
It's hard to go back to comments and find *that particular comment* that might inspire me to enjoy booze and still not go over the calories. Here's an abridged transcript of the comments that started this Booze support group, and we'd welcome any other personal tips!

Shout out to perthy21 who somehow lead us to all talk about our favorite life elixir :P

starofdawn >> I like this website:

changsofa >> Ohhh yes. I'm a sucker for sweet mixed drinks & wine too! My strategy is to just not go out as much. Or say something like 'i already had xyz yesterday'. Most pple in my circle are not on MFP anyhow. But yay for cheat day!

katnisseverduh >> Good vibes are sent! Alcohol has been an issue with me too - as anyone who parties. I was paleo for awhile, and the only paleo-ish alcohol is tequila. Some nice silver tequila in the summertime, with a ton of oranges or limes squeezed in it is my jam. Each shot is 69 calories, and I can get by on a 2-shot drink with lots of citrus in it for basically a whole evening. Then I can get away with drinking water with oranges or limes in it, cuz it still looks like tequila, and people assume I'm still drinking! ... OK, maybe I think this out way too much.

caffeinefree >> You aren't over thinking it! I drink my water out of red solo cups at parties for the same reason. Everyone just assumes I am drinking and then I only get harassed when I turn down shots. :)

perthy21 >> I like to drink gin and diet tonic for the same reason! Switch to water with a lime and no one is the wiser.

starofdawn >> "Alcohol is my weakness as well! I've been cutting way back, but it's hard when so many social events revolve around drinking!" <---- this has been my main weakness with weight loss! I can easily avoid junk food, soda, even carbs, but I love going to parties and drinking with people. I've been teaching myself which beers are lower-calorie and learning to nurse them for a looooong time.


  • jpdanh
    jpdanh Posts: 37 Member
    Man...we used to drink here in the office on the daily. And I mean straight scotch/whiskey shots whenever I decided to get up and rouse the other guys (small office here with three other men - start up life). When I started to get a little more serious with my healthier lifestyle, I watched Sugar: The Bitter Truth and there was a part about how ethanol affects the body. That scared the **** out of me. After that, I cut shots out of my life for a long time. The guys have also cut down on drinking since the instigator (me) started laying off.

    Link for anyone interested:;feature=kp

    Side-effects? My weight-loss goals at that time stopped stalling, I could focus more on work. :P

    This was a couple years ago. Today, I still don't really do shots in the office unless we're celebrating. I used to always drink bottles of wine after martial arts training at the school. I've cut that down as well.

    I don't care to go out for parties anymore unless it's special occasion, and on those days, I try to reduce my intake during the day so that I can indulge at night. My favorite drinks:

    - Gin and tonics with lime
    - Scotch, neat
    - If I'm at an AMC theater, then a Southern Slam. Oh, so delicious and sweet.
    - Red wine. Any. Gimme.
  • starofdawn
    starofdawn Posts: 3 Member
    Hell yeah! I think I'll be sipping on vodkas and diet cokes from now on... unless I'm being the DD.
  • ems359
    ems359 Posts: 5
    Lately when I go out I've been drinking vodka sodas with lime. It's not my favorite drink but that makes me drink them slowly so I can stay in control more and drink less drinking. Soda water is calorie free so it's just the calories from the vodka, which isn't terrible. It's also better since I won't have to drink as much as I would if I was drinking beer so I don't have to derail my diet
  • egonewild
    egonewild Posts: 3
    This is an awesome website--- Thanks!
  • missjeanlouise
    missjeanlouise Posts: 80 Member
    My favorite drinks:

    - Scotch, neat
    - Red wine. Any. Gimme.

    Yes to both! Good Lord, if I worked in an office where doing shots was the norm, I'd likely be living in a van down by the river now. I don't think I have a problem, per se, but I do tend to want to keep going once I start.

    I drink about once a month now because it really sets me back on my weight loss goals. Not just the alcohol calories, but the snacking I do while drinking, plus if I get a hangover, I tend to need carbs, fat and protein in huge quantities. I am not going to drink again until vacation in late July.
  • perthy21
    perthy21 Posts: 3 Member
    Yay! Fellow drinkeresses :-)

    My go to drinks when being calorie conscious is gin & diet tonic. Then I can switch to water with a lime and no one will notice.

    I find that if I choose wine, I tend to drink it slower also. And it's really not THAT bad - I can generally plan a day of calorie-counting around a bottle of wine (shared with SO) with dinner and still be able to stay within my limit.

    The worst drink I've found (aside from a shot of tequila that was about 150 (!), is sake. Which is sad, because I am a HUGE sake fan. Le sigh.
  • zavrrr
    zavrrr Posts: 27 Member
    ooooh yes. i generally stick to red wine or whiskey (neat/soda water), but i will say that last night i got a can of cider at a show & noticed it had nutrition info on it. i assumed it would be HORRENDOUS but it was actually only 100cals for the can! so i think that will be a summer go-to for me as well.

    not sure how widely available this brand is, but here you go:
  • changsofa
    changsofa Posts: 37
    Thanks for the brand of cider! I'll be on the look out for it.

    My go-to beer is budwiser light lol
  • jpdanh
    jpdanh Posts: 37 Member
    I want to like beer...but it's hard. I'm slowly acquiring the taste - so far Yeungling and Amstel are ok.