Running Make You Hungrier?

CatchMeJess Posts: 14 Member
Hey Guys! I hope you are having fun logging the miles and meeting your goals!

I love hitting the pavement first thing in the morning, but the rest of the day I'm starving. Then I overeat and before you know it, I've undone the morning's hard work.

Does this happen to anyone else? Do you have any tricks, suggestions, advice? Thanks for the input!


  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    It's called "working up an appetite." :) Although some disagree I need to 'eat back my exercise calories. I run in the AM and the more I burn the bigger my breakfast and snack will be. Running also gets your metabolism going so you burn a little more even after the run
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I went from 253 to about 175 between Dec 2012 and Jan 2014 by eating fairly cleanly, (high protein, low fat, healthy carbs), 6 days each week in the gym (some days lifting, other days intervals where the running intervals were fairly short).

    Started running in Jan (Cto5K, then bridge to 10K and now a month away from a planned half-marathon in late July). Weekly milage getting close to 25 miles and I ran 9 miles yesterday morning. Hungry, especially for carbs, all the time and back to about 185. (Gaining slowly but steadily).

    Try to eat lean and eat plenty of veggies (plain with NO dressing) and fruits, but still am starving for heavier carbs a lot of the time.

    Perhaps after the July race I might go back to last year's routine to get those 10 or so extra pounds back off again.
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Running makes me hungry and I have no trouble out eating my calorie burn. I prelog my food and plan very carefully what I'm going to eat every day so I get the most food for my calories. Lots of veggies and fruit, eggs, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, oatmeal. Stuff that will fill me up. I try to stay away from white bread, bagels, even pasta because it just has too many calories for the amount of food you get.
  • SecretAgent27
    SecretAgent27 Posts: 57 Member
    I seem to be in the minority in that exercise doesn't make me hungry. And in the case intense exercise, it actually curbs my appetite to the point where I literally can't eat afterwards.

    That said, I need to have something in my stomach before I run. If I run in the morning without eating, my stomach just feels empty and it ends up being uncomfortable and annoying by the end of the run. I tried just eating an energy bar beforehand and that works OK, but a small breakfast works better. Afterwards, I just eat when I feel I might start being hungry. If I wait and just let that hunger grow, I'm more likely to overeat. But if I nip it in the bud immediately, I can eat small meals and stay on schedule. I do eat a nutrition/recovery bar after my runs. I don't necessarily do it because I'm hungry, but it could be that it helps in that area too.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    I run 60-70 miles a week. I find I am in a constant state of hunger. All I think about is food. I have fantasies of me eating a box of cheeseitz, bag of sour batch kids & drinking energy drinks. It's a constant battle lol. I generally find that if I eat 200 calorie snacks throughout the day, I can usually have 1 giant 1000-1500 calories meal. It's normal to be hungry!

    Welcome to the club :P I'm 5'8" 128 pounds & eat a LOTT
  • NorthCountryDreamer
    NorthCountryDreamer Posts: 115 Member
    I am always hungry but it is bearable.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    Funny that this came up today...i was just telling my husband last night that i am about to gain 5-10 pounds. I started training for my half 2 weeks ago and I am hungry ALL THE TIME. I haven't logged food in almost a year and I just can't get back into to, so I am probably going to gain a few pounds during this training. I guess if the weight starts creeping on I will be forced to log again because I will eat ALL the food while training.
  • Melissa26point2
    Melissa26point2 Posts: 177 Member
    I am always hungy too. It seems that the more I run, the hungrier I get. As long as you are giving your body the right stuff, you are doing it right
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    Try eating within 30 minutes of completing your run, even if you aren't hungry yet. This should help to curb the uncontrollable hunger and cravings later in the day. Feed your body with good quality food post run. Homemade recovery shakes are great if you have a weak stomach after running. Try to aim for a 3:1 or 4:1 combo of carbs to protein following your runs.

    This was a big problem for me for quite some time. I worked with a nutritionist to get it under control. This was her recommendation.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I throw a bottle of recovery drink down my throat as soon after I finish as possible, that seems to take the edge off.
  • CatchMeJess
    CatchMeJess Posts: 14 Member
    Whew! It sounds like I'm not the only one. Thank you all for the advice! I will try having an immediate and clean post-run snack to stave off the afternoon munchies.

    I've always run solo and kept my concerns/successes/questions to myself, so it's nice to finally be in a community of health-conscious individuals (even if only in the cybersphere). :)

    Happy trails!
  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    I seem to be in the minority in that exercise doesn't make me hungry. And in the case intense exercise, it actually curbs my appetite to the point where I literally can't eat afterwards.

    I'm the same! Particularly with high intensity stuff. On days where I do speed work in the morning, I get up at 4:30, drive an hour, run for at least an hour, shower, and get to work by 8am. I'm still not hungry at 8 and often don't eat until I am hungry around 9 or 10. (Yes, I know you should eat after a workout, but I like to just eat when I feel hungry.)

    Rest days are another story. I want to eat everything and anything all day long. Same with day after the long run.
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    I used to be like that, all the time, would run and then skelp a big bag of maltesers, which didn't really help the weight loss, but when I was up over the 40 miles a week i seemed to want to sleep instead of eat (go figure), I did find that having a banana or nuts in the car and having them as soon as I finish my run did seem to help.
  • lockeddoor
    lockeddoor Posts: 103 Member
    I find that I'm either famished and ready to eat all of the calories I can cram into my head-hole.... or I don't want to go anywhere near food and am at a huge deficit for the day. I have no in-between setting, and I don't know what makes me ravenous versus not (haven't been logging long enough to see a definitive pattern). It's awful when my complete lack of hunger happens after my long run, because then I can be literally 1000 short for the day. I try to make up for it by drinking powerade (80 calories per scoop) and other drinks that have calories, instead of the 0-calorie versions, so that I don't wither away and die. Then there are days where I only run 3-4 miles and need to eat EVERYTHING IN THE REFRIGERATOR RIGHT NOW.

    But I don't really sweat it too much, because I'm 99 lbs and 5'3, so if I gain a few, pfffft, whatever.

    I have no idea how I would manage my wildly oscillating food cravings if I needed to maintain or lose though. Gaaah, that sounds hard!
  • jpapp13
    jpapp13 Posts: 73 Member
    I definitely find this to be the case with longer runs, I've found that packing jerky or nuts to snack on afterwards tends to quell the pangs. Once I make sure I'm fully hydrated I will reassess my hunger and go from there.. but post half marathons I definitely want to eat ALL the things then take a nap :)
  • Lard_Vader
    Lard_Vader Posts: 138 Member
    Hey Guys! I hope you are having fun logging the miles and meeting your goals!

    I love hitting the pavement first thing in the morning, but the rest of the day I'm starving. Then I overeat and before you know it, I've undone the morning's hard work.

    Does this happen to anyone else? Do you have any tricks, suggestions, advice? Thanks for the input!

    What are you eating after your long run? I'm putting in 50 miles or so week and I don't find I am any hungrier than normal. I do eat every 3 hours and consume A LOT of fruit which gives me great fuel. Reviewing your current diet might also be worthwhile--to insure you are getting the necessary macros daily (depending on your goals).
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    It makes me hungry for sure. That's the beauty of MFP. You can count your calories and track carefully so you don't go over. That doesn't take care of the feeling hungry part though. On days with a long morning run, I almost blow my entire days calorie budget by lunch time. :/
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Your post doesn't tell me if you experience it (hunger) everyday or only on the days you run.

    If it's only on the days that you run it's kind of / somewhat / maybe acceptable to some degree ... you get what I'm saying. Still there maybe chances that your diary settings maybe/can be off somewhere

    However -

    What method are you using MFP or TDEE?
    How are you logging your food?
    Are you eating your exercise calories back? If yes, how much?
    Last but not the least are you currently trying to loose weight or are you in maintenance?

    Please do keep us posted.
    Been there, felt it and now handling it.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    I find my hunger is worse when I run my long runs too fast for my current fitness level. Slowing down a bit helps keep the always-present hunger more manageable, as does a big glass of water and substantial snack/meal immediately after I finish.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Was thinking about this when I got back from a road ride this morning, I did 90 minutes of fast riding, burning up about 1300 calories. Running for that length of time would be a bit shy of that, closer to 1000-1100 calories.

    The difference was that I felt less hungry after the ride. I had my usual bottle of recovery drink as soon as I'd finished and racked up the bike, but usually after a run I'll hoover up granola bars, fruit and nuts, I just didn't have the same urge. I took a couple of pieces of fruit with me when I walked the dog afterwards, but without the same urgency.

    No conclusions on why, as it was a ride in the same HR range that my long runs would normally be in, perhaps a little lower but not much.