Looking for a twin :)

Hi there, I'm 23 going on 24. I recently moved from Seattle WA to Atlanata GA. My boyfriend works in Alaska so hes only home for a week to two weeks every month or so. I REAAALLLYYY need some friends to help me with my journey. I am trying to lose around 100-150 pounds.


  • marye2021
    marye2021 Posts: 225 Member
    Hey! I'm 23 going on 24 as well! I have about 50 lbs left to lose! Also from Atlanta! my diary is always open and I try to log/post daily!
  • SELUSneak
    SELUSneak Posts: 21 Member
    Heya chicka! I'm 24, but stuck here till January. ;) looking for friends who understand the struggle (and I also have a high goal that seems impossible at times!) I went ahead and added you, maybe we can push one another. :)
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    Hey! 22 going on 23, 5'7 and overall trying to lose 116-126 or so lbs, maybe even more? I've got my ticker set to losing 116 then will see from there! I've lost over 25 so far. Feel free to add me :) I totally understand how impossible it feels sometimes! But every little bit of progress adds up :)
  • emserene1
    emserene1 Posts: 3
    22 year old woman
    Start Weight 213.8
    Current Weight: 178.6
    Current Goal 173
    Ultimate Goal 150

    anyone similar?