Anyone see a Chiropractor?

katebrog Posts: 44 Member
Hi ladies, I'm debating on whether or not I need to see a chiropractor. I'm currently 32w/3d and have had pain in my left hip flexor/upper inside leg groin/tendon area since around week 26. I was thinking it would go away and thought I may have pulled something during my last long run (which was around 26 weeks) so I stopped running and have only been doing the elliptical/cycle, which doesn't bother it. It only bothers me when I walk or pick my leg up, it feels like the tendon on the inside of my upper left leg needs a good stretch, but nothing I do seems to make it better. One friend suggested seeing a chiropractor, maybe my hip/pelvis has gotten out of alignment and may be contributing to the pain, I'm not sure? I talked to my OB/GYN doctor about it and she says it may help, but it's probably more than likely due to my tendons/pelvis/hips starting to loosen and stretch in preparation for the baby. Which I'm sure may be the culprit as well, it's just strange the pain is only on my left side, my right leg doesn't hurt at all. Any suggestions with seeing a chiropractor??


  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    I saw a chiropractor during my 2nd pregnancy because my right hip was constantly out of place. I even coughed a rib out of place once! :sad: It helped a lot. I was nervous to see them while pregnant but he was great and was able to adjust the table/my position to accommodate my belly. I would just recommend researching them first and ensure they know you are pregnant in advance.
  • mrsomeara
    mrsomeara Posts: 67 Member
    I am 22 weeks 2 days. I just saw one last Thursday and have noticed a huge benefit after only 1 adjustment. Friday I was a bit more sore in my right hip (I have hip bursitis and pregnancy has made it worse) and sciatica but since then its been way better. I am going to try and go biweekly or at least once a month.

    DO IT! I don't think you'll regret it :wink:
  • MariahMichaels
    MariahMichaels Posts: 48 Member
    I've been seeing my chiropractor for 2.5 years, a year after my daughter was born I found out that I have spondylosis in my lower back. I see my chiropractor every 3 weeks to get everything adjusted, he's taken me from constant pain/not being able to sit on the floor and play with my daughter to almost no pain and being able to play at my daughters level. I wish I would have known about him when I was 33 weeks pregnant with my daughter because I was in constant pain in my lower back from that point on. Anyways, I highly recommend a good chiropractor who is also certified to work on pregnant women. I am 6 weeks & 3 days pregnant with my 2nd and I will be seeing my chiropractor today for adjustments.

  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I saw a chiropractor with my first and it was a huge help with relieving lower back pain and a pinched nerve. The one I went to specializes in pregnancy and has tables with special modifications and pillows for pregnant women so I had no worries. He even offers packages to include being available to attend your delivery to assist in rotating the baby if they happen to turn or need to be turned in the right direction before resorting to other methods by the hospital staff! While I didn't need it, I'm glad to know that was available if I did. I was very pleased with and pain free with chiropractic services and will definitely do it again with my second when the time comes!
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    Go to a chiropractor! They work wonders if they have worked with pregnant women before. Some may not work with many. Mine works with lots of preggo ladies and even babies. She's lovely. I saw her at the start of my pregnancy but had to save my covered visits until later in pregnancy because I know what my hips will do. Good luck to you!
  • ZRx4
    ZRx4 Posts: 158 Member
    I was having the same pain, only it started around 33-34 weeks (currently 37+4), turns out baby's head is chillin in my hip. He's moving tons but really likes transverse and oblique lying. I just started going to a chiro for webster technique. Maybe your baby is turned at bit too?
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    I've been seeing a chiropractor for the last month (I'm 23+5). It's been wonderful! I was having sharp lower sacrum pain and the adjustments have done wonders for me. I've combined the adjustments with prenatal massage offered at the chiropractor's office, and the results have been great. I would ask fellow pregnant women/moms in your area if they saw anyone during their pregnancies. My prenatal yoga instructor recommended mine. Also, my insurance covers nearly all of it. I think each session with massage is about $13 out of pocket. Totally worth it.
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    Great advice, ladies! Thank you so much! I actually ended up making an appointment for July 9th (will be out of town the majority of next week, so had to push it back one more week) - I'm excited about it and hope it will help with this pain, it's just so annoying! Found out my insurance covers a good bit of it too, which is nice!