Check In June 27, 2014

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Good morning, lovelies!

As the last Friday of the month, today should officially be all b#tch Friday, but since most of us have been doing plenty of b#itching and whining and venting already this month, I am declaring today NO B#TCH FRIDAY. Turn all your complaints into reflections; turn your problems into opportunities! Let's try this! You in?


  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    So here's my un-b#tch: for yesterday's procedures, I had to eat nothing but clear liquids on Tuesday and had nothing but a sip of water until 3 p.m. yesterday. Yes, I was hungry and surrounded by temptations, but I followed the doctor's instructions to the letter because I had to. This really got me thinking... what stops me from following the" Instructions" I have for weight loss? How can I develop that same "get it done" attitude for sticking to a meal plan?

    Today, I will follow my instructions to the letter again by eating three meals and three snacks and staying under 1400 calories. That's a whole lot easier than clear liquids only or fasting! No excuses, no whining, no complaints about it today. Just getting it done.

    Karen in Maine
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    LOVE THIS! Love you! Raises hand and confesses guilty! It is so easy to join a band wagon without even realizing it. Shoot, even spearheading it! Lets get this choo-choo going in the right direction. Happy is contagious!

    Ok, I already forgot the question. Eek. That's how excited you get me. Woo woo, Karen.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Oh ok.. positive..I lost this week. I'm not going to minimize it. I want to...oh boy I want to, but I'm not I drank my water like a champ and I lost. Now I am.going to work on the rest like I did as a returning member 3 months ago. Log, weigh, macros, it works! Why not do what works?
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    ugh.... "week 2" got me! I know I worked harder than a .6 loss but I have to remind myself that I had 9.2 last week so for two weeks I am down 9.8. So my positive for today is I am not going to dwell on the .6 but be happy that it went down and that I know I worked hard this week, although I could have done better with the water challenge. Oh well! Happy weekend!!
  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    I'm in Karen! Have a challenging day today. Gonna go for it with grace and dignity.

    Food was bad yesterday, under calories but unhealthy choices so today I'm choosing to let yesterday go and do my best today.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    ugh.... "week 2" got me! I know I worked harder than a .6 loss but I have to remind myself that I had 9.2 last week so for two weeks I am down 9.8. So my positive for today is I am not going to dwell on the .6 but be happy that it went down and that I know I worked hard this week, although I could have done better with the water challenge. Oh well! Happy weekend!!

    AMAZING that you lost MORE! I cannot believe that! Truly amazing. I know it can be a let down.. you were probably thinking.. oh I am going to lose 20lbs in 2 weeks, but the body doesn't work like that...(unless you are on the biggest loser working out 16hrs a day and puking ever hour). 10lbs in 2 weeks is pretty damn AMAZING!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Heather, I knew you would be in. Woohoo! Today is going to be brilliant!

    Diana, that .6 is just your body say, what???? I'll bet you'll be down another chunk next week.

    Mac, you were under your calories... yes! Today you will rock!

    My meal plan is set and full of good choices. My exercise is planned. I'm attacking what I've procrastinated on and will also set aside two hours to write. And that's what motivated, focused, no excuses Karen looks like today. Apparently sticking a tube up my *kitten* yesterday unblocked me in more ways than one, Bwahahahahaaa.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Karen, thank you for your perception of the way the conversations have been going. I was honestly thinking of leaving the group last night, and look for another more positive energy group. Please everyone, don't get me wrong, this is a GREAT group of fun loving, caring people. I love hearing about your families, Karen you always crack me up with your stories (I will be first in line to buy one of your books), all your of work/family/travel stories etc, but recently the conversations have been so 'down' with so many blowing their eating plans/exercise plans etc, that I even started to think about 'blowing' my healthy eating plan, and I just won't do that. I need to get this weight off and want to get it off. And I know everyone here feels the same way.

    I know we can't always be 'positive' all the time, many have financial problems, health problems, very real issues to deal with and I wish I could reach out and help everyone and give them a hug and tell them 'it will be ok'.

    I apologize if i have upset anyone, I am just telling you how I have been feeling lately on this forum. Enough of that!

    On a positive note...I am flying 'home' on Monday to be with the folks. Can't wait! Well....on the other hand....I am thinking about those 100 cleaning/projects my mom has lined up for me to do!!! Oh well, what are vacations others!!! lol Wishing you all a great day. Again, my apologies as I don't mean to take anyone's personal issues lightly.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Today is a beautiful day, the sun is shining, I got a little lie in as my son stayed over at his grandmas. Later we are having a little picnic (nothing grand, when we have picnics it just means eating a sandwich and some fruit outside lol) play in the park, trot alongside him as he rides his bike, laugh with him at things that are not really funny. DH and I will take our kindles with us and take it in turns to play while the other has some reading time in the sun. Lovely! Oh we also found a very small splash pad we can take him to that is local and free that is near another park and some tennis courts. I am very tempted to get a couple of cheap rackets so DH and I can play. It has been years but when I was in Secondary school tennis was one of sports I loved. Happy days.
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    Though, I have messed up my eating the past 2 days. It was great. I have enjoyed nights out with my husband and kids. Not stressing about anything.

    The weekend is coming up and feel great about that. Sunday evening, I will be attending a local Moms of Multiples family event at a local park, so that will be exciting. Others that may be around during that time, may think "Holy geez, where did all those kids come from" lol. But lots of fellow twin mommies will be there with a couple triplet mommies.

    I am also happy to say that I am actually doing good on the mini-water challenge. Woohooo.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I'm feeling very unwell today. So, I guess, that's an opportunity for rest? Or, more realistically, an opportunity to challenge myself to get things done in spite of unpleasant circumstances.

    I had a lovely time with my friends last night! After the play, we went out to an all night diner and stayed there for a couple hours just talking and laughing. Got home very late (or very early) and slept until I had to get up to get my hair cut. I went over my calories, but not by as much as I was under the previous day, so it balances out. I also got a good amount of walking in despite having plans at night, so I'm proud of that. Walking around before work, during lunch, and while waiting to be picked up at the metro station made a big difference. Every little bit counts!

    Today, despite feeling ill, I'm going to get laundry done, pick up my side of the bedroom, go to the gym, and pick up my prescriptions from the pharmacy. Depending on how timing works out, I might try to make it to the post office. I'm exhausted just thinking about it, but I've been putting off the housework stuff for too long and that ends today!
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    Ok - an attitude for gratitude, that shouldn't be too hard - right?!

    I gained this week. I gained 3 lbs and I don't feel terrible about it, I feel like it's healthy. I've lost a lot of weight over the last 5 months i'm grateful to be feeling happier and healthier.

    Kaela x
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Karen, that is so true. I don't know how many times I've had to fast for medical reasons and followed "directions" to the letter. And there was the 3 weeks of liquid diet before my RNY (mine was extra long due to the stupid nurses cancelling my surgery and then having to re-schedule it). I was tempted so bad as it was over St. Patrick's which is a major holiday for my family and I was able to resist because I knew it was necessary for my surgery. And after surgery I followed directions to the letter. Why can't I do it now? That is definitely something to think about.

    I am so grateful for so much in my son (who I wasn't supposed to be able to conceive), Michael's zero viral load, a roof over my head and food on my table, a loving family, and I am 225 pounds lighter than I was 8 years ago. I get so wrapped up in losing that I often forget where I started and just how far I've come.

    Dee in MO
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    It's been a mixed week, I'm just tired and ready for it to be over. I'm looking over my calorie diary for the past two weeks and I haven't gone over once. For that i am proud, but this last week has just been difficult. I haven't been able to get in my exercise. Between the time that was taken up with the getting the car and then all the catchup with work and meeting new clients their either hasn't been time or energy. I found it really frustrating, and missed the endorphins of a good workout. I really want to go for a nice 9-10 mile bike ride tomorrow but will have to take it in first.

    Despite eating well, the none exercise just killed me. I weighed in this morning for the challenge and I didn't budge. No gain or loss, just the same, even down to the decimal despite eating under my calorie goal. I will weigh in in the morning tomorrow since that the traditional end of my month, so will see if maybe it was just a bad morning.

    Anyway, i'm ready for the work load to lighten so I can take the time I need to get out and exercise.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I think your body got used to all that extra exercise, Pat. You probably don't even realize it, but the exercise you are doing is more than most fit people do on a daily basis. I haven't peeked at your diary in a while but I know you mentioned sodium being a issue so if I had to guess, I would think the lack of exercise this week probably left you without the outlet to sweat that off plus of course, the extra burn. That coupled with all the extra stress. You will be back on track next week. Still, 36lbs in less than 3 months is awesome!