50lbs to lose? Come join me!!



  • mrsmitchell0510
    mrsmitchell0510 Posts: 83 Member
    Mrs. Mitchell checking in! I'm Lindsay.
    I am aiming to keep my carbs at 100g or less per day.
    Yesterday, we had a retirement party for someone here at work and I knew I didn't want to sit there and watch everyone else enjoy the snacks, so I saved a lot of my calories and carbs for the 2:00 party. It worked well! I was able to enjoy some of the snacks without overindulging and stayed within my calorie goal for the day!
    I use the Ole high fiber, low carb tortillas and love them! In fact, I had one last night with dinner. I put chicken, sauteed onions, and 1/4 cup shredded cheese on it and pressed it on the George Foreman grill to make an awesome chicken quesadilla!
    As for the soda, I love a good ole Coca Cola! In fact, since my husband and I don't drink alcohol, that's what we toasted with at our wedding reception! I try not to drink them often, but I do love them. Last weekend we got a SodaStream with some of our wedding money. I was leery about doing it, as I knew being able to make soda would allow me to drink more of it. But, that hasn't been the case at all. I got a couple of Crystal Light flavors and a couple of flavored water mixes that don't have any artificial sweeteners and that's what I've been using. I get the carbonation like soda, but not all the sugar.
  • RTL1234
    RTL1234 Posts: 19 Member
    Sharin - I think your plan sounds great so far!! Definitely think the sunflower seeds are a good idea, they may be high in sodium but it will give you a small snack so you aren't having to dip into the bad ones! Camping sounds fun!! We love to camp, we use my parents camper because I like a/c LOL!! My little guy loves camping so we do try to go because it's less expensive than a full on vacation! We did get to go to the beach in may which was nice (we are in Ohio). That was fun!

    Lindsay - Good for you!! I'm a cheapskate so I usually don't buy pop, but my parents definitely have it in the house but not for long! Lol

    I gotta get better at breakfast. I never eat in the mornings. I've never been a breakfast person. This morning I split a can of sprite with my co worker, may be 70 calories but bad for you nonetheless. They are talking maybe not doing pizza and doing Chinese, I definitely think I can do better at Chinese. At least there I can go for grilled chicken and veggies.
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    Hi ladies.

    Lindsay, we have a soda stream and love it. I did say I was going to give up diet coke, but the other day when I had the loss of my little cousin I caved and had one. I guess I am lucky for the fact that I grew up on diet coke. Over the last year though I had been adding a splash of regular at soda fountains, which is bad for a diabetic.

    Kara, I think chinese would be an easier choice. Good for you for at least making the best choice. Are you feeling better then?

    I did my weigh in today because we are leaving on vacation tomorrow. I lost 4.6 pounds in 6 days. I am happy with that. The old part of me thinks it should be more because I weigh so much and have lost 10 pounds (mainly water weight though) in a week before. But because I am on new medications and doing this the right way with diet and exercise...it is good. The biggest thing is our family is getting healthier. My husband lost 10 pounds!! Damn man. lol and my daughter lost only .1 of a pound. But, I spun it as family healthy weigh day and not about the number on the scale for my daughters sake. My son weighs 40.8, ha ha. My husband and I had a goal of 100 pounds together, but recently he said he would like to lose 40-60 and I want to lose 80. Maybe 150 would be a good long term goal to keep off. ;)

    I just did a mapquest to see how far the 99 cent store is from our house because I want a couple little things for our trip. It is 1.09 miles. It won't be a full fast walk for me because I am going to take the kids. But as long as I can keep my girl moving too, it is all good!!
  • sharimedina
    sharimedina Posts: 116
    It's me again. I just wanted to say we are leaving for vacation in the morning and pretty sure I won't have phone reception where we are camping for 2 days, then off to Henderson near Vegas for 2 more days. I will check in when I can. You guys have a good weekend, make great choices!!! ;) Wish me luck.
  • louisekerry86
    I'm in! I was diagnosed in 2004 with PCOS and IR. I was SW 307 CW 242. Still a long way to go (ideally 100-110 still to go), I'm on Metformin 1500mg a day (extended release) and low dose bcp for periods. I've changed my eating habits to the extent that I don't generally have fizzy drinks anymore, I don't have processed meats and I'm lactose intolerant so I have little dairy. I've started to find myself having problems with wheat so I'm trying to avoid breads and things like that, though I haven't cut them out altogether. I had migraines (severe, in hospital 3 times) for 5 months, only just last month had an MRI and found I had a severe sinus infection which was causing the headaches, since I came off the antibiotics I've noticed certain foods seem to trigger my sinuses and I get the same pain back again, only this time it can be killed with Ibuprofen, whereas before nothing short of Oxycodone would do it. The things that seem to 'trigger' it most are chocolate, bread and wine. So I've cut down on those, at least the bread and wine - chocolate is my weakness! :P

    Anyway, I'm trying out the Low GI option, anyone doing that? :)
  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member
    I'm in! I was diagnosed in 2004 with PCOS and IR. I was SW 307 CW 242. Still a long way to go (ideally 100-110 still to go), I'm on Metformin 1500mg a day (extended release) and low dose bcp for periods. I've changed my eating habits to the extent that I don't generally have fizzy drinks anymore, I don't have processed meats and I'm lactose intolerant so I have little dairy. I've started to find myself having problems with wheat so I'm trying to avoid breads and things like that, though I haven't cut them out altogether. I had migraines (severe, in hospital 3 times) for 5 months, only just last month had an MRI and found I had a severe sinus infection which was causing the headaches, since I came off the antibiotics I've noticed certain foods seem to trigger my sinuses and I get the same pain back again, only this time it can be killed with Ibuprofen, whereas before nothing short of Oxycodone would do it. The things that seem to 'trigger' it most are chocolate, bread and wine. So I've cut down on those, at least the bread and wine - chocolate is my weakness! :P

    Anyway, I'm trying out the Low GI option, anyone doing that? :)
    Welcome Louise! Sounds like you've made some great changes. I'm sorry that chocolate triggers your migraines. Wine triggers mine as well. Anyway, dark chocolate is good for us! I sometimes melt it on a gluten-free waffle for breakfast. Add some berries and YUM! :)
  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member
    It's me again. I just wanted to say we are leaving for vacation in the morning and pretty sure I won't have phone reception where we are camping for 2 days, then off to Henderson near Vegas for 2 more days. I will check in when I can. You guys have a good weekend, make great choices!!! ;) Wish me luck.

    Sounds so nice! Have a great time! I have 3 more work days until my mini vacation over the 4th. Already trying to think of how I can plan so that I don't blow the progress I've made so far. It will be a challenge for sure.
  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member

    I gotta get better at breakfast. I never eat in the mornings. I've never been a breakfast person. This morning I split a can of sprite with my co worker, may be 70 calories but bad for you nonetheless. They are talking maybe not doing pizza and doing Chinese, I definitely think I can do better at Chinese. At least there I can go for grilled chicken and veggies.

    Hi Kara! I'm never very hungry in the mornings either. I really have to force myself to eat, especially if I've already had my coffee. I always feel better when I do though.
    How did it go with the Chinese food?

    ETA: Sorry I had to go back and edit all my posts to add people's names in. I thought it would do that automatically when I quoted. Still figuring this stuff out!
  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member
    Mrs. Mitchell checking in! I'm Lindsay.
    I am aiming to keep my carbs at 100g or less per day.
    Yesterday, we had a retirement party for someone here at work and I knew I didn't want to sit there and watch everyone else enjoy the snacks, so I saved a lot of my calories and carbs for the 2:00 party. It worked well! I was able to enjoy some of the snacks without overindulging and stayed within my calorie goal for the day!
    I use the Ole high fiber, low carb tortillas and love them! In fact, I had one last night with dinner. I put chicken, sauteed onions, and 1/4 cup shredded cheese on it and pressed it on the George Foreman grill to make an awesome chicken quesadilla!

    The chicken quesadilla sounds really good. I'm always looking for ways to get more protein in as I'm not usually a big meat eater. Thanks for the idea! Good job on thinking ahead for the retirement party too.
  • louisekerry86
    I might try some dark chocolate and see how I feel :)

    I've never been a breakfast person either, in fact I'd say its probably what I'm struggling with most right now
  • swinnie239
    swinnie239 Posts: 423 Member
    After thinking about it, I'm switching to 50 net carbs for awhile instead of 50-60 gross carbs.

    Once I get more used to it, I'll switch to 50 gross, but I'm just having such a hard time with it for now.

    Weigh for this week, 156.3 lbs. I think I had a fake high number last week. I thought being sick would give me a fake low number, but now think it was a fake high number. Weight is an odd thing.

    Jen, have fun on your vacation!
  • swinnie239
    swinnie239 Posts: 423 Member
    Ooh, and happy news. For the first time in 4 years, a cycle started on its own. I've taken provera a couple times to induce and didn't like it. (I'm not on bc, it caused way too many bad side effects for me and I was on a cycle 60% of the time when I took it. Tried 4 different kinds also.) I guess I don't need to take the provera this month though. It just started no prompting or anything. I guess the weight loss is helping with getting my body more back to the standard.
  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member
    Ooh, and happy news. For the first time in 4 years, a cycle started on its own. I've taken provera a couple times to induce and didn't like it. (I'm not on bc, it caused way too many bad side effects for me and I was on a cycle 60% of the time when I took it. Tried 4 different kinds also.) I guess I don't need to take the provera this month though. It just started no prompting or anything. I guess the weight loss is helping with getting my body more back to the standard.

    That is fantastic!!! :)
  • Tiffers1759
    Tiffers1759 Posts: 102 Member
    Count me in too. I was DX in 2002 after visiting my PCP b/c I wasn't getting pregnant. I've been heavy all of my life, my highest weight known was 263 lbs, I am currently 215ish. Goal weight is 160ish.
  • mloreman
    mloreman Posts: 11 Member
    Hello new friends!! I'd love to congratulate you on your successes, commiserate with you on your cravings (I hear you on the spaghetti and toast in lieu of sweets!).
    I'm Mandy, 35, married mom of one precious (sassy) 4 year old. I was diagnosed several years ago, got my body in order, got pregnant, and have since gone way down hill. I am on Metformin ER, Atenolol for heart palpitations, I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis (untreated by doctor), and a big PCOS belly that I am desperate to get rid of. I'm starting a new job on Tuesday, so hopefully, stress will be down and activity will be up. I'd love to start the Couch 2 5K program, but it's so stinkin hot in Alabama.
    I am addicted to coke (the carbonated kind) and I seriously need a pill to get off of it, but I'm tryin! I'm drinking much more water and trying my best!!

    Did y'all decide on a check in day?
  • RTL1234
    RTL1234 Posts: 19 Member
    Louise - Welcome!!! :) I'm trying to avoid fizzy drinks too, only because the only ones I drink is pop/soda. LOL!

    Sharin - Have fun on your trip!! Let us know how it all goes! And WTG on your WL this week!

    Mandy - Welcome!!! I don't think we officially decided but I'm down for whatever works! I weigh in on Thursdays, but I will take whichever, or if everyone wants to just post whenever they have their regular day that's fine too!

    Swinnie - YAYYYY!! Getting AF on your own is awesome!! :) Can you explain more on the net vs gross carbs thing? I am so confused, I don't even know how many carbs I should be having a day.

    Tiffers - Welcome!!! WTG on your WL so far! That is amazing!

    Jen - Has your mini vacation started yet? I'm excited I only work today and tomorrow then I'm off until next Tuesday! WOOHOO! lol

    Hope I didn't miss anyone! My MFP is all in Portuguese right now which I have no idea how that happened. LOL! I'm hoping it fixes itself soon! It sure is strange to look at. On a side note, I had a really bad week eating but when I got on the scale this morning because I didn't weigh last week I was SHOCKED to see I'd gained 6lbs?! I mean I didn't do well by any means but 6lbs? I'm hoping its because AF started yesterday and I'm feeling bloated and yucky. I guess I will weigh normal on Thursday and if its still saying 6lbs I'll change my ticker. :( I was about to cry this morning!

  • heyitsnicolelee
    heyitsnicolelee Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    I am 21 years old and a senior in college. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 11 and have been on birth control pills since. I recently just got off of them, though (yay!) and hoping that this will help me lose weight as I cannot seem to lose it for anything. My doctor put me on Phentermine, which I am currently taking, to aid with the weight loss. I lost 40 pounds on a low carb diet a few years ago, but I became ill from it and gained all the weight back plus 30 extra pounds. So, right now I am aiming to lose about 60-70 pounds as a start and then see how it goes from there!
  • shaxianna
    shaxianna Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All! I am currently on the weight loss journey to lose 60 pounds. So challenging...I wish you all much success!
  • shaxianna
    shaxianna Posts: 4 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 21 or 22. I currently weight 245lbs. I would like to be about 180 or so.
  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member
    Welcome to TIffers, Mandy, and Shaxianna! Nice to see some more new ladies in here.
    Louise - Welcome!!! :) I'm trying to avoid fizzy drinks too, only because the only ones I drink is pop/soda. LOL!

    Sharin - Have fun on your trip!! Let us know how it all goes! And WTG on your WL this week!

    Mandy - Welcome!!! I don't think we officially decided but I'm down for whatever works! I weigh in on Thursdays, but I will take whichever, or if everyone wants to just post whenever they have their regular day that's fine too!

    Swinnie - YAYYYY!! Getting AF on your own is awesome!! :) Can you explain more on the net vs gross carbs thing? I am so confused, I don't even know how many carbs I should be having a day.

    Tiffers - Welcome!!! WTG on your WL so far! That is amazing!

    Jen - Has your mini vacation started yet? I'm excited I only work today and tomorrow then I'm off until next Tuesday! WOOHOO! lol

    Hope I didn't miss anyone! My MFP is all in Portuguese right now which I have no idea how that happened. LOL! I'm hoping it fixes itself soon! It sure is strange to look at. On a side note, I had a really bad week eating but when I got on the scale this morning because I didn't weigh last week I was SHOCKED to see I'd gained 6lbs?! I mean I didn't do well by any means but 6lbs? I'm hoping its because AF started yesterday and I'm feeling bloated and yucky. I guess I will weigh normal on Thursday and if its still saying 6lbs I'll change my ticker. :( I was about to cry this morning!


    Kara, that is too funny about the Portuguese. Random!
    I'm sure the 6 lbs are just to do with your cycle. I don't think you could have actually gained 6 lbs in such a short time. I bet they'll drop off by your next weigh in.
    My mini-vacay starts Thursday. Just taking an extra day off to make it a 4-day weekend and heading out of town to get some R&R with friends and family. My bff, who I haven't seen in over 2 years, is flying in from L.A. tomorrow night. She's totally on board with the healthy eating, so it will be nice to have some support this weekend. We've already planned out healthy snacks for the road trip and will be grilling fish (hopefully some freshly caught rainbow trout) instead of burgers on the 4th.