50lbs to lose? Come join me!!

RTL1234 Posts: 19 Member
Hey Ladies!! :)

I put 50lbs because that is my overall goal (lose 15lbs so far) but if you need to lose more or less, whatever is fine! I just wanted a thread, maybe a daily chat? All day chat, nightly chat, whatever...to have other ladies with PCOS to vent/support/encourage. You get it...

Share a little about yourself, your journey so far....



  • RTL1234
    RTL1234 Posts: 19 Member
    I guess I'll start. Dx with PCOS 11 years ago. I currently take Metformin and birth control pills to help with symptoms. I have lost a total of 15lbs so far so I still have 35lbs to go. (Could even use a little more after that really). SW 224, CW 209. I have twin boys, one who is almost 3 and our other son we lost when he was 5 days old. Its been a long and trying journey and much of my excess weight has came since after losing our son. Our other son also had medical issues (they were born at 24 weeks), so I was home with him and his medical equipment and lots of comforting food. I've been making better choices, but need to buckle down even more with healthy choices.

    Hope to have some others to relate!
  • mrsmitchell0510
    mrsmitchell0510 Posts: 83 Member
    I have a good 50 lbs to lose! Diagnosed with PCOS in 2011, but didn't do anything about it until recently. I'm not on Metformin, but am on a low hormone BCP. I've recently switched to lower carb eating and limiting dairy, as the research I have been reading said this may help weight loss in women with PCOS. One of my biggest fears is that when my husband and I decide to start trying for children, that it may not happen or may take a while. So, my goal right now is to get my body healthier so when that time does come, there will be one less obstacle standing in our way.
    Add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • swinnie239
    swinnie239 Posts: 423 Member
    I have a bit under 50 left to go, am down a bit under 20 currently. For me, it's a bit confusing because the only time that I have been at a lower weight was during the time I was taking birth control. I'm not now and am stil trying to lose.Other than that, every since puberty, I gained a lot. I have an ED, so I chaulked it up to that, but now with the diagnosis, I'm thinking it wasn't a full picture. Especially since I haven't been majorly symtpatic in the last couple years.

    A long way left to go. My whole willpower with the carb thing is not going well. I'd be nice to have other PCOSers to talk to.

    I just need to start with getting myself back in gear. The last couple weeks I've been pretty bad about it. I plan and make my meals for the week and I just havne't stuck to it the way that I should. I just want to eat rice and potatos and fruit and ice cream and pasta and everythign which has carbs. I also haven't fully gotten the hang of it, and while I know that I should be under 50g a day, I almost never am.
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    I will join in. I can use the support. I have type 2 diabetes and PCOS with IR. My SW was 400 pounds. I had weight loss surgery and got down to 267. I started fertility drugs and was 293 when I got pregnant. I took metformin and clomid with inseminations to try to conceive my first (Emma 6 and Micah 4). We have a double whammy because my husband also has REALLLY low sperm counts. We got pregnant with Emma on a cycle break from fertility drugs, so just tracking cycle and timing intercourse on metformin. We were blessed with her and not going to 'try' for another, but kept tracking cycles and taking metformin and got pregnant again with my son when Emma was 13 months old. :) So somewhat of a success story I think.

    After my pregnancies and weight gain I was sitting at about 310. Even though my tubes were tied I was on yasmin for bc to regulate my hormones. I went off of it 2 years ago cold turkey because a friend from high school passed away from a blood clot, attributed to birth control. I decided I didn't 'need' the bc and would deal with the effects of being off of it. I gained 20 pounds in a year and I am 330 now.

    Fast forward to today. My diabetes labs last week came back out of control. My daughter is overweight and had labs come back with high cholesterol at 6 years old. My husband is overweight. My son is fine. We are active and don't keep sweets in the house....but something has to give. I got scared. And as hard as it is to lose weight with PCOS and diabetes and IR... I am getting my meds straightened out and gonna get healthy...for myself and my family. The hardest parts for me is the head hunger. Surgery didn't fix that. I am a food addict, period. I own it. And the exercise. Even though I coach Emma's softball and don't let my 'weight' stop me from trying things...I am not consistent, and the exercise needs to be daily!!

    I saw a nutritionist on Saturday and got on a food plan. I see my doctor today to follow up with new meds. I currently take a once a day shot called Victoza, and that helps tremendously, but I am sure she will add pills to get my daily sugars and a1c down. It was 9.6, OMG. So, my GW is 250 pounds, 80 pounds from now. That may change as I go.

    This is my first week on MFP, and this is exactly the type of thread I was looking for. I know I will need help to stay accountable. This week alone I am struggling. I have lost 1 pound. And just hours ago I found out that my 4 day old little baby cousin passed away from a heart defect....and I have been crying and wanting to turn to food all day!!

    So, if you have read this far, I am grateful. I am looking forward to returning the support to you ladies as well. ;)
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    I guess I'll start. Dx with PCOS 11 years ago. I currently take Metformin and birth control pills to help with symptoms. I have lost a total of 15lbs so far so I still have 35lbs to go. (Could even use a little more after that really). SW 224, CW 209. I have twin boys, one who is almost 3 and our other son we lost when he was 5 days old. Its been a long and trying journey and much of my excess weight has came since after losing our son. Our other son also had medical issues (they were born at 24 weeks), so I was home with him and his medical equipment and lots of comforting food. I've been making better choices, but need to buckle down even more with healthy choices.

    Hope to have some others to relate!

    RTL, congrats on your WL so far. I know how hard it is. I was sorry to hear of your loss, I can't even imagine. Comfort food is the worst. I am addicted to food and turn to it always. This time has to be a lifestyle change, we can do it!! Thanks for starting the post!
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    I have a good 50 lbs to lose! Diagnosed with PCOS in 2011, but didn't do anything about it until recently. I'm not on Metformin, but am on a low hormone BCP. I've recently switched to lower carb eating and limiting dairy, as the research I have been reading said this may help weight loss in women with PCOS. One of my biggest fears is that when my husband and I decide to start trying for children, that it may not happen or may take a while. So, my goal right now is to get my body healthier so when that time does come, there will be one less obstacle standing in our way.
    Add me as a friend if you'd like!

    Hey, just curious of your age?? Good for you for getting on the healthy eating now. If you read my intro I firmly believe that it does help with cycles regulating a bit. Stay motivated, it is for a good cause!
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    I have a bit under 50 left to go, am down a bit under 20 currently. For me, it's a bit confusing because the only time that I have been at a lower weight was during the time I was taking birth control. I'm not now and am stil trying to lose.Other than that, every since puberty, I gained a lot. I have an ED, so I chaulked it up to that, but now with the diagnosis, I'm thinking it wasn't a full picture. Especially since I haven't been majorly symtpatic in the last couple years.

    A long way left to go. My whole willpower with the carb thing is not going well. I'd be nice to have other PCOSers to talk to.

    I just need to start with getting myself back in gear. The last couple weeks I've been pretty bad about it. I plan and make my meals for the week and I just havne't stuck to it the way that I should. I just want to eat rice and potatos and fruit and ice cream and pasta and everythign which has carbs. I also haven't fully gotten the hang of it, and while I know that I should be under 50g a day, I almost never am.

    I know the cravings are so hard, but just being on plan for a week and the cravings have lessened. I am not saying that today's stress doesn't make me want junk all day, but take it one day at a time. A we have to think of this as a lifestyle. The important thing is that you are owning your slip and you CAN get back on track!!
  • mrsmitchell0510
    mrsmitchell0510 Posts: 83 Member
    I have a good 50 lbs to lose! Diagnosed with PCOS in 2011, but didn't do anything about it until recently. I'm not on Metformin, but am on a low hormone BCP. I've recently switched to lower carb eating and limiting dairy, as the research I have been reading said this may help weight loss in women with PCOS. One of my biggest fears is that when my husband and I decide to start trying for children, that it may not happen or may take a while. So, my goal right now is to get my body healthier so when that time does come, there will be one less obstacle standing in our way.
    Add me as a friend if you'd like!

    Hey, just curious of your age?? Good for you for getting on the healthy eating now. If you read my intro I firmly believe that it does help with cycles regulating a bit. Stay motivated, it is for a good cause!

    I just turned 29 last month!
    My husband and I have only been married for 6 weeks, thus the not being ready to start trying for children. We'd like to wait about a year or so for that (of course, we will gladly welcome any little blessing that God chooses to give us, planned or not).
  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member
    For me, it's a bit confusing because the only time that I have been at a lower weight was during the time I was taking birth control

    Same here. I went off the pill 8 years ago, had no trouble conceiving thankfully, but have struggled with weight ever since my pregnancy. My hormones have really gone haywire. Part of it is my age (42), but I was recently diagnosed with PCOS. My doctor said she has never seen such cyst-covered ovaries. Lucky me!
    I'm having some success with an over the counter progesterone cream. Any type of estrogen is no bueno for me these days, so most birth control pills are out of the question.
    I've finally come to the point where I have no choice but to get serious about changing my diet and incorporating regular exercise. So here I am.
    Feel free to add me. I'd love to have friends who are also dealing with PCOS and all the fun stuff that comes with it!
  • RTL1234
    RTL1234 Posts: 19 Member
    So glad to have others to join too! I can use someone to yell at me when pizza is all I can think about! ;)

    We did have issues conceiveing. I also only have one working tube, my right is blocked from scar tissue. We tried for 36 months, I was a clomid/iui flunkie, femara/iui flunkie, then finally we moved to Gonal F injects and IUI, it worked! We did three cycles of injects, each one I got pregnant. The first two ended in 1st trimester m/c, then the 3rd I got pregnant with my twins.

    To those that have craving carbs issues too....mine is bad! I'd prefer a giant bowl of spaghetti to ice cream or cake any day. Its hard to say no! We can do it though!!! :)

    BTW, what would you guys think about picking a day of the week and that be our weigh in day? No one has to share the actual numbers if it makes them uncomfortable, but maybe just say I'm down 1lb or whatever.

    *Edited to add....I'm 28!
  • RTL1234
    RTL1234 Posts: 19 Member
    I will join in. I can use the support. I have type 2 diabetes and PCOS with IR. My SW was 400 pounds. I had weight loss surgery and got down to 267. I started fertility drugs and was 293 when I got pregnant. I took metformin and clomid with inseminations to try to conceive my first (Emma 6 and Micah 4). We have a double whammy because my husband also has REALLLY low sperm counts. We got pregnant with Emma on a cycle break from fertility drugs, so just tracking cycle and timing intercourse on metformin. We were blessed with her and not going to 'try' for another, but kept tracking cycles and taking metformin and got pregnant again with my son when Emma was 13 months old. :) So somewhat of a success story I think.

    After my pregnancies and weight gain I was sitting at about 310. Even though my tubes were tied I was on yasmin for bc to regulate my hormones. I went off of it 2 years ago cold turkey because a friend from high school passed away from a blood clot, attributed to birth control. I decided I didn't 'need' the bc and would deal with the effects of being off of it. I gained 20 pounds in a year and I am 330 now.

    Fast forward to today. My diabetes labs last week came back out of control. My daughter is overweight and had labs come back with high cholesterol at 6 years old. My husband is overweight. My son is fine. We are active and don't keep sweets in the house....but something has to give. I got scared. And as hard as it is to lose weight with PCOS and diabetes and IR... I am getting my meds straightened out and gonna get healthy...for myself and my family. The hardest parts for me is the head hunger. Surgery didn't fix that. I am a food addict, period. I own it. And the exercise. Even though I coach Emma's softball and don't let my 'weight' stop me from trying things...I am not consistent, and the exercise needs to be daily!!

    I saw a nutritionist on Saturday and got on a food plan. I see my doctor today to follow up with new meds. I currently take a once a day shot called Victoza, and that helps tremendously, but I am sure she will add pills to get my daily sugars and a1c down. It was 9.6, OMG. So, my GW is 250 pounds, 80 pounds from now. That may change as I go.

    This is my first week on MFP, and this is exactly the type of thread I was looking for. I know I will need help to stay accountable. This week alone I am struggling. I have lost 1 pound. And just hours ago I found out that my 4 day old little baby cousin passed away from a heart defect....and I have been crying and wanting to turn to food all day!!

    So, if you have read this far, I am grateful. I am looking forward to returning the support to you ladies as well. ;)

    Congrats Momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your weight loss so far is AWESOME!!! You should be so proud!! :)
  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member

    To those that have craving carbs issues too....mine is bad! I'd prefer a giant bowl of spaghetti to ice cream or cake any day. Its hard to say no! We can do it though!!! :)

    BTW, what would you guys think about picking a day of the week and that be our weigh in day? No one has to share the actual numbers if it makes them uncomfortable, but maybe just say I'm down 1lb or whatever.

    Love the idea! And I hear you on the spaghetti. I LOVE me some bad carbs! So hard to say no, but I don't love the way I feel after eating them.
  • swinnie239
    swinnie239 Posts: 423 Member
    It also feels so odd a lot of the time because my mind isn't fully used to it yet, that I can eat full fat cheese, not skimp on olive oil, use heavy cream and butter, but I can't have a freakin piece of toast.

    I love toast (or English muffins) with my breakfast. I used to do that pretty often. Now, no toast.

    I just want toast! (Well, not just toast, there are a lot of thing I want, but toast is the most painful for me.)

    Not currently trying for a pregnancy yet. I'm still 26. Just not on birth control because that always caused way too many cycles (2-3 a month usually).
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    I think a weigh in day would be cool. I am trying not to concentrate on the numbers as much as a healthy lifestyle, but I need to watch it so that I never slip backwards.

    I don't crave the spaghetti, I want the cake. lol For me I kind of know it is an addiction and it is all or nothing. I haven't given up all carbs. My nutritionist said being diabetic as well that I just need to combine my carb with a protein when I eat it. That being said I am avoiding but not going free of gluten, and obviously white carbs. I am on 1500 calories and going to commit to exercise 5 days a week.

    I also just changed my medications for diabetes and depression/anxiety. I am motivated now, but need to stay that way and for that I need to be in better spirits. I had a rough day yesterday and really wanted to turn to food and didn't. Proud, but I know there eventually will be a slip and that is where I really need you guys!!

    Glad to see you guys still posting. Besides a weekly weigh in I am going to just try to stop by daily to say "hello". I also noticed yesterday I just typed a long post and it really helps to kind of journal out my feelings.

    Anyway, have a great day guys! Oh, and names please...lol If you don't mind. I hate the screen names. ;)
  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member
    I think a weigh in day would be cool. I am trying not to concentrate on the numbers as much as a healthy lifestyle, but I need to watch it so that I never slip backwards.

    I don't crave the spaghetti, I want the cake. lol For me I kind of know it is an addiction and it is all or nothing. I haven't given up all carbs. My nutritionist said being diabetic as well that I just need to combine my carb with a protein when I eat it. That being said I am avoiding but not going free of gluten, and obviously white carbs. I am on 1500 calories and going to commit to exercise 5 days a week.

    I also just changed my medications for diabetes and depression/anxiety. I am motivated now, but need to stay that way and for that I need to be in better spirits. I had a rough day yesterday and really wanted to turn to food and didn't. Proud, but I know there eventually will be a slip and that is where I really need you guys!!

    Glad to see you guys still posting. Besides a weekly weigh in I am going to just try to stop by daily to say "hello". I also noticed yesterday I just typed a long post and it really helps to kind of journal out my feelings.

    Anyway, have a great day guys! Oh, and names please...lol If you don't mind. I hate the screen names. ;)

    Good job not turning to the comfort food yesterday. Each time we resist that temptation, I think it makes us a little stronger for the next time.
    I'm Jen, by the way. :)
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116

    Good job not turning to the comfort food yesterday. Each time we resist that temptation, I think it makes us a little stronger for the next time.
    I'm Jen, by the way. :)

    Hi Jen! Thanks, I am so much better with names. ;)

    So how is everyone else doing? I went to costco today, and love their pizza, but brought baby carrots to snack on while I waited for the tire rotation. ;)

    I think it is the little successes that we have to celebrate! What is a little success you guys have had lately? I know Jen did a little workout even though she is sick.

    Check in!!!
  • RTL1234
    RTL1234 Posts: 19 Member
    Way too go resisting the comfort foods!!!

    I didn't diary much yesterday and none today, I have the app on my phone but I keep forgetting to get on and put the food in. I am also not avoiding carbs completely. Just trying to avoid the bad ones.

    Swinne- have you tried the brand Ole low carb tortillas? They are really soft and make for a great breakfast burrito or quesadilla. Might try that! :)

    Jen - I love reading your posts, they keep me in check lol.

    Right now it's hard for me on dinners. My parents are staying with me until their house they just got is done. Thankfully they will hve keys July 1st. They have been here since November. Love them to pieces but they eat sooooo bad. Soda, my dad who is bad diabetic eats snack cakes (ie little Debbie) non stop instead of meals. It's been challenging not eating a treat all the time. So I am ready to go back to cooking more healthy with leaner meats.

    I'm Kara btw!
  • swinnie239
    swinnie239 Posts: 423 Member
    I have the Tam-X-ico low carb tortilla in my fridge. I'm going to use them for wraps tomorrow.

    It's largely the texture of toast that I miss. I loved avocado toast. Or an english muffin with some jam. Or tomatoes on toast. I love toast so much. I miss toast.

    I haven't really been resisting the craving all that well lately. Tomorrow is the weekly company breakfast though, so that gives me a chance to turn down stuff.

    BTW, I'm Winnie.
  • RTL1234
    RTL1234 Posts: 19 Member
    Winnie - (love the name btw!) Hopefully tomorrow will go well for you, you will do great saying no! I'm such a pushover at times, it takes me saying it over and over to be firm. Lol! I miss pop, soda I guess to some people. So bad for you but man a can of coke can make my day lol.

    Work tomorrow for me will be interesting. Fridays we usually hve pizza and it will be the first day I say no. I need to go to the store, have nothing in the house to pack. I think I may go to chipotle. Can eat pretty good there for low calorie, or subway.
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    Hi girls!

    Kara- It really has to suck having bad foods around the house. Luckily my husband and kids pretty much go with the flow. I have a food addiction for sure and to have the sweets in the house, I personally could not say no. But, for me going out is so scary. The bad crap is everywhere (like costco today)...and it almost makes me just want to be a recluse. But, I know I can't avoid going out into the world with temptations. It is kind of true that once you detox from the sugars you don't crave them as much anymore. Maybe, knowing they are moving in less than a week, you can get a jump start on the sugar detox? At least you can see the end, in 5 days I can get rid of the sugar! I was trying to think of a trick for the pizza so you don't feel left out in the future. could they order you an antipasta salad? Then you could still be a part of the group. Or maybe bring something more italiany, like turkey meatballs in marinara, or your own little mini pizzas made with a wheat muffin (not sure if you are avoiding gluten?) Either way, for this week you have a plan. Stick to it!! ;)

    Hi Winnie! Try not to stress about turning stuff down...try to just put it in your mind that you will choose the best things. Have a back up snack handy in case the choices are really bad. You can do it!!

    Jen, hope you are feeling better. Good job with the walk.

    Mrs. Mitchell, check in! ;)

    As for me... I am getting ready for a mini vacation. We are on a tight budget because I am doing my student teaching internship in the fall (unpaid). It is nice having the summer off with the kids, but I am broke! We are leaving the kids with grandma and grandpa and going camping 2 nights in the Mojave National Forest (we live in Cali) for 14 bucks a night and then 2 nights near Vegas for 26 bucks a night. I have all my good foods planned for camping, but fear being bored and snacky. Although sunflower seeds are high in sodium, I am gonna take some to keep my mouth busy...lol And then my husband wants to drink. We are not big drinkers. Always one of us is a designated driver, and we don't drink around the kids. I don't want to tell him no, so will try to plan in a couple low cal drinks. The hard part will be in Henderson, near Vegas. We will be eating out more and bored by the pool and in the room. I am bringing healthy snacks, but I know I will have a hard time with portions. I am going to put the portions measured out into snack bags tomorrow so I just don't dip into a big bag and not count. That will help. Any other bright ideas, let me know. I can't let loose for vacation and jump back on next week because that is how it always starts. You know what I mean. The good thing is that we have mapped out a couple of hikes for exercise, and I will swim laps at the pool.

    So, if you guys don't see me around from Sat until next Wed that will be why. I really don't think we get reception at all where we are camping.

    Today was a good day for me. I think having buddies will help. As you can tell I love to talk. Thanks for listening. ;)