Mini Pill & PCOS

Claairey1992 Posts: 90 Member
Hi guys

I was diagnosed with PCOS 14 months ago and was given pro-longed release metformin to treat symptoms which was working well (I was getting regular periods for months) up until 5 months ago when my period just stopped. Went to doctors today and they have taken me off metformin and have put me on the mini pill (progesterone only). Was just looking for people's experiences ith this cos I really have no clue as to what to expect?!?

Thanks in advance :) (also feel free to add me on here!)


  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member
    I'm curious about the mini pill too, as I can't handle even the smallest amount of estrogen in regular pills. I've had some success with over the counter progesterone cream, but would love to hear people's experiences with the mini pill.