Gained weight while in surgery!

I finally got back to my weight from preop. I had my sleeve on Wednesday and released on Thursday and to my surprise I gained 7lbs! I'm thinking it was all gas ect but this morning I finally got back to where I started (:

Is this normal? Did it happen to any of you??


  • SibylDiane
    SibylDiane Posts: 177 Member
    It's completely normal. It's from all the fluids they pumped into you before, during, and after surgery. Takes a while for them to clear out. Don't worry!
  • olivia0428
    olivia0428 Posts: 10
    Thank you, I shocked me at first but I'm a but more comfortable with it now that I looked it up and it's normal
  • plmelquist
    plmelquist Posts: 42
    My Dr. won't even let us weigh in until 2 weeks after surgery because of this. They pump you full of fluids and air during the procedure and after. Your body goes into shock. You'll be plenty pleased at the 2 week mark, trust me!
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Of course! You're full of fluids! Stay off the scale until your post op checkup. You'll be pleased with the results!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Remember that saline drip? You had that going hours before surgery and 2 days besides. Keep drinking to wash out the salt. And keep moving, yes you will be slow and exhausted but keep going and you will pee out pounds. :)
  • GraceByMySide
    GraceByMySide Posts: 77 Member
    My husband was told by the PA to put my scale away. We aren't allowed to weigh for JUST that reason!!! If we get on after all the fluids they pumped us with, we'd tend to not eat/drink what we should after surgery!!! Don't fall victim to the scale!!!!!!!! You WILL lose! Just let it be for a while!!!
  • kenziesmom_2000
    kenziesmom_2000 Posts: 17 Member
    yep! normal ... lol sucks but its normal...nothing like messing with our heads right out of the gate. lol its from the fluids and maybe even the gas. and a stall 2-3 weeks out is normal too... actually you should expect it. your body will freak out with al the weight you will drop right away and will try to hold on to fat cuz it thinks its starvnig. relax, dont panic, give it a week or so and the weight loss starts right back up again.
  • I gained 9 pounds from the IVF. It took 6 days for that to go away. I'm on day 8 and am only 2 lbs less than my surgery day weight because of all the surgery weight. Crazy!