! I got a little extra domestic this weekend and made chocolate chip cookies *homemade with whole wheat floor* but ate WAYYY too many. Plus a little vanilla pudding that I keep licking because I made finger paint from it for my kiddos. It was fun :)

    Also, very heavy carb laden foods all weekend. uggh
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Oh Karen, sorry to hear that the ick is moving to your chest. Hopefully you'll get an antibiotic and start feeling better. I can so relate to the bubble thing. If we go anywhere were there's going to be a lot of people or germs, Michael has to wear a mask and then shower as soon as we get home. Because of the transplant, his immunosuppressants leave him open to every bug imaginable.

    Heather, we're in the same swollen boat today. I just wish I knew what was causing mine. :-(

    We had an early start to our day. Michael had a doctor appointment at 8. Thankfully he has finally agreed to repair his hernia. We also got some awesome news. Michael just completed his hepatitis c treatment (which was what caused his luver to fail) and they ran his viral load with his last bloodwork. It came back as ZERO!!!!! Before treatment it was 45 million. In 11 more weeks he has to get his viral load tested again and if it comes back at zero again, then they consider his hepatitis c cured!! Praise God!!!!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Checking I'm mostly miserable. I am on maintenance birth control to the point were I shouldn't have a period at all anymore. I have a medical problem that makes a tubal ligation or hysterectomy not a reasonable option , but I am 100% done having kids. Anyway, apparently my hormone levels are still out of whack (big surprise after about 15 years of it), but doc seems to think they have swung the opposite way and WAY overcompensated. Regardless, I'm having lovely Aunt Flo visiting, after torturing my with the precursor of her visit and a few skype type calls (light but no real substance), to full on brutality. Oh, well, at least that explains the carb cravings! Ugh. My scale gave me 4 different weights this am, none of them any more consistently than the others. So no idea where I am. One was slightly lower than last week, one was about the same, the other two, over.

    Anyway, healthy swaps...I'll have to think on that. Mainly just spraying breaded or other foods with non-stick spray and then baking them in the oven instead of pan cooking/frying them. Spraying with the "pam" type spray right before putting in the oven helps makes them crispy but keep cals/fat etc. down.

    Oh, and I'm in LOVE with broccoli slaw...cut like noodles sorta...makes a great add to stir fry or any veggie stuffs...

    As for noodles, Rocco D makes some with asparagus (run the veggie peeler down in strokes), makes long, wide, thin noodles. Same could be done with broccoli stems, squash, zucchini, carrots, etc. The asparagus seems to be the most easily camouflaged and not tasting super strong. Takes about 30 seconds in boiling water to cook. Usually he cooks about half whole grain/wheat pasta (I prefer Barilla or Ronzoni...the Walmart version just tastes like paste like normal noodles), tosses the veggie in at the end, then tosses them both with whatever sauce.

    I'll try to write more later.

    Carly, Sleepy in OK
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    Oh, I meant to include my veggie trick. My husband is notorious for thinking meat and tortillas are the only requirements for dinner. (I am very thankful that he cooks a lot though!)

    I cook all our ground meat ahead of time. Transitioned us to ground turkey completely. I add a package of soy crumbles, 2 packs of the dry cole slaw mix, 1-2 cans of black beans, and 1-2 packs of fresh mushrooms. I throw the mushrooms and black beans in the food processor for a bit then add to the meat/cole slaw. Cook it all up with a tad of low sodium beef broth.

    Probably not saving much in the way of calories but fiber and protein is definitely increased doing this. Also probably not really cost saving but this is awesome time saving for us! We use this concoction for anything that calls for ground meat. The husband doesn't mind finding random pieces of carrot in his "taco" meat now lol. Though he did question a lot in the beginning. He also has no idea about the soy crumbles haha.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    I can't do the soy due to my body and it really *REALLY* not getting along, but my trick for ground turkey is to use a little garlic powder when browning it, as it really kills the gamey-ness in it. Most recipes use garlic anyway, so it really isn't noticeable except when browning...


  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I like to throw in carrots and peas too and more egg beaters and I probably use waay more soy sauce.


    • 10-15 ounces fresh cauliflower, grated, about 1/2 head
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • Cooking oil, 2 tablespoons
    • 1/4 cup soy sauce
    • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
    • 1 egg, beaten
    • 3 green onions, chopped
    • Dash pepper, optional

    Heat the oil in a wok or large non-stick skillet on medium to medium-high. Add the cauliflower and garlic; stir-fry until the cauliflower is nearly tender, but not mushy. Stir in the soy sauce and sesame oil. Push the cauliflower to one side of the pan; pour in the beaten egg. Lightly scramble the egg briefly then mix into the cauliflower. Add the green onion and pepper, if using, and toss. Cube 4 small cooked boneless pork chops (appx 12oz) and mix into rice.
    Makes 4-6 servings
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Cleanse day backfired. Got out of car to get kid at school and knees gave out. Thank God hubby there to finish pick up. Ugh. Got to find a good balance. Still feel like crap even after getting some calories in and I h ave to make a store run.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Oh Karen, sorry to hear that the ick is moving to your chest. Hopefully you'll get an antibiotic and start feeling better. I can so relate to the bubble thing. If we go anywhere were there's going to be a lot of people or germs, Michael has to wear a mask and then shower as soon as we get home. Because of the transplant, his immunosuppressants leave him open to every bug imaginable.

    Heather, we're in the same swollen boat today. I just wish I knew what was causing mine. :-(

    We had an early start to our day. Michael had a doctor appointment at 8. Thankfully he has finally agreed to repair his hernia. We also got some awesome news. Michael just completed his hepatitis c treatment (which was what caused his luver to fail) and they ran his viral load with his last bloodwork. It came back as ZERO!!!!! Before treatment it was 45 million. In 11 more weeks he has to get his viral load tested again and if it comes back at zero again, then they consider his hepatitis c cured!! Praise God!!!!!

    Wow, if Michael has fought Hep C and has a liver transplant, you definitely have done some difficult caretaking !! Weeks like this, I wonder how Jim can stand to stay with me. I've been a useless, coughing, wheezing mess on top of my usual crippled-joints and fevers mess. But still he loves--and we still laugh. It's good that Michael has you, honey.
  • loriarty
    loriarty Posts: 33 Member
    Ate a bit more than I have been. Though that's because I actually woke up early enough for breakfast. I know... I know I should be eating breakfast... but when sometimes you sleep till 12 or 1... you just kind of skip it.
    I've been going to the gym, about 4 times a week. Though that's mostly because I've been meaning to go 5... but stuff has just came up the past two Tuesdays so I didn't. *crosses fingers I'll be going tomorrow*
    I've really kind of started noticing a difference in myself, like I guess I have been measuring myself wrong, because it's not showing that I've lost any inches... but I'm fitting into smaller clothes and my other clothes are getting loose. So I think I did something wrong when I first measured myself. XD Oh well. I know there is a difference and that's all that matters.
    And I'm really excited because I am under 3 lbs away from being out of the 300s... and so any time now I'll wake up and that scale will be at 299... and I really cannot wait. That is my first big goal for me... and so I'm just like really excited.

    Tonight at the gym I was going to try the elliptical machine (that thing KICKS my BUTT like seriously, I cannot even go 5 mins on it on LEVEL 1 without feeling like my legs are jello and I'm doing to die) Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... very VERY hot dude was there on an elliptical... and I was just kind of like... nope... so treadmill it was. I didn't do any of the weight machines either. I'm still getting use to everything, I'm just now comfortable pushing myself in cardio while another person is there. And had a slight setback last Monday because two guys in there were making fun of me behind my back. I saw them in the reflection of the window. Buuuuut... I'm not going to let two immature boys get my spirit down. And hopefully I'll slowly build of the confidence to just not care about anyone in the gym and just do my business without a worry. But... baby steps. :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    Those are some huge NSV's/huge progress steps going on for you there. I'm excited for you to be out of the 3's. I'm thrilled that you didn't let some whelp-@$$ed wannabe punks ruin your day. Your confidence and abilities are growing by leaps and bounds!! Congrats all the way around. Oh, and if you're up and around more, you burn more, so eating breakfast as long as it isn't a calorie sink hole, should balance out!

    (hugs) on your overflowing progress,
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member

    Those are some huge NSV's/huge progress steps going on for you there. I'm excited for you to be out of the 3's. I'm thrilled that you didn't let some whelp-@$$ed wannabe punks ruin your day. Your confidence and abilities are growing by leaps and bounds!! Congrats all the way around. Oh, and if you're up and around more, you burn more, so eating breakfast as long as it isn't a calorie sink hole, should balance out!

    (hugs) on your overflowing progress,

    Thank you, Carly, for writing everything I wanted to say! Ditto from me, Lori!!!
  • loriarty
    loriarty Posts: 33 Member
    Aww thanks you guys. :D
    When I am away early I do eat breakfast, and one the school year starts back, and I start working again, I'll be having breakfast as well. It's just right now in the summer and I want to sleeep. It's hot and humid outside. lol.
    And I have to ask, because I saw it on the boards, and now here... what does NSV mean? lol.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    NSV's = non scale victories

    And congrats on them!! :wink: