how long does the nausea last?

DeweyRN Posts: 18 Member
Hello Everyone,

I just had the sleeve done 3 weeks ago and I am still super nauseated all day, every day. I am able to get down about 3-4 bites of the "mushies" and then it takes everything in me not to throw up. I have intense aversion to foods that I once loved (not at all a bad thing). I am a 39 y/o female with a starting weight of 338 on day of surgery. I am down to 313 as of today. I struggle to get in enough fluids and protein, so far averaging 60 gms per day. I am also wondering when I can expect to start seeing my hair fall out? I do have a few Zofran tablets left over and they do seem to help a bit. I would appreciate any feedback! So glad that I did this!



  • joyhibbz
    joyhibbz Posts: 38 Member
    I was never nauseated at all except for right after waking up in the recovery room. I was also on liquids for 4 weeks after surgery and then mushies for 4 weeks. I was 17 weeks out yesterday and my hair started coming out really bad about a week ago :(
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I often had mild nausea with meals for months....I was eating way too fast. My nausea really improved in the beginning when I just kept sipping. I now drink constantly at my work desk. Luckily for me my trigger foods of wheat, potato and rice brought nausea immediately which was a good incentive to finally quit eating them. They aren't part of the lifestyle anyway. I once got sick on a luna protein had 13g of sugar!!!! At about 4-5 months my hair started coming out. New hair is coming in. I figure it will be better by next year
  • DeweyRN
    DeweyRN Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for the information! My nausea is what I would compare to morning sickness, except that it lasts all day on and off. I have never thrown up though thankfully! Was the hair loss enough that other people noticed (bald spots) or was it something only you saw? I have visions of me going bald!
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    the hair falling out is not guaranteed, so don't worry about it yet. I mean, I'm worried about it, but don't you worry about it. LOL!

    The nausea will pass. You had major abdominal surgery. Keep your emesis basin nearby. Chew chew chew your food. Sip slowly. You're healing. It will get better.
  • priceless97
    priceless97 Posts: 27 Member
    i'm 5 weeks post op and the naseau has calmed down slightly. I don't throw up but it just feels like my tummy is turning and turning all of the time. I hear it will eventually pass so let's just be patient! :-) I've been only eating soups and popsicles.
  • DeweyRN
    DeweyRN Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all for helping me understand the post op process! It is such a learning curve and I value the experience of everyone that has gone through it!
